So Natural

How I Stopped Constipation/The Essential Benefits Of Turmeric by misslatoya

hot-spiceAyushi said 4 days ago

I agree with the turmeric remedy to get rid of constipation. I had started getting constipated and had such a food regime to keep it under control. It would be fine for ten days and then return on the 11th day or so. I gave turmeric a try and I haven’t been constipated in two months now. It’s probably too soon to say anything but the problem was so frequently recurring earlier that two months have been such a relief!

You said 2 minutes ago

spiceI am so into healthy eating and caring for the body I even use a natural deodorant product that contains the safest of ingredients and that is endorsed by many cancer treatment centers as it does not supply any harsh chemicals like the commercial brands do only mineral salts and plant based extracts and the deodorant works so well and wonderfully for me.

spicyThat would be really great if the Turmeric does turn out to be a solid remedy for you within the long run I hope that it does, if not, hopefully you will fine another natural source that works in harmony with you and within your corresponding food regimen and body chemistry, because that is the key for all of us as unique individuals with different bodily constitutions and the circumstances that effect our overall functions as well as our digestive tracts.

We need to find things that are agreeable with us in order for it to work properly and thoroughly, and what may be a remedy for us may not always be or serve as the same productive treatment or cure for someone else.

fruit-vegetable-grainIn our occasional search to find the specific things that will cater to our own personal individual needs and growth that may also call for the vital improvement within whatever it is that may sometimes ail us I am sure that at the same time we are all reaching for that ultimate goal of consistently endeavoring to maintain the most optimal of health that is possible.

Fresh, Pure And Wholesome

ice cream and berriesI take good bites out of life; the chunks that I know are going to be the most nutritious and beneficial for me. I eat and live very health-wise. Aside from feeding our bodies we also have to feed our brains and without a healthy constitution our minds will lack the virility that it needs to properly energize and function.

bananaWe are spirits walking around within our shells of flesh yet while we are here on the earth it is very important to maintain that vibrant and flexible shell with love and respect.

Natural Cures For Menstruation/Using Vitamin Supplements As A Sufficient Remedy Against Discomfort During The Menstrual Cycle


A lot of women suffer from constant menstrual pain/cramps that is sometimes severe and unbearable during their menstrual cycles, and many of them heavily rely on over the counter medications that contain ingredients that may not be safe or necessary. The same goes for prescription drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.

The most common forms of over the counter pain medications available on the market are non steroidal anti-inflammatory and acetaminophen. Both of these medicines work uniquely in that one brings relief to pain by reducing the production of prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances produced in various tissue that cause pain and inflammation. They are derived from amino acids. And they mediate a range of physiological functions like nerve transmission and metabolism.

And the other functions by working on parts of the brain in which “the pain messages” are received.

Between the two drugs, only one is also able to bring about a reduction in irritation and swelling (inflammation), and those are the non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. However acetaminophen and the non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs both lesson fever and alleviate pain caused by and/or associated with stiffness and muscle aches.

When i was in my early twenties I use to faithfully purchase the over counter product Advil (the ones that came in the yellow box). Ibuprofen was the only pain killer that had worked on me.

And in my opinion, Advil was the best pain reliever out there on the market, and i also liked the ingredients that the product contained. The two nice tasting caplets gave me satisfactory results yet they’d wear off over a certain period of time during the day or night. Then i’d have to proceed with further dosages.

From a very early age my mother made sure that i took quality vitamin supplements every day. I began with the “Flintstones” brand. When i turned fourteen i became a strict vegetarian, only wanting to put the nutrients that were of high value inside of my body. I would only eat fresh fruits, vegetables and grains.

I ate soybean proteins that had taken the place of red meat. And when i whipped up my meals they would taste delicious. My vegetarian creations tasted so much better and fresher compared to non vegetarian, fast, and unhealthy prepared foods with garbage ingredients.

I stopped drinking soda and milk and would juice my own fruits and vegetables. I visited a particular health food store that was located in my neighborhood quite a lot back then and started a lifelong course and preference for supplements that were well suited for me.

I only had the strong, intense desire to consume the nutritious and natural things. And the benefits were and still are very rewarding.

Whenever I visited a doctor i never viewed them all as total experts or ultimate figures of authority. A lot of them are indeed very qualified, knowledgeable in their field, and good at what they do. Nevertheless, doctors are still human and make mistakes. They don’t hold all of the answers and they all cannot be completely trusted.

I remember years ago at New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center Located In Manhattan, New York getting prepped up for a pelvic or abdominal CAT Scan. I continuously inquired about the IV dye (Iodine-based liquid) that I was going to be shot up with. I already had drank a load full of Iodine the day before and prior to my scanning.

I made clear that I wanted the hypo allergenic version of the contrast. And I made sure that i was fully informed about every detail regarding my welfare and the procedure. I apologized to one of the medical professionals who had attended to me. I told her that i was sorry for giving her such a hard time.

The woman responded to me in return by saying “No, not at all. You’re smart. Most of the people who come in here to the hospital are stupid. They act like the doctors are gods and just let them do anything and don’t ask any questions”. And i have to admit that i was surprised to hear that. Shocked that she even imparted that knowledge to me. I was still quite young back then. Older people who came there to the facility weren’t as cautious and savvy the way that i was.

I always had a lot on the cap and steadily educated my self through literature and evaluation about the human body and various pills, topical solutions, and so on. I often knew the particular things that were wrong with me before a doctor made the diagnosis. I also gave suggestions that the doctors often agreed upon. And i also knew back then that i had the absolute right to refuse any treatment or medication prescribed to me by any health care professional.

It is very important in life for us to not only observe our surroundings but, to constantly stay aware and gather as much information as possible regarding what pertains to our personal well being.

On my journey of discoveries I came upon two fantastic supplements that I had taken apart from one another amongst the other vitamins that I take.

The first was the M.D. Select Advanced Probiotic 30 billion Enteric Coating “Vitamin Shoppe” brand (which did not need to be refrigerated). I started taking the then vegetarian capsules three years ago for overall health and received a little something extra in return which i did not expect. I noticed an end to all pain during my menstrual cycle. Even when i did not consume the supplement regularly on a day to day basis.

All I had to do was take was one dosage of the 30 billion strains of good bacteria and my pain was knocked out for the rest of the day-and sometimes even for the next entire day depending on the severity of the discomfort. If the pain was worse than usual i’d have to take two, but that was it! And the pain disappeared in less than an hour. I’ll say about a good twenty to thirty minutes.

I had only got a result like that from taking my mother’s 500mg prescription strength Dosage of Naproxen Sodium that she’d share with me during those particular times of the month. I had been stopped my consumption of Advils, they just weren’t making the cut anymore. And they were nowhere near as sufficient as taking one dose of Naproxen Sodium that also killed the pain for the following days to come.

The 24 billion Flora Smart Biotract Delivery “Renew Life” brand is another very good high quality effective product which also does not need refrigeration.

No matter how much relief that i gained from taking my mother’s Naproxen I needed a better solution because this non steroidal anti-inflammatory prescription drug that my mother had gotten from her doctor had harsh side affects.

If administered over a long enough period of time, and depending on how it was consumed (Naproxen was advised to not be taken on an empty stomach or to be taken with milk), Naproxen Sodium could cause ulcers and i wanted to avoid getting a hole burned in my stomach.

Now second and last but not least is 1000 0r 1500mgs of MSM which is methylsulfonylmethane. MSM is organic sulfur. A sulfur-containing compound that occurs naturally in a variety of vegetables, grains and fruits. And, it also occurs in humans and animals alike.

MSM is great and well known for a number of things such as arthritis and joint pain. And along with the many other health benefits-including the detoxifying and antioxidant properties-that come from taking this wonderful and natural vitamin, there are no serious/dangerous side affects.

However, we are individuals and what will work for some may not work for all.

Vegetables, vitamins and minerals may not “always” be definite miracle cures. However, they certainly do aid In making us healthier and making us function much better. They definitely work and provide excellent results right away and in the long run.

MSM is my ” 500mg Naproxen Sodium Substitute”. It is my “Miracle Cure”. The ultimate natural cure for my menstrual pain and cramps. And to me it is a miracle pill because it doesn’t just take away the discomfort for a day-but for the days afterward.

Living The Life Of A Vegetarian


I was raised and brought up on quality. My mother always made sure that i had the best of things. She never introduced me to any type of junk. And food was no exception. I was a very well taken care of little girl.

I also had my own naturally developed sense of style and taste that helped to distinguished my identity growing up through the years. From the beginning, i was always my own person, not influenced by anyone or anything. I was very observant, very opinionated, and very analytical.

And while other young teens were out running wild, hanging tough, partying hard, and selling their royal oats, I was home deciding what i wanted out of my life.

I knew that i wanted to be a writer and i would write and type up stories on the electric typewriter my mother had bought me. And i also knew that i wanted to lose a little bit of the weight that i had gained.

I was never a chubby child. I had always been on the slim side. It wasn’t until after I turned twelve that i noticed my body starting to fill out a bit. I was never at all self conscious about the way that I looked. My figure was solid and very well proportioned, I had a very attractive shape. However, when i walked my legs would rub together and that felt annoying. I’d also get tired kind of fast. My energy lagged a little.

As I was in the process of change upon entering into my teenage years I decided to change my eating habits. And i didn’t waste any time in doing it. Once I put my mind to something I will see it through.

I was very interested in becoming a vegetarian. The idea just seemed so right for me, it agreed with my personality. A young girl who was clean, healthy, and pure.

One of my favorite music super stars at the time was “Madonna”. I loved everything about her back then. And when I read In a magazine that she was homeless and would eat french fries out of public garbage cans before she became famous-from people who had thrown away the remains of their fast food meals-I was dead set.

Madonna claimed that she refused to eat any left over pieces of burger due to the fact that she was a “vegetarian”. So she did serve to me as a boost of inspiration.

At the start of my endeavor I became a very strict vegetarian. I only ate grains, vegetables and fruits. I drank only water and juice from fruits that i juiced.

When I turned nineteen years of age, I decided to settle and make a few adjustments to my diet. I accepted eating poultry, shrimp/fish (I love whiting), and dairy along with my usual regimen.

I still did not drink any soda. I didn’t have any desire to. And I still don’t til this day.There is no real nutritional value in those beverages. I did, however, start to drink milk again because I just loved vanilla milkshakes. And I drink only concentrated natural juices with textures that are “transparent”.

I am well aware that some people in particular do not consider chicken and seafood eaters 100% “pure vegetarians” but, nevertheless, I do fit into the category. I continue to refuse to consume anything that is derived from beef or pork.

I am very particular about what i put into my body. I check ingredients religiously and I will call up the company in which a product is manufactured in order to find out further detail regarding the quality.

I love breads. The majority of breads sold out on the market contain mono and diglycerides. An ingredient that I am not fond of and will not intake. There are the vegetable diglycerides which I do not prefer either. Certain labels are making an effort to bake breads with more natural contents now. They are starting to come out with bread titled “Simply Natural”.

Nothing beats Nature’s Pride breads in my opinion. It was an all natural brand. I just loved the honey and whole wheat flavors. Since “Hostess” shut down-the company which produced Nature’s Pride-the product was discontinued.

Haagen Daz is my favorite all natural brand of ice cream. The vanilla and butter pecan flavors are my preferences.

I am careful about cheeses that i eat as some are made with pig enzymes.

I purchase “Purdue” brand chicken and “Shady Brook Farms” turkey wings. I love the fact that purdue packs their chicken pretty clean. There is not so much messy slime to rinse and wash off. And their poultry does not have any animal by-products, hormones, or steroids. Their chickens are fed vegetarian diets and proteins.


I’m a constant rice eater. I love “Near East” brand and flavors. And i am crazy about “Uncle Ben’s rice. I’ve been eating that product ever since childhood. Both brands are vegetarian suitable, and Uncle Ben’s rice is naturally fat free.

I’ve been a fifteen year V.I.P. member of the “Vitamin Shoppe”. Every time i enter into their establishment I feel like a kid in a candy store. A great place to indulge in all of the vital necessities that contribute to good health.

I take Vitamin A. Both retinal palmitate and beta carotene. I also take the Vitamin B Complex supplements, Vitamin C, Vitamin D2 ergocalciferol (plant derived), Vitamin E d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, and quite a few more other vitamins and minerals.

How we treat ourselves on the inside will inevitably compliment us on the outside. As vegetarians we constantly and continuously rejuvenate ourselves. A lot of benefits come along from watching what we eat. Our cells function more properly. Our bodies ultimately cleanse and detoxifies-which results in regularity and better circulation. We heal better, and much faster. And we may even look better.

I know that a lot depends on a person’s metabolism and genetic make up but I have tremendous energy as a vegetarian. I am very youthful in my appearance. I have the figure of a teenager. And I feel just great. I’m in the best of health and shape as far as my “way of life” is concerned.

We become incredibly rich within our well-being altogether when the state of our wealth is valued to us for having great health. What better is there to reap the excellent rewards of a lifestyle that is dedicated to loving oneself.


I’ve been a vegetarian since the age of fourteen. And when I started out back then, I was a very strict one, only eating fruits and vegetables. I visited the health food stores getting my veggie-friendly sustained release vitamins and non-animal product foods. Soybean protein foods took the place of ground beef and tasted much better and fresher.

I juiced my fresh fruits and vegetables at home with my “Hamilton beach” juicer. I learned about juicers through the “juice man” who use to do those infomercials late after hours. My mother even bought me a juicing book stating just exactly what each fruit and vegetable represented and how they benefited the body.

I didn’t drink any soda, and I still don’t, as it serves as no genuine form of benefit or appeal to me. I only drink natural juices that I can see through and I love vanilla milk shakes.

When I reached nineteen, I settled just a little, and without regret. I accepted eating only poultry, seafood (whiting/shrimp), and dairy along with my fruits and vegetables. I know some do not consider chicken and fish eaters “pure vegetarians” however I still fall into the category. I still refuse to touch anything containing beef or pork. I’m very careful checking ingredients in foods even if I have to call up the company for verification.

Bread is one thing that I am particular about. Most bread found out on the market contains mono and diglycerides, something I definitely do not want to intake. Vegetable diglycerides are alright but I’d prefer none at all. So there are only two breads in particular that I eat in my location containing only naturally baked ingredients.

For years now, more natural sources became a necessity for me in my life. Instead of resorting to on the market medications all I have to do is pop a vitamin. Advil use to be the only thing that worked for me when it came to menstrual pain or the occasional headache. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I took an Advil.

Much to my surprise and relief I discovered that a single probiotic capsule or msm (methylsulfonylmethane) tablet knocked out my pain right away and for a long period of time (the entire day). Sometimes I may need to take two msm tablets twice for one day if the menstrual cramps are severe. Turmeric supplements are even good for pain. And these three natural vitamins are valuable for many more other things than just pain.

Vegetables, vitamins and minerals may not always be definite miracle cures but they certainly aide in making us healthier and making us function better. They definitely do work and provide excellent results.