Daily Living

Like I have said before in the past the Corona Virus/Covid-19 pandemic has been a tragic situation for the world, a very unfortunate circumstance especially with the unexpected loss of loved ones that many had to suffer.

Nevertheless, life has not been an inconvenience to me at all in terms of lifestyle since this was practically my natural way of living to begin with.

There really was no major change or burden impacted on me.

I have enjoyed times and events but mostly I am a homebody who is quite comfortable in her own skin not requiring the constant presence of society.

For others who were used to frequently mingling outdoors or constantly hanging out and being very socially active I am sure the shutdown has certainly put a damper on things to say the least.

The happening is enough to drive a lot of people insane.

There is a supernatural comfort and strength the holy spirit provides in times defined by the world as tough to get through moments.

A worldly person’s hell may be a spiritual person’s haven due to the contrast in the differing life essence.

There is a beauty that shines, a light that glorifies, and a mighty power that sustains. I am so glad to be a recipient of that divine intervention.

Praise the Lord!







What Is The Problem?


A lady called into the radio station that my mother and I frequently listen to early this morning. I was asleep. My mother told me about it when I awoke. The lady was distressed and not able to cope, she was so upset the broadcasters couldn’t understand the majority of her words as she expressed her worries, and concerns.

There are people who are unable to handle or deal with the alterations within daily living due to the Covid-19 virus.

In all honesty, what is there really to handle? The circumstances have not actually reduced the quality of life. This situation is all about perception. In particular aspects, the occurrences going on within life now is better than what was taking place before.

I genuinely like the way things are at this current time and I’m definitely not alone within my feelings I am just one who is not afraid to admit to it.


Don’t get me wrong in terms of the devastation in which this pandemic has brought on with creating the loss of jobs, financial problems, and early deaths among the masses of people who have been affected by these happenings.

Our world and society have always been plagued by moments of periodic crisis and the spread of disease. This is not the first of events and it won’t be the last to come.

Aside from that, if anything there is to freak out about is those darn suffocating masks that we mandatorily have to wear.

Shit, if anything one shouldn’t be able to handle is constantly not being able to breathe on the regular, not the rest of what should be considered as pleasant beneficial life ajustments.

Comfortable Living

Today the weather is cloudy, rainy and cool. Such a quick change yet nothing out of the ordinary.

The weather was sunny and warm yesterday I went and shopped as I was finally able to buy a few bottles of rubbing alcohol from one of my favorite retail outlets. I also picked up another package of medical/surgical masks at my local discount store before I headed on to buy food/groceries.

Last week I noticed certain stores opening back up and shelves replenished with items that had been vacant for weeks at stores that had remained opened.

My family and I have everything we need, though, I still go pick up extra preferred things that we may get low on from time to time. Things should be easier to come by now that a lot of people have run out of money in which they irresponsibly exhausted from over-buying and over-spending.

I was able to get my hands on in-demand supplies a month ago because I travel to various places to get my quality products.

This pandemic has not stopped us at all from living comfortable or peaceful. There may be crisis within the world but there is no crisis within our heart and home. 

Verizon Prepaid Wireless

Verizon Prepaid Wireless You’re The Best

When the cell phone first arrived on the market, I had always gone with the Verizon prepaid phones. I never wanted to be bound to any contract or any other hassles or whatever else that went along with the premium services in general.

I have to give a huge shout out to Verizon prepaid wireless. For the second month in a row they have offered to me another 15GB of extra free data at no charge.

I received a text message yesterday as I was on my way to actually buy a refill card to update my monthly phone plan since the local wireless store in my area has been temporarily closed down.

I have been a loyal customer of Verizon prepaid and from what I have experienced all throughout the years (nine-teen years to be exact) they have been exceptionally good to me.

They also take very good care of their customers in times of emergency. I remember during the California wildfires they gave out free data to help people out and here they are again helping out in the midst of this pandemic.

It is the thought that counts and it is such a wonderful gesture, and after all, Verizon can afford to give back on behalf of their customers.

I just wanted to commend Verizon prepaid on their continuous generosity and service to us customers who have maintained a pleasant relationship with them.

Verizon prepaid-again, you’re the best!


Corona Conspiracy Theory? Just A Thought That Ran Across My Mind

On the news they’ve mentioned Donald Trump and his crew not wearing any masks during this pandemic. The excuse I heard was that they all were supposed to have been tested for Corona Virus and all of them tested negative.

So, in other words, they don’t feel the need to wear masks as they’ve directed, and have been directed to do, just like everyone else has been advised to do.

I heard today, vice president Pence was caught not wearing a mask and his excuse was the same as Trump’s and their crew-because he also tested negative.

It seems to me that even though Corona Virus is said to have possibly developed from infected animals in China (according to the news/media) these politicians (Trump/Pence and others who are involved) give me the impression that the disease was especially planned out and put into operation and they all may have been injected or protected with something in which makes them all immune from catching the Corona Virus.

I’m not saying that I am absolutely right, However, it is a genuine thought that has crossed my mind.

Nevertheless, the universe is in control and as I’ve said before this circumstance of Corona Virus will all eventually come to pass. This is going on for a reason, better changes are in fruition and celestial revelations are manifested to those who are inclined.

We in particular receive the messages through our inner voice of spirit.


Corona Phobic: Hygienic Due To The Pandemic

Excerpt from: No One Can Ever Take Away The Beauty Of Mind And Spirit

People have also told me that I speak about a lot of things that many people think and feel, and want to say but don’t. And that I write with power and passion.

I do not usually get inspiration from other sources as mainly what I write about comes from deep within and what I’ve noticed about myself and other gifted people or people of intellectual distinction who have been in my circle at one time or another is that we often know and come up with insight and solutions far before it even hits or is even accepted by mainstream society.

For instance, certain quotes that are motivational are words that we were already aware of, experiencing and living by. Spiritual, mental and physical findings that have been discovered through research we had already been conscious of and living in accordance to years ago before it had become commercial or more well known among a large group of individuals, and so on.

Even particular clothes we were wearing before they became one of the most popular name brand items.

The thing about it is that when those who are not on the level and are only able to perceive from within the boundaries of their own limited outlook when they first hear the variety of wisdom, information and solutions as it comes from us they are quick to judge or call us crazy because we are so ahead of them within our keen sense of knowledge and comprehension yet when they as slow learners finally do get the messages they then develop and acquire a philosophy or mode of life and further understanding that results in possible expansions for those who choose and are able to grow. Read more here

I remember when I could walk into any store that sold household cleaning products and easily find bleach or Lysol without a problem-forget about rubbing alcohol!

Now these necessities are scarce to come into contact with at the same time revealing a tell-tale sign of many people’s behavioral habits and hygienic practices far prior.

Before all of this Corona Virus scare that has petrified the masses I was already living and doing what is being instructed to do in regard to social distancing, “germaphobia”, and even further.

When I’d get on the bus I rarely sat in the seats and I hated when passengers would come too close or rub up against my clothing. I’d never touch outside or even indoor things without a paper towel or other material to push elevator buttons, turn doorknobs, hold onto transportation poles (buses and trains).

At certain jobs I’d wear gloves and put my jackets in a clean plastic bag instead of laying them down or hanging them up around other people’s belongings.

I wouldn’t sit down on other people’s furniture unless I placed something under my derriere (plastic bag, towel, disposable chuck).

I cleaned my cell phone with alcohol or disinfectant wipes every day before I went out and never held the phone against my ears. When I used phones that were located within establishments, I’d wrap tissue or paper towel around the receiver to protect my ears.

I even cleaned dollars bills once in a while years ago. I never put any money bare into my pockets as money is the filthiest thing to carry around. I always wrap money in protective material. I’d sometimes just wear gloves too for use with money and handling outside activities.

I never let anyone kiss or hug me; I never eat after anybody and so on, and I was doing all of these things since I was a teenager!

Certain people would laugh at me and call me ridiculous, especially because of the way I constantly washed my hands sometimes.

Now many average people have adopted this way of life and I laugh in general because they’re doing it all primarily out of fear while I did and still do it out of instinct, even if it may seem extreme. I’m sure there were others out there in the world just like me already doing our natural precautious habits regardless of how others may have reacted toward us.

It’s funny when those of us that are ahead of our time mind-wise and/or spiritually get ridiculed until it comes out just how on point, we actually we’re from the beginning with seeing, knowing, and understanding what others couldn’t decipher.

It is deep how some people have to be driven to extreme fear before waking up and realizing particular things.

Many didn’t even know what bleach was before Corona Virus reared its lethal head. Those of us who used bleach and other sufficient products on the regular now have to hunt these items down just to use them normally.

Luckily, I was able to get some bleach at a Walgreen’s, however, rubbing alcohol is still out of reach and I refuse to pay $13.00 to $20.00 for large bottles of unknown brand alcohol at a local beauty supply store. I just bought witch hazel instead to routinely clean my ears and to soothe the body when needed.

I bet when this Corona Virus is all over and forgotten about many will go back to their old nasty, germy ways.


When I began class a while back there were also online academic tasks assigned to us students for additional study in which I took advantage of and enjoyed. Now that school was temporarily cancelled due to the circumstances befalling the world right now (Corona Virus) the available online courses are primary.

I find it a very serviceable resource to be able to utilize my studies within the comforts of home for limitless periods of time any day of the week just as long as the educational instrument is being implemented.

My teacher had phoned me and other classmates last month notifying us of a possible further online study program, I haven’t heard anything from her since. I ran into a girl who attends my class a week ago and she asked me if I know when school is going to start back up because she misses the class. We did have a wonderful environmental setting, good teacher, and sufficient preparation.

I told her that originally the teacher had informed to me back in March that we may resume about the third week of April, however, apparently after listening to governor Cuomo address that New York will not be opening up currently or any time soon, I logically assume that our attending school will be put on hold a little while longer until health risks are at a significant or absolute low.

In the meantime, I have no worries or complaints and treasure this period as a sign that has demonstrated to me luck and a transition into supplementary better things to come as one “spiritually connected/in tune”.



Fortunate Occurrences


I don’t stay home for the sake of staying home I go out and do what I have, need, and want to do when the time calls for it.

Though, when spirit speaks within the beauty of love, respect, and protection with the further generosity of vital welfare, I absolutely respond with the ultimate gratitude.


I’ve worked in retail for fourteen years and I’ve professionally worked in health care for six and a half years.

I always keep more than one job.

At the beginning of the year, when I changed my work schedule at one of my jobs to fit in with my academic course everything worked out just fine.

Then, almost a month afterward, one of my managers in the health care field asked me if I would change shifts with another employee who decided that she wanted to go back to school to enroll in some courses.

I told her no because I was in school too and wasn’t going to interfere with or jeopardize my plans to advance myself further in what I may consider to do within life. Where the hell did, she have the nerve to think I would sacrifice my studies for some other employee, and after I already had made a schedule change with her (the manager) myself to conveniently attend school on certain days.

“Oh, I didn’t know if you were still continuing with that”, she had said to me.

I had never given her any details about my course as it was none of her business yet I didn’t appreciate her calling me asking me to change my schedule as if the other person was more important than me so I quit right there on the spot over the phone and left her hanging just like that. Don’t fuck with me!

I still had another job that I could go to while I attended school. In between time, I still looked for another job as back up.

When I found one and was about to take orientation the Corona Virus shit broke out. Everything was coming to a halt, even school temporarily shut down.

Even as some jobs had put a hold on hiring, I managed to get employed at not one but with two other companies who were still in the midst of employing individuals since I was considered an “essential employee” within the health care field.

On one of the new jobs I needed an up to date physical so in March I went for my yearly physical but the doctor didn’t want to clear me for work because of the paranoia over the Corona Virus shit. She told me to stay at home.

I was pissed off because I like to make my money; so, I went home and emailed her a nasty little note telling her that I wasn’t worried about catching no Corona Virus and I asked her if she were going to pay my bills?

Then, the second new job came through where I didn’t need any medical clearance, yet a few days before work the schedule was cancelled temporarily until this Corona Virus shit dies down.

All together now I have three jobs that I haven’t been able to go to. Yet I have been blessed with means to survive without having to worry about anything. So, I had to sit back and take notice at what was staring me right in the face.

No matter how hard I tried to go out there to continue to work the universe was telling me no, not at this time of pandemic crisis and at the same time I wasn’t left hanging within any financial woes.

The powers that be didn’t want me or my family caught up in that shit going on out there.

“Spirit” literally isn’t any joke. When we genuinely and wholeheartedly walk in spirit the essence protects us and sees us through. We are carried thoroughly, supplied with our needs and wants until we are able to again carry ourselves once the coast is clear.




“Masking” The Truth


So Stimulating!

The IRS came through promptly on April 15.

The money comes in handy for those going through the lack and loss of work until unemployment funds are available to the eligible, even though the amount may not be equivalent to the needs of some people, it’s better than nothing for the meantime.

People should aspire to spend their money wisely, however, there are always those who just want to use the funds irresponsibly.


I had to spend ten dollars today on ten masks that were a dollar each. Before this pandemic, and before panicky assholes went on a frenzy and bought out mostly all essential products unnecessarily, one was able to buy ten masks for a dollar.

The only reason I bought the masks are because after today they become mandatory to wear. A bus driver mentioned that without a mask starting tomorrow no one would be allowed to ride the bus.

I understand the precaution to a certain point, but much of this shit appears to me like control by the government and I don’t like it. No one takes away my freedom! The freedom to go where I want when I want; the freedom to not wear what I don’t want to wear and etc…. The only way to get a lot of individuals to obey is to manipulate by threats.

If we’re not easily persuaded then they’re ready to take away our constitutional rights and they try to do it within a way that seems crucial and within the best interest of everyone when in reality there are other ulterior motives truly involved.





Stimulus Payment


This nigger/guy approached me yesterday afternoon on the bus. He asked me if I knew a girl named “Tammy”. 

I said “No”. 

Then he told me that I looked familiar and asked me if I was from around the neighborhood that we were in. 

I told him “Yes”. 

He muttered the word “Damn”, afterwards. Then he asked me if I smoked weed and I told him “No, never”. 

He said and asked in return “No, nothing?” 

“No”, I had said again. 

He then repeated to me, “You look familiar”, and he again muttered, “damn”. 

The nigger got off the bus at the next following stop and went about his way. 

He must of thought I looked so familiar to him since my lips were a little bit ashy yesterday-comical in a nonsense sort of way to me.


This week I should receive my $1,200 stimulus fund because I filed my taxes back in February and had already gotten my income tax/tax return. Some have already received their money this past Friday. My school courses that I had been taking was put on hold since March (fortunately I’m able to use this convenient time for continuous study at home), and work has been slow all due to Corona virus, though otherwise, everything is still going pleasant and I’m comfortable in this period of living in “The Twilight Zone”. I have my health, my humor; my intelligence and peace of mind, my love, my family and my spirituality. 

Nevertheless,  we all need and want our well-deserved money!




Certain people are running to their god of the bible out of distress and they are in need of mental and emotional support. If they were solid in the first place, they wouldn’t be so tormented.

Those of us in particular aren’t disturbed at all. We have no reason to be.

The universe is cleaning up and many who are in a state of distinct spiritual “unconsciousness/unaware” have reactions that are typical for them right now-full of fear, panic, and worry. Those who need to die don’t want to perish and are making it bad for others who aren’t blowing this shit all out of proportion.

It’s funny watching the no good suffer, though.

Too bad the Corona virus doesn’t just strictly kill up all the large masses of people who are a waste of life, trouble, or who shouldn’t be here on the earth to begin with.


Keep The Faith And The Faith Will Keep You


This social distancing isn’t really any sort of inconvenience for me considering the fact that I was already living within those similar circumstances as far as keeping to myself and being precautionarily hygienic.

This Corona virus shit doesn’t scare me one bit; it doesn’t at all stop me from wanting to go out to work or to take care of my business. At the same time, I would never want to pose any possible risk toward any of my loved ones, yet I’m just not personally nervous or fearful about this current global situation. It has no impact on what’s going on in my life.

Everything is still normal for me at this worldly time of challenge. As a spiritual person I am here within physical form, of course, but not of or affected by any of it.

This is going on; the situation is here, it’s happening for a reason; it is tragic for some, it is a spiritual message and epiphany for some, and it is also a moment of hold up for some.

No matter whatever is gained or loss from this it will all surely come to pass in due time. Meanwhile, I continue to keep aware, and I continue to keep naturally pushing on.

Corona Virus


It’s sad that it took this Covid-19 virus to wake people up about being clean and thoroughly hygienic amongst themselves as well as in social settings.

Buses and trains should have already been getting disinfected on a regular basis.

I had practiced handwashing and cautious social contact within my natural daily living all throughout my early childhood on up. When I worked in retail, I use to wear gloves as a rule and as a method of common sense.

Ignorant people use to laugh at me for my so called “germophobic” ways; smart people use to praise me. Now many are trying to adapt to a mode of hygienic precaution.

Eventually this will all come to pass just like everything else in life. The universe speaks within so many ways and particular occurrences happen for a reason. I haven’t been worried at all about this Covid-19. It is a sign of the times and an unfortunate effect of the intangible impacts on nature. More people need to wake up in general.

While I do understand the gravity of this pandemic situation people have blown things way out of proportion.

There is no excuse for the manner in which people have panicked and bought out all of the toilet paper, paper towels, alcohol, and other specific items. The supermarket shelves are ridiculously abandoned of certain foods as well.

I remember how ignorant people were during and at the end of the year 1999, buying up all of the bottled water, and etc… If the world were to had come to an end at the beginning of 2000, I’m pretty sure buying out everything from the stores would have just been a complete waste of time.