Hoo Is That? 🦉🙊


It is 5:21 am in the morning here in Queens, New York as I type this.

At exactly 5:17 to 5:18 it sounded like I heard a darn owl outside my window.

There are a lot of trees in my area and by my window- Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo- I said what the hell! 🙈😄😁😂🙉


No Buzz About It


On Monday morning I stepped out of my apartment building into the pleasant air of a warm summer day.

I stood by the curb waiting for the bus when I happened to look down upon myself.

I noticed a bumble bee on my shirt.

I instantly knocked the bee off me.

The insect fell to the ground.

I quickly went to stomp and kill it.

I know from experience if you hit a bumble bee or yellow jack, they get furious, motion around in speed, ready to attack.

My mother got stung while she wore sandals on one of her toes by a bumble bee during the 1980’s shortly after striking one away from her.

Her toe had swollen up so badly, full of pain.

I also had gotten stung by a yellow jack on my arm as a kid after striking one away from me.

The sting was annoying as it throbbed continuously non-stop.

Sometimes bees or yellow jacks will rapidly fly away after being hit when one distance themselves from them.

It is great when we can avoid killing them, other times the instance is necessary.

The Third Time Around This Summer❤


I have completed my three-book publishing goal on three different motivational subjects that spirit inspired me to write regarding positively journeying in life, experiences with God, and health and wellness.

Now I am moving on to other interests as I am flexible and adapt to an array of whatever it is that naturally captures my fancy.

I come up with my own unique ideas.

When I was a little girl, I used to write short horror stories that I was offered the opportunity to get published into mainstream.

I used to love horror movies back then.

I am not so much into horror now, though, I still appreciate a horror film that is done well and entertaining.

I like suspense and have been writing a novel that will soon be finished. The book will be a suspense/thriller.