Shannon Lee Wolf

Update: may 27, 2012- I don’t know how I forgot to mention this after all of this time. Shannon claimed that none of my stat visits were from her which I knew was purely bullshit! And I don’t know why she lied when the bitch has been following my blog. She is still following my blog till this day. I copied this from my blog follower’s page where she signed 1 year, 6 months ago

I hate this jealous bitch shannon lee wolf. If there is one thing that I can’t stand it is a liar and I got proof. Bitch can’t deal with the fact that there are people out there with much greater power and true knowledge that others don’t have (such as herself). I never took down what I copied/pasted and posted about the caul. Word press took it down last summer in june or july of 2010 because of order of the way.

Shannon says that I am angry and am trying to retaliate against her, angry at what? Shannon is so worried about me. She is the one who keeps coming to my site. I never visit her site. Every time I turn around her website keeps coming up on my site statistics search engine in detail so I got curious, seems to me like the bitch is trying to compete.

The truth always prevails. I am not thinking about her or whatever lies that she wants to tell or spread but I will say this. She better be real careful about messing around with good honest people. When her time is up and her shit crumbles she’ll learn not to fuck with “miss latoya”.

Shannon lee wolf’s bullshit:

“my voice” weblog by miss latoya lawrence – after becoming aware of her material being exposed as verbatim, miss latoya quickly removed her article displaying the same text as the order of the ancient. She is understandably upset with me for pointing her website out, and has some harsh words for me for inviting her to join my site as a proposed caul bearer.

Obviously this bitch isn’t playing with a full deck. I didn’t remove anything! And it wasn’t my material! – sincerely miss latoya lawrence (and order of the way went after shannon lee wolf too!)

  1. misslatoya Says:

    December 24, 2011 at 2:19 am e

  2. Talk is cheap. I knew that she was going to write to me and apologize; I could see it in my mind and feel it in my body all toward the end of last week. The only thing that she is sorry about is that I had proof to show that she lied on me. I can sense things about people that other people can’t sense.

  3. And she don’t know that I caught her post on her site where she first put that I declined on her membership offer only after she listed my site then she quickly changed it because that wasn’t true.

  4. And as far as me not being a threat that is also very untrue, on the 11th and 12th of december 2011 on both sunday and monday all day long for two days straight I felt this woman shannon lee wolf very intensely along with this other guy that I know of.

  5. It was heightened negative energy and every detail had come to me of what was going on. I burned a candle and just shortly after I got verification that she was indeed involved and one day later my energy blocked her out completely.

  6. Even now, after I received this comment from her all I felt was negativity from this woman in the pit of my stomach, vile negativity. All I get is bad vibes from shannon lee wolf.

  7. Shannon Says:

    December 20, 2011 at 3:13 pm eHi Miss Latoya,

    I did list your site among those with verbatim text to on my site. I was also sited by for using the word “caulbearer”, which they claim to own, but do not.

    I apologize for erroneously assuming that you removed the plagerized text, as clearly removed it.

    I have removed your site address from my verbatim list, so the hits you’ve been getting from there should stop. None of the hits were from me, as I don’t see you as a threat of any kind, and truly wish you well on your ventures.


The Order of The Way Ltd. Submitted on 2011/01/15 at 8:06 pm
Re: Legal Cease and Desist Notice Against

This is the legal department of The Order of The Way. We have come to identify that your website is gratuitously illegally duplicating and misrepresenting legally copyrighted content from:

(1) our sites and
(2) The Seven Signs, the Seven Seals and the Seven Veils, by Robert George Crosbie, ISBN 0953820602, for whom the Order of The Way has been authorised to act in this action.

The following page on your site, in particular, contains flagrantly plagiarised and illegally reproduced texts direct from the above websites.

You are hereby further advised and notified that the unauthorised and unlicensed use of the title of Caulbearer, its plural form Caulbearers, is therefore plagiarism (illegal use of intellectual property), and in breach of the legally held intellectual property rights of the above author, in whom both these titles and works legally vest.

Stop duplicating our content and remove all infringing pages immediately. If you do not abide to this in the next 24 hours of this mail receipt, we will be forced to carry out legal proceedings against you. We will release DMCA complaints as per Section 512 with all major search engines and hosting providers. Should this happen, your site will be banned permanently from the search engine database and dropped from hosting.

All content and images on and is copyrighted by US and International copyright laws, and any kind of duplication or reproduction is illegal. We demand you to stop this infringement immediately or else get ready to be sued for damages.

For, and Robert George Crosbie

Denis McGowan
Legal Team,
The Order of The Way Ltd.

Re: Legal Cease and Desist Notice Against
This is the legal department of The Order of The Way. We have come to identify that your website is gratuitously illegally duplicating and misrepresenting legally copyrighted content from:

(1) our sites and
(2) The Seven Signs, the Seven Seals and the Seven Veils, by Robert George Crosbie, ISBN 0953820602, for whom the Order of The Way has been authorised to act in this action.

The following page on your site, in particular, contains flagrantly plagiarised and illegally reproduced texts direct from the above websites.

You are hereby further advised and notified that the unauthorised and unlicensed use of the title of Caulbearer, its plural form Caulbearers, is therefore plagiarism (illegal use of intellectual property), and in breach of the legally held intellectual property rights of the above author,  in whom both these titles and works legally vest.

Stop duplicating our content and remove all infringing pages immediately. If you do not abide to this in the next 24 hours of this mail receipt, we will be forced to carry out legal proceedings against you. We will release DMCA complaints as per Section 512 with all major search engines and hosting providers. Should this happen, your site will be banned permanently from the search engine database and dropped from hosting.

All content and images on and is copyrighted by US and International copyright laws, and any kind of duplication or reproduction is illegal. We  demand you to stop this infringement immediately or else get ready to be sued for damages.

For, and Robert George Crosbie

Denis McGowan
Legal Team,
The Order of The Way Ltd.
The Order of The Way Ltd.

The Truth About The Caul And The Truth About Voodoo/Signs And Symptoms


I speak from experience:

A lot of people have written me asking me information about the matters of being born with a caul/veil and voodoo and black magic because I know so much about it. These two subjects are my life experience. I am a very honest person, often brutally honest and I don’t hold my tongue.

There are certain people out there and I don’t know where they get the nerve from who assume things about people they absolutely know nothing about. Most of the time they are insecure attention-seeking individuals who want to steal the spotlight, and for what? There is room for everybody without trying to scope out other people’s formats in an attempt to prove that they’re the only authentic or original.

A while back, I received this email from a Shannon lee wolf. Now I don’t know her personally but after reading the email I got a very negative vibe and I was right about what I felt. As a person myself born with a caul and having genuine empathic abilities I can read and see through people right away. I am a very good judge of character. Now I’m not here to knock her but I damn sure didn’t at all trust her and I damn sure don’t agree with her about what she considers to be “star children among us”. But if you come after me I’m gonna go after you! This is nothing serious; however, I do know how to read between the lines. This is how it went:

Thank you misslatoya, for offering this place for caulbearers to share! And warmest greetings to all caulbearers who long to find a place to call “home”.

I believe that the time has come for caulbearers to unite with oneanother…to find a place where they can meet other caulbearers…to share with those who understand the troublesome things they see, hear, smell, and feel.

To share the pain and loneliness a caulbearer feels…to heal and find peace with themselves and their gifts. To become the beautiful beings they were always meant to be!

Please come and visit my website anytime! If you feel at home there, send me a membership request, and i will get back to you very shortly…

Don’t take this the wrong way,

However, I was born with a double veil. I’m a clairvoyant. I am fully educated about the caul. I have extremely strong spiritual abilities and work professionally and have family members who are naturally gifted as well and were voodoo priestess so obviously you misinterpreted something somewhere along the line. You came across one of my sites that I was just sharing a little information. I have blogged for years. And have other sites that you may not be aware of. Http://

Of course, everyone has their own experiences. I am a natural born writer. Writing comes natural to me so my spirit tends to express itself in that manner. I have no desire to try to save anyone or the world for that matter I never thought of anything of that nature. So I’m not literally trying to educate anyone I’m just expressing and naturally using my talents and if some choose to learn from that information then so be it.

— on thu, 11/4/10, trellix mailer <> wrote:

From: trellix mailer <>
Subject: a comment form was submitted
To: latoyalawrence
Date: thursday, november 4, 2010, 11:03 am
Fullname: jade edwards
Comments: my name is jade edwards and i was born a caulbearer…and the founder of the sok ko healing modality. I came across your web page which gives some details on the subject matter. I’m pleased that you’re trying to educate the public…however, there are a few typo’s which i’m sure you didn’t mean to do. The following is a link to a website i am a member of. I believe you will find it to be the most authentic and soon to be go to for caulbearers and family to meet and learn. While you’re there, please feel free to use the information so you can update and expand your page.
The site has been on line less than a month and has already achieved world-wide attention! Plus i highly encourage you to contact the sites owner…who is also a caulbearer. Her name is shannon lee wolf and she can be easily reached from the above website. Fyi…she is also in the process of inviting one or two individuals who provide services/support to people. If accepted…you would be providing services to caulbearers and or their families. I hope you take this email seriously and contact her. Or if you feel better communicating with me and then i contact her…that would be fine as well.
Bye for now,
Jade edwards – founder
Sok ko healing modality

These people come from out of nowhere trying to bother me and I got my own things minding my own business and had the nerve to ask me to join.

These sick people, of course, I declined on the cunning offer. I’m a leader not a follower.

Everyone indeed is their own unique individual and Shannon says that those born with a caul/veil are lonely, feel tormented and afflicted and have a tendency for alcoholism or drug abuse.

Now maybe I am just a very strong person but I have never ever had those feelings and there are people in the world who weren’t born with a caul/veil who go through feelings of abandonment and use destructive ways to cope with their life.

And everyone born with a caul/veil is not on the same page even though they may share certain abilities or experiences. I know this for a fact. You can be born with a caul/veil and still not be of one another because there are many spiritual dimensions, paths, beliefs and genealogical factors involved.

I’ve met people born with a caul/veil that I can’t stand and who are not on the spiritual level that I am on. And I’ve met those who weren’t born with the caul/veil who do have insight into things and who I can connect with. It all depends on the individual.

From my own personal experience the definite signs of being born with the caul/veil are a wonderful experience if you are truly connected with your inner spirit. I’ve always been secure since my childhood because I was loved. Whether you are born with a caul or not as a child if you get the love and assurance that will instill and continue to encourage your own self-acceptance in life.

People born with the caul/veil are very perceptive and intuitive and often see, hear, know and feel things that others will before they themselves consider knowing or doing it. They have wisdom and special creative talents (one of my power outlets often comes from me writing through to the universe).

They are clairvoyant. They have the ability to see visions, have dreams and to hear things that are prophetic. They can taste and feel what is not within normal range or normal contact such as with spirits, foods or energies. (I’ve bit down on energy before and the best way that I could describe it is like a thick buzzing mass of electrical current) and they are able to communicate with the dead and with others through telepathy.

Those born with the caul/veil also have a strong connection to the spirit world (I’ve spotted a lot of demons here on earth along with a lot of other things). They have hidden knowledge and know the truth about life.

In my past I’ve been read by three authentic Yoruba priestesses and one babalawo and I can honestly say that they were right on point. They could see what I was born with and what I was destined for. They gave me confirmation in many things. I investigate as I experience and learn. I’ve also in my past been read by a curandero and she was pretty accurate.

There are many psychics out there and so-called psychics. A true reader of any kind will know private details about you and your life. I’ve dreamed and picked up on so many personal details about people around me that I had found out to be all so true. It doesn’t even have to be people that I personally know. It could be famous people; it could be the president of the United States.

Another factor about those born with the caul/veil is that they shouldn’t speak so much about what they have and about what they know to everybody. Some things should just be kept to just a selected few if any. Some will be condemned as having mental illness by ignorant ones who do not understand or who do not believe and some may become the victims of evil people who fear them.

Now pertaining to voodoo and black magic, negative voodoo manipulates and will try to play with your mind then work on your emotions. Some people write to me with exaggerated outrageous stories of the signs and symptoms they claim to experience that don’t even make any sense.

Yes voodoo/black magic definitely is real, it does work and it can be life threatening and ruin a person’s world. Voodoo/black magic can affect your mind, health, career, relationships and spirituality. People put it in your food. They take your personal items (hair, sweat, semen, vaginal secretion, fingernails clothing etc…) and sacrifice animal blood over it, bury it or conjure with it.

In most rituals they use pictures and your name to have spirits “sniff” you out then come harass you. This happens a lot in love rituals. They make you constantly think of a person.

Mind control:

One of the most common rituals is putting confusion into a person’s mind. Attackers try to make you think the opposite of what is the truth.

For instance, if you are attractive they will want you to think that you are ugly. If you are smart then they will want you to think that you are dumb, silly things. They will even put feelings and thoughts into your head to be at a particular place where you would normally have no desire to go. And they often give you the feeling to crave and do things for their own personal thrill. It’s all to control and destroy a person.

In more serious cases attackers set out to make people commit suicide through the use of voodoo/black magic mind control. And some people tend to fall for the tricks not realizing they’re just a part of a game. Black magic will try to make you mistake illusion for your own true thoughts and feelings when indeed they are not. It takes a strong knowledge of self and a strong mind to conquer voodoo/black magic.


Those under the influence of voodoo/black magic may feel like their life has come to a standstill. Even in their minds. Attackers try to impede intelligence as well as social advancement. They don’t want your mind to grasp knowledge; they don’t want you to be able to catch on to things. Attackers want to make you incompetent and lose confidence in yourself. They want to feel above you and if there is something they can do that you can’t they won’t feel so intimidated.

They want you to fail in your relationships. When they see you very happy and harmonious with a lover, a relative, a friend or even a pet it drives them crazy. They want you to suffer, argue and be miserable like them.

Voodoo/black magic is controlling a great deal of the world.

Some definite signs are:

Headaches, perpetual negative thoughts or voices in the mind, the feeling of things crawling on the inside of your skin along with a throbbing burning sensation, closing up of the throat, constant pain, pressure and stiffness in certain or all parts of the body, continuous excessive menstrual bleeding not associated with the normal cycle, arousal of the genitals, rape and orgasm during sleep (waking up upon stimulation), irrational behavior from others.