Age Is No Factor When God Decides To Bless You


I am at the age of forty-six now. However, it did not take me to get a specific age to acquire particular knowledge.

I gained wisdom early on within my youth. I knew what life was about by the age of twelve.

I was born with spiritual and intellectual gifts that made me wise in ways that certain people did not appreciate. Those who were not on the level themselves who gave off negative energy.

I knew things outside the ordinary range, beyond the normal sensory range of contact/area. I had the faculty to perceive things or events in the past, present, and future.

The scientific name for what I was born with is extrasensory perception/clairvoyance.

I have enhanced by learning extra, but I already knew much of what I know now that many people take years to learn through age, and by their own personal experience. Through experience within things some people still do not grasp on correctly and they walk through life with false perception and misrepresentation of life factors.

I had a lot of problems with negative people growing up because I was bright.

However, I do not understand why certain people thought that because they did not know particular things when they were younger that I was not supposed to either while I was at a young age.

People have a tendency to generalize and to reflect their inadequacies or insecurities onto others, especially when the aspect is common to them.

Some people do not want to accept another person who is younger than them to know more or just as much as they do because of ego or reasons of bias.

In fact, I knew more than they did in regard to particular matters within their older age. If I tried to correct an older person when they made an error, or tried to explain where I was coming from, they would react nasty or disdainful.

Not all people reacted within this fashion toward me only a “specific type”.

When I was younger there were positive people who told me and my mother that they were nowhere near the level that we was on when they were at my age.

I have been called unique, rare, strange, brilliant, and crazy (by jealous people). I don’t care. To me, I am just a spiritual person having a human experience continuing to grow on my journey in trusting and understanding my purpose and relationship with God.

I was always ahead of my time, advanced in ways that came without anyone having to teach me.

My mother and I were able to teach ourselves as youngsters. When we went to school, we exceled in the subjects we were strong in.

School did not make us smart, though, we were already adept to begin with.

Yes. One can be self-taught within a lot of things, especially within life experience.

School does not necessarily make one bright.

Education is the process of learning, acquiring knowledge of or skill in something by study, encounter, or being taught. The setting is irrelevant when things are ascertained.

I know plenty of people who attended school who are not smart.

Intelligence is something one is born with.

Knowledge or information is gained, and comes through and within various forms.

It is whether or not one is able to grasp what they learn.

As a person, and as an adult, I have never treated one inferior just because they were younger. I never tried to use my age as a weapon.

Just because one is older does not necessarily make one wiser.

There are young people who can teach an older person something just as there are older people who can teach the young many things.

I don’t consider myself to know everything at all. And I am definitely not the smartest person in the world. I am ahead within the gifts I possess, and I have a lot of knowledge, but I don’t want to know everything. I just know I have a heightened sense and connection to a realm within life that I was always familiar with.

Acknowledging our capabilities is not an expression of conceit or an exaggerated opinion of oneself when one is level-headed and logical. God wants us to be aware of who we are and the things that he equipped within us to have and accomplish to show his glory. Within our ability is a sample of God’s incredibility.

I write this as an encouragement to those who have been mistreated by older folks that have a tendency to manipulate, corrupt, hold-back, or mislead, because they cannot stand to see a younger individual who did not mess up or get caught into the same perils of life they once did.

Instead of being an example to cheer one on, they would rather drag another down as that younger person may have been a reminder of all they could have been, or wanted to be at one time or another in life.

We are blessed with certain gifts that God bestows upon us and some of us are anointed at a very young age.

God makes no mistakes. Do not let anyone tell you what you are not, what you do not know, or what you are not capable of doing.

When God enables us for his intention no one can disable us through attempting to bring about our suspension.




The “Sleep” And The “Awoke”

Conspiracy and corruption, along with demoniac essence, goes on everywhere and in everyday life not just within the elite. They are just the traps that set up the bait.

We find quite a lot of acts and schemes played out within ruthless and determined ways for benefit or profit by ordinary people.

A lot of individuals don’t really know the depth of what is going on within this society.

Nevertheless, many of us who are genuinely spiritual inclined have always had the insight and connection to this realm, and beyond.

One of my strong and consistent faculties was being able to sense things about people that other people weren’t able to sense.

There is so much that I could get into and explain, however, I will give a brief summary of my point.

I remember through out different stages of life, I would try to tell certain people things in regard to whatever was the issue if I was confronted, and they’d refuse to listen to me then blame me for being difficult, or the one who was the trouble.

I’ve never had this problem with people who were “awoke” or on my high level/wavelength.

Now, some of this with particular people, was an attempt to gaslight me because I was no pushover and could see through them and their calculations. I was never anybody’s fool or one to be controlled and taken advantage of.

With others, it was their inability to discern through their limited view of perception as they would often come back to me later after having discovered the truth, acknowledging to me “Now I see”, or “I see what you mean”, or “You were right”.

Yet, I didn’t give a fuck what they were too late to have seen, and acknowledged, once their stupid asses rudely became aware of their errors, and then humbled by them.

Maybe I would have been kinder or more understanding if some had not been snidely injudicious. I don’t tolerate those who try to make me out to be the bad one because they have an inadequate mentality/mindset.

I never believed everything I watched on the news, read in news papers, learned in school, observed in religions, or heard from other people.

I wasn’t blinded by information just because it was handed out by those who were considered to be an authoritative figure or source.

My intuition and intelligence knew when something was not all about truth, or whereas something did not seem right. My mind was able to decipher through analysis, gut feelings, and plain common sense.

Many people are so dumb and weak-minded and easily deceived. They are mind controlled, and cemented within their own lack of knowledge and awareness-and they don’t even realize it.

A lot of people actually dimiss or reject genuine knowledge because it may go against what they have learned, heard, or was raised to believe.

I am so glad that I was never an individual who was able to be manipulated or programmed along with the masses of people who are slaves to the worldly system of government, and who are vulnerable to their propaganda and agendas.


My Wednesday Words Of Wisdom: Older Is Not Always Wiser

Those who say or believe that wisdom only comes with age are those who have purely aged without true wisdom– Miss Latoya Lawrence.

When I was much younger, I had a lot on the cap and no older person was able to get over on me. Not ever!

An older person can learn things from a younger person and a younger person can learn things from an older person. Just because one is older does not make them wiser than one who is younger and this is a fact that I’ve known through experience.

I use to hate when certain people who were older than me would generalize my particular situations on account of what may have been common within society or within what had happened with or to them and others in regard to their own set of circumstances. They didn’t know what they were talking about within their opinions or point of views and had made a lot of preconceived notions in which had absolutely nothing to do with my actual situation or way of thinking.

Many people reflect their own issues, flaws, insecurities, and/or lack of knowledge in particular areas onto others. Many also don’t want to admit they’re wrong in judging what they misperceive, speculate and really know nothing about or are not too accustomed to when it comes to the diversity of character within individuals.

A lot of youngsters have had this problem with older people. Sometimes it just boils down to many older people not being on the level.  Nevertheless, those who are not on the level is not an age-related element, there are young people, of course, who are just as clueless.

Some older people have a tendency to get angry at younger people who refuse to listen to them even if the younger person is right and they are wrong; the older person through disdain becomes critical.

It’s important for younger people to hold their own when they are correct within their facts and reasonable convictions because a lot of impressionable/easily influenced younger people as well as certain older people themselves get misdirected by the misinformation or ill-intention of those who believe they know all that there is to know about life, people and occurrence.

I’m about to turn 45 years old and have never based knowledge solely on age because I always knew better, especially with having ESP (extrasensory perception). Just like I wrote in this post a while ago ( here is an excerpt:

One can be young and very wise and one can be old and very foolish, especially when they refuse to accept that it is not always the age of a person that serves as the determining factor.

It is about what we’ve been through, the experiences we may have encountered, the inherent skills that could have been imparted to us by birth that bring to us our own set of knowledge and wisdom and that can come at any age for some.

Our lives are a journey of various and numerous roads through pathways of travel and we never stop learning as there is always more to uncover and discover.

There are a lot of moronic and narrow-minded older people and younger people out within the world, and there are a lot of logical and open-minded older and younger people out within the world.

To me, it’s refreshing and an expansion to learn and experience things one may have never heard of, not been used to, or that is an awakening to if the development is of an interest or connection to one.


My Blogs

Writing is such a fantastic talent and gift to have and I am consumed with the natural energy to write through spirit whenever I’m moved to create and express.

When I write, it’s not about getting people to read, I don’t care if nobody ever read my literature, I will always continue to write and speak my truths and experiences regardless, it’s genuinely about a driven force within me carrying out what I was born to do and the universe allowing me to do so within my connection unto it.

And, I understand the vibration completely and it is intangible.

It is mysterious how spirit and destiny works.

I Love All of my blogs:

My Second,

A Caulbearer’s Journey (LaToya The Writer: The Clairvoyant/Medium)


My Third,

Authentic Expression (LaToya’s Health And Wellness Lifestyle Blog


My Fourth,

Working WomanWorking Woman By Miss LaToya


Essence Of Spirit

Spirit is working in my life with accuracy. It
has shown me truth, it has been consistent, and I’m a believer.

Spirit offered out to me a better way and a continuance of blessing is here today.

Inside Out

As a African-American female I’ve never in my life felt intimidated by or inferior to any other race or to any male.

If anything, I’ve felt the complete opposite.

I have a self-confidence and self-esteem that is rooted from deep within and my self value and self-worth is not defined by anyone else’s perception or misconception of me or who I am as an individual.

I am grounded within spirit as there has most definitely been something intangible watching out for me, caring for me, loving me and just awe-inspiring me, while the accommodation remained steady to follow through out my journey here in this life.

The state of being informed, guided, directed and protected stems from an innate condition yielded by destiny yet decided by fate which both in the same provides a total difference.

I am a human being before I am female. I am female before I am African-American. I am African-American genetically dressed in  multiple ethnical flavors of culture as a decorated adornment of my soul/spirit.






A Career In The Medical Field, My Temporary Missionary Position?

1189561-200I had enrolled in school to become a “medical assistant” back in the year of 2006 and just when I was about to start classes a full time job came through with good enough pay for me at the time. I was making a little over twelve hundred dollars a month for the entire year at J.C. Penny with a lot of responsibility as “head of the hosiery department in sales support”.

I was a very successful associate in my own right yet working in a department store was just something planned for the time being, although it ended prematurely due to the envious jealous enemies that set me up to get fired while my managers were off one particular day (these trashy people were always coming into the store trying to keep tabs on me and trying to make me lose my job by telling lies but it never worked out because I was too sufficient of an employee).

They knew that my personal managers were never going to fire me due to previous failed incidents of set ups that they had tried within the past so they waited a day when they knew my managers weren’t going to be in and played on the policies of other store managers that were present. “I was fired on account of verbally threatening to put my perpetrators six feet under the ground!”

My personal managers had told me in advance to just continue to ignore these idiots like I had been when they would enter into the store with there ulterior motives/schemes and I had agreed, however, the rage of hatred that I felt for them got the best of me on that day since I am highly in tune and I did genuinely want to kill that ugly bitch along with her ugly daughter .

Anyway that was the past, and my point is that I had resorted back into the medical field a while back and am now still a currently certified/licensed health care worker assisting patients within assisted living facilities and within their homes and etc. I’ve done from 10 to 12 hour shifts working cases of hospice, bed-bound, stroke victims. Six to eight hour shifts of dementia patients, deaf and blind patients, psychiatric patients and so on, I’ve even worked with child care.

1483866-200I took nursing level courses and passed with high scores as an assistant. I only have one next test to pass and I can become a registered nurse. This all may sound nice and good but the reality of it is that my heart really isn’t in it.

I was always extremely naturally good in psychology (because of the extra sensory perception), I had the intelligence, spunk and confidence to become a lawyer and I have the mind, ability, and sufficiency of a business woman yet these fields were never a heated passion of mine to directly pursue. My genuine thrill and drive has always been to write even though there were other things that I could and would succeed in.

The day that I would be taking vital signs (Blood pressure/Pulse/Respiration), hygiene care (Incontinence/Bath Services), diabetic care (Skin Care/Foot Care/Meal/Medication) was far from what I ever expected. I never truly desired to but here I am.

More than one spiritual adviser told me in the past that I would become a nurse but I did not believe it. That position was something I had never portended for myself and never desired but I am capable. It is still up to me whether or not I actually decide to take that next step. I’ll have to think about it.

In all honesty, the medical field is not really where I want to be but I am a very independent woman so I have to support myself in a way that is conducive in some form or fashion. I would never go down to low scale.

I’ve had some bullshit to deal with along the way and prevailed though. One incident took place back in June this past summer, a lady at an agency that I worked for at the time got mad at me because she was caught on a “phone recording” advising me to do something that she later denied but her voice didn’t lie. From then on she had given me attitude and I sensed that she would eventually attempt to get me fired, and the bitch did write and sign papers of a false termination that I later fought through my “Union” and won later this September while I still continued to work my other health care jobs.

The agency wrote a letter of acknowledgment to my “Union” for my reinstatement for the “wrongful termination write up” there at that particular agency. I accepted, reinstated, then I resigned and then told the supervisor of personnel that she was a lying fat bitch who covered up for the ugly out of shape fat bitch who tried to unjustly get rid of me. I would never go back there!

Since then, my work has been going smoothly.

Natural Powers Of The Caul And Occult Is Nothing To Fool Around With

Death In The CardsIn October of 2007, I did one of my necessary rituals using my head Orisha’s veve to invoke his spirit along with another important undertaking that was involved regarding the certain elements in which my “natural” spell was conducted. As usual my rituals usually consist of protection, veneration, blessings and whatever else that my situation or desired needs and wants may call for which always happens to automatically fall into compliance with the universe due to my special birthrights.

I am not a person of spite but a person of definite justice. Just like what I am innately of by heritage and spirituality we do not play around. We have no time for foolishness-not to say that we do not have a lighthearted nature-we love to laugh and indeed have a great sense of humor that is often also at times sinister but we are not idle spiritual beings/individuals. We have grave/serious purpose and state of mind.

Within my ritual I had also cursed a few of my enemies and offered them as human sacrifices without me having to do any of the physical dirty work. I absolutely do not believe in doing animal sacrifices (even though my enemies have performed numerous animal sacrifices upon me), viciously and morbidly cutting up poor animals while they are alive to go through such horrendous pain (burns me the fuck up!).

That is what my ancestors and Orisha’s are here and there for they take care of my obstacles and have my back while working out and smoothing through the rough edges-especially when it comes to the troublemakers.

One of my enemies went by the name Of Mike Heyward. He was an asshole who’ve I written about in the past who had made up sexual lies about me due to the fact that I did not want him (I very coldly rejected him) and treated him with a very nasty attitude because he use to always try to push himself on me even after I had already cordially explained to him that there was never nothing that was ever going to go on between us.

Well, Mike had gotten his-and badly! It didn’t take long either. The next month Mike was killed on November 24, 2007 and I was jubilant when I first got the straight story some years ago (Between my dreams, visions, messages, feelings and other investigation). I felt he got just what he deserved because he was nothing more than a worthless piece of shit who tried to be more than what he actually was.

Grim ReaperMike was just one of the many who received a backlash through the slick and diverse techniques of the universe which can make occurrences appear ordinary and/or coincidental through whichever means that are convenient and available to fit the script.

Others who have set out to hurt me only have hurt themselves in the process and that is simply just the way that it is and how it goes. I am in no mode or fashion disturbed or affected by what I am not of and not designed for.

Even after Mike’s death I’ve at times had felt his anger and distress (still mad because I did not want and desire him-when people die they do not change, they take along everything with them within their personality) and seen his effortless rage, his spirit is not in a good place. He’s had a violent anger towards me, however, there is nothing that he or anyone else can do about it, I have tremendous power and privilege within the spirit world.

Lately it has been kind of quiet in regards to him, but last year around the time of the anniversary of his death I could feel someone trying to give his spirit an elevation of some sort to come after me yet it was all in vain. Inconsequential people are of absolute non effect. One cannot subdue the dirt and wrongdoing that multiple-times folds back unto the direction of the individuals who first embarked to begin with.

Again now, it is November and it will make about seven years since his passing.

The caul and it’s power is a very beautiful and mysterious thing that is in existence and it is a part of life that should not be taken lightly. Though whether one is born with a caul or not people should not set out to harm, ridicule/criticize, or thwart someone simply because they are unique and different in thought pattern, lifestyle, mode of being and whatever else (and especially because of the fact that they cannot get over on them or through jealousy and envy).

There is a reason why certain people possess certain attributes of spiritual power. People who have tried to interfere in my life have received mental breakdowns, strokes, heart attacks and quite a few other misfortunes on account of their negativity backfiring and I have been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to acknowledge these occurrences with these people face to face and/or intuitively then later having it verified.


Dirty, Rotten And Pitiful:(