My Vagina


Some may find me to be a bore since I never was a whore.

I have never smoked, I have never drunk alcohol, I have never done drugs, and I have never been arrested.

I was classified as a good girl growing up and just about everyone in my neighborhood was aware of me being unlike the majority.

Many were very jealous of me, some were proud of me, admired me, and were inspired by me- yet I was just me.

Unafraid, unabashed and uninfluenced by this society.

I was never promiscuous or interested in sex.

There were a lot of men and women who found me to be pretty and/or sexy, however, their projection had nothing to do with my affection.

I was always classy and a bit sassy but really just high-spirited.

I never had sexual intercourse as a teenager. I wasn’t having sex during my twenties. I didn’t have sex in my thirties, and I still don’t have sex now that I am in my forties and to me, I am exciting!

It is exciting to stand out from the crowd. It is exciting to be unlike the world.

It is exciting to live pure within spirit.

I have never been lustful. I think it is disgusting the way this society constantly promotes sex.

I find pleasure and satisfaction in love, knowledge, spiritual endowment and spiritual empowerment.

We don’t have to take our clothes off to have a good time. My moments of ecstasy and climax have all been while I was fully dressed in the beauty of the things that bring to me my true joy and fulfillment.


P.S. I am not condoning or promoting abortion. However, when it comes to a woman’s body and whether or not she chooses to be intimate or not, or whether she decides to have a child or not it is completely her choice. This is a control issue and the government has no right to decide what we do with our own bodies. People who consider it a moral issue need to mind their business as that is between the individual and God. We will all answer for our actions one day. God knows a person’s heart and situation he is the only true judge.






I knew ever since childhood that I would never grow up to get married. The desire was never within my heart.

I didn’t even want to have a boyfriend. I still don’t, and I never will.

I don’t believe that marriage and intimate sexual relationship is for everybody.

I do believe as I always have that there are men who don’t have sex until they are married and men who don’t- and have never cheated on their wives.

Some may believe that is a naive view to hold, but in reality, it is not. The majority of men may not fit into this category, though, there are far too many men in the world for them all to be sexually promiscuous and cheaters.

People seek out marriage for many different reasons depending on culture and personal values. I just never saw a purpose for the undertaking in my life.

I never felt the need for a man to make me happy. I never believed happiness came from a man. I always found happiness from within my spirit. I never felt the need for a man to complete me (which I don’t understand the void in certain women who do feel this way.) I naturally felt whole and complete within myself as an individual.

I’ve never even understood the concept of falling in love with a man. I’ve fell in love with a puppy before, but never a man. I don’t have those feelings or sexual desires and I am perfectly happy that way.

When I read in the bible as a youngster of Paul’s statements in regard to it being “better not to marry” in 1 Corinthians 7:40 I could identify with his words and considered it a gift indeed to not have any sexual or romantic need.

In a world where I was considered not normal for not wanting to get married or to have sex, I was proud and unbothered.

Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you.

God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world. Each of you, dear brothers and sisters, should remain as you were when God first called you.

Now regarding your question about the young women who are not yet married. I do not have a command from the Lord for them. But the Lord in his mercy has given me wisdom that can be trusted, and I will share it with you. Because of the present crisis, I think it is best to remain as you are.

I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His interests are divided. In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and holy in body and in spirit. But a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.

But in my opinion it would be better for her to stay single, and I think I am giving you counsel from God’s Spirit when I say this. -1 Corinthians 7:20-40

Yes, and also as a woman, and a human being, I am so glad that not having a desire for marriage is not a sin. If I was interested, I would have had a very hard time obeying any man and having him as head over me within my personal life. I was never the subservient type and too independent.

I enjoy the single life where I am just fully committed and aligned with being fully obedient to God. –latoya lawrence


Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. -1 Corinthians 6:18

Fornication has for years run rampant and it is definitely classified as immoral behavior within the bible.

I am not at all being judgmental when I say this, but I never understood why sex was so out of control in society.

Sex is overly advertised and heavily encouraged. It has always been a thing craved, and tempted by.

I understand God created intercourse to be an enjoyable way for people who are married to express their passion and to reproduce, but the nature of it and the act itself has always been something that turned me off.

I was repulsed at an early age even by animals engaging in the act.

From my perspective I just don’t understand why sex captured the world so popularly.

People hopping from one person to another for a sensation is plain nasty.

To me, a tongue kiss is even disgusting.


He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. -Psalms 103:10-14

A baby is a blessing whether born inside or outside of wedlock and psalms 139:13-16 pertains to children conceived under both circumstances.

I played with dolls as a child with no desire to have a baby when I had gotten older.

Then, for a period of time in early adulthood, I considered having one.

The only problem was I wanted a baby/child without having a husband.

I didn’t want to get married. I wanted to be a single mother. I wanted to have a daughter of my own just like I cherished the close and loving relationship shared between my mother and I in a single parent home raised with the rest of our family.

I didn’t have the money needed for invitro fertilization at a sperm bank and I didn’t want any continuous sexual relationship or commitment.

I had been acknowledging during my teenage years to those who inquired why I didn’t have a boyfriend or didn’t want a husband that, “The only reason I would ever have sex is to conceive a child”.

I was a virgin and content. Even within a marriage I didn’t want to be sexually intimate. I knew I was asexual and there is no sin in asexuality.

I had no intention to have sex unless it was to make a baby and I sincerely wished as a woman I didn’t have to have intercourse in order to have a baby.

Now, we all know there is sin according to God when it comes to premarital sex. I thought it was unfair to have to be with a man to get pregnant.

A lot of people thought my feelings and thoughts were strange, many had never heard of young ladies speaking in that fashion. The majority of girls were interested in guys and sex. My statement was not common I was even told that I was rare.

As I look back, I am so grateful to God that it never happened and I didn’t bring a child into the world. I really didn’t need one, it was just a passing fancy.

The circumstance went against his plan anyhow as I wanted to do things my way with having a child out of wedlock. I absolutely refused the idea of marriage.

I wouldn’t had truly wanted any precious baby of mine being born into this evil and cruel, sick world.

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. -1 John 1:9

A “Lady” Is Not “Truly” Defined By Her Sexual History

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

In my opinion, sexual intercourse is a stupid act as I consider a man and his penis totally undesirable.

Nevertheless, I am a very intelligent and logical open-minded woman who knows there are a lot of females who are interested in men and sex, or who may just use men for sex whether they want to have a child or they may just want to get their kicks off.

I can still elaborate common sense to a subject in which makes no sense.

I don’t care what anyone does with their lives or with their bodies as it is of no concern to me, in spite of that fact, as a societal issue and as a woman/lady myself I am inspired to express on this subject.

I’m not at all saying that attitudes will ever change, but that I, and I am quite sure many others, absolutely do not…

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Go Figure

When the past comes to reflect without intent there are messages to take notice of that hint to certain information relevant to the present.

As I look at my present where what shines on me are those who share the brightness of my light.

When I look back at the darkness where there are the undesirables that came to surround me to hover and to create a permanent shadow.

In the distant past:

A female named Cherilyn Festus I had met when I was about ten she was fifteen and had moved on my block. Already Cherilyn had a reputation for sucking penis. Her nickname was “Head Hunter”.

Cherilyn’s breath smelled real bad even when she returned back to the neighborhood years later to shack up with a Jamaican guy on the block who’d constantly disrespect her and who she financially supported with the money she’d gotten through financial aid and an inheritance, I think.

Her so-called friends would use her and take advantage of her for her credit card and the little bit of money that she had.

She was supposed to be going to school to become an accountant instead she ended up with no job, no home, and a african man who she shacked up with in order to keep him in the country before he dumped her whoring bummy ass.

(The Jamaican guy before the African had been cheating on Cherilyn the entire time they were together and had a child just as old as the relationship between them that she didn’t know about and moved the mother of the children into his home not too long after Cherilyn moved out).

The recent past:

A lady that I worked with four years ago that actually was a client of mine as she suffered from depression went by the name of Rose.

Rose was the exact same age as me at the time which was forty-one. She had a twenty-one year old daughter, an eighteen year old son, an eighteen month old daughter, and a newborn daughter that was a week old.

The ex husband of her first two children came by the house where she lived asking her for money to support his new wife or girlfriend with.

Rose’s present husband had disrespected her and her oldest daughter in front of me more than once and acknowledged while I was there that her and her daughter both love babies and sex.

This husband of Rose’s had a woman on the side who was the aunt of her oldest daughter’s boyfriend’s ex girlfriend who’d both the husband and the boyfriend would visit together.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that her daughter was six or seven months pregnant.

The husband told me himself directly in front of her that he wanted the one year old child that they shared together but that he didn’t want the newborn.

“So you don’t love her?” Rose had asked.

There was a lot more going on and to this story as the couple constantly fought, too much to write about, and how she was being used and taken advantage of by her own stupidity.

What I had gotten was a close up view of looking through the unfortunate lives of these others that believe it or not thought their shit didn’t stink.

Yet people like me who’d never ended up in situations like these and more, and would never think to as that lifestyle and way of mentality was never in the cards, are discarded as the ones to look down on just because we never got fucked up.