Natural Hair Flow In The Grow


I do not go to the beauty parlor, I do my own thing. I live as simple as possible, relaxed and comfortable.

My scalp be itching like crazy because my hair is growing.

My hair grows like wildflower just as it did while I was in my twenties- fast and furious, bushy and untamed.

It straightens out more when it is wet and that is how I style it tied back all in the natural without any chemicals.

As all grass really needs is sunlight and water to nurture and to grow from the roots in the soil- I trained my head of healthy growing grass to survive through nature- by watering my strands/scalp, eating nutritiously, and letting the air take rest of the care.


Eye Of The Beholder❤


I do not like anything that diverts from my natural beauty.

I am not and have never been into or fond of fake hair, fake nails, false eyelashes, piercings, tattoos or make-up.

With me, what you see is what you get- a lady who is comfortable in her own skin without feeling the need or desire to change anything about herself.

I would never change myself to please anyone or to be accepted by anyone’s standards.

I am happy just the way I am. Truly loving, respecting, and believing in oneself is one of the most powerful things.


A Change Of Style: My Hair Grows So Fast!


I always had a nice grade head full of hair that grew long from my childhood unto my adulthood. I was never the type to wear any fake hair (I never had or needed to)  I believe in being totally natural.

The first time I ever cut my hair was at age twelve where I kept it short in the front and long in the back (a cute style back during the 1980’s) until it grew back to its original length.

I first permed my hair when I was eighteen and let it grow all the way down my back throughout my twenties.

A year and a half ago In June of 2021 I went to a barber shop and did the “big chop”. I had them shave all of my hair close to the scalp.

I had already stopped putting a straight perm into my hair two years before. I wanted all remainder of the perm entirely cut off. I had a lot of hair and the barber told me to take a picture of it.

My (Miss LaToya) pretty thick curly/wavy hair on June 6, 2021 being swept after I got the big chop!

I prefer my hair to be totally natural and had planned to keep my hair continuously kept short.

However, my hair grows fast and for five months now I have been wearing my natural locks in a ponytail (the style I used to regularly wear my hair in before I did the big chop) and I love it!

While I will never ever get a perm again I decided to just let my hair grow out as long as it wants to.


A Lady Of Her Own Style


I am not into all of that name-brand shit as a trend- I had all of those things growing up.

As long as I am clean, my clothes are of quality, and of the taste I prefer I am completely satisfied.

My mother kept me pristine as a child and kept me decked out as I was her little baby girl.

When I rode the school bus a few girls were jealous of the fancy gear my mother had sent me off in and they made it known by their envious talk.

I was just an innocent kid wearing clothes that my loving parent bought for me- but I learned early about the green-eyed monster.

I was always attracted to beauty. I had my own sense of style, an eye for what looked good.

I could pick out stylish home decor along with everything else that had sparked an interest within me. Whatever it was it would be elegant.

I had a knack for great judgment!

When it came to the summer, I liked to wear designer shorts/capris, skirts and jumper-skirts.

I became very conservatively appareled into adulthood. I was naturally comfortable and classy. I had my own fashionable style but nowhere near old-fashioned.

I was never a high-heeled, flashy dresses-wearing girl.

I liked my slacks, jeans, t-shirts or button-down shirts.

I was never too crazy about clothes during my teenage years and as I got older, yet I always dressed nicely.

I am not, nor was I ever, a materialistic person though I had wonderful material things throughout the years since my childhood.







All Natural, Natural Beauty


Everything about me is authentic, pure, and natural- from my mind, to my body, to my spirit.

I was never one to wear cosmetics. No one within my immediate family were into cosmetics either- and I loved that about them!

My grandmother sometimes wore lipstick, and my great-grandmother wore her lipstick from time to time but nothing dramatic or commonly done.

I used to play in my great-grandmother’s make-up once in a while as a child when I would play dress-up yet that is as far as it went.

I do not like cosmetics at all, I never did as I grew up.

I am totally natural- no foundations, no skin creams, no nothing but soap and water go on my skin.

I nurture my skin and body from the inside out with the proper nutrition and vitamin supplements.

I always had a high self-esteem. I love myself for who I am not for what a standard of beauty is projected to be.

I never cared what others thought of my appearance my opinion is all that genuinely mattered to me. I have always been confident within myself in that way because my spirituality rules me. Not any religious belief- but strength of character and purpose.

I prefer to not be made up by make-up as I was divinely made real by my creator.

When I see certain women or girls, they look so much better without wearing cosmetics. It is a shame how some are brainwashed or influenced by what society deems as beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have seen unattractive people called beautiful and attractive people called ugly.

In the same, often cute or pretty girls/women and guys think or consider themselves unattractive while unattractive girls/women think they are the most beautiful thing in the world.

What is true beauty? True beauty is self-love, self-worth, self-respect and a humane regard toward others.

When one truly has those depths instilled all else is irrelevant.

Sure, there are beautiful women and handsome men who were born into my family with nice grades of hair, tones of skin, and figures/physiques.

However, my family was not fazed by those attributes. They knew what they possessed but what they possessed did not possess them.

I myself am blessed with my fair share of attributes. Everybody tells me how lucky I am to still “look and sound like a baby” at the age of forty-seven.






No Jewelry For Me: It Is Not My Style


When I was a baby, my mother adorned me with jewelry.

Cute earrings and bracelets that were made of authentic gold (the earrings) and authentic silver (the bracelets).

As a youngster on up I came not to care for necklaces, earrings or bracelets made of silver or gold.

I loved to wear other types of bracelets made of beads- wavy bangle type bracelets, and the multicolored rubber bracelet wristbands I used to collect and purchase from the bubble gum machines.

Nowadays, and since my teenage years I do not desire to wear bracelets at all.

Rings I have never liked to wear.


Hair Day: Brown-Skinned And Beautiful


I always had a head full of long hair since childhood.

I grew my hair down to my back almost near my derriere when I was in my twenties.

I wore my hair natural until I had gotten my first perm/relaxer at age eighteen.

A year ago, I did the big chop. I went to the barber shop and got a buzz cut that I loved. I had not permed my hair within about a year and a half before then.

I was glad to cut off all of the remains of my previously permed hair.

I had initially planned to keep my hair chopped down within a buzz cut.

I changed my mind when I saw my natural wavy-curly hair take on a life of its own!

All I do is wash my hair with Dove body wash and water. I do not put any hair grease, dressings, or sprays within my hair afterward.



My hair is strong and full of luster and elasticity.

I do not ever intend to grow it extra-long again but for now I would like to see what my hair continues to do on its own.

I do not even have to style my hair. The way it sets is the result of how I come out of the shower.

I have a combination of texture to my hair due to my mixture of African American, Native American and European heritage/bloodline. It was never the nappy/kinky type- which is just fine for those who do!

I love African American hair within its natural state. It is so versatile.

Black women come in all different beautiful shades with all different beautiful hair types.

Do not let society or anyone else tell you that you are not gorgeous because of the color of your skin or how you wear your hair!