“Just Returning Your Messages”

Gerri Pietromonaco

Miss Latoya,
I had a brief Facebook encounter with this woman,very argumentative! She completely misunstood me. I’ve deleted my Facebook pages,and I’m trying to delete all the stuff that comes up linked to my name. Your name is on top of the list,its not that I don’t want to be associatend with you,I just don’t understand your anger at me. I hope I’m way off. I’m a fledgling of sorts with this metaphysical phenomenon that I was born with. Please contact me at your convenience, would love to hear your views on what to do,pursue a friendship of trust built on brutal honesty or not.
With up most respect
Gerri pietromonaco 6502651193

Miss LaToya: Yes Gerri, you are way off! I am nowhere near angry at you, I don’t even know you. And so far I have not felt any negativity from you.

If you really feel that way it could also be (just a possibility) that someone is probably trying to interceded between the two of us through some type of black magic (I won’t mention any names!-But check way down below).

They probably want you to think or feel that I have hostility toward you when indeed I do not. It is just to keep us from communicating with one another. You’ve heard this from my own words now-“I have no problem at all with you”. And if you still want to I’d love to speak with you.

You gave me a phone number that could not be reached (it’s not real/that is why I posted it I would never display a real telephone contact). If you truly want me to phone you send me a legitimate number where you could be reached.



I read your blog post about Shannon, a person born of light would never slander another person they way you have this woman. Your a TRUE CAUL ” if your considered true caul then I denounce my caul if that’s whet it means to be born with a caul. Your heart is black n full of evil. If any one plays in black magic it you. I will say though I’m a real witch born of the caul who is psychic and communicates with the dead and heals the sick would never talk the trash and evil you do. What a shame you bring to the caul. I prey the lord has pitty on you and forgives you.

loonyMiss LaToya: This is a picture of Jill Rice. Very haunting isn’t it?

Demonic activity is written all over her retarded-looking face. She does not look right at all!

I would not at all give credence to this douchebag.

And someone like her surely would need to revoke her caul if in fact it was absolutely a caul that she was born with in the first place (there are many who believe in the so called “being born with a black caul/cape or veil” over their faces-I do not however) she may have just indeed been born with an infection over that hideous-looking face.

The garbage are such dead giveaways and they do not even realize it. She claims to be a real witch then preaches on me about “The Lord”?

What Lord is she referring to because according to the scriptures “God” denounces “Witches” and any such correspondence!

Satanic people camouflage themselves and they do not know the difference between the light and the darkness (they often believe in their own states of deception)-to them right is wrong and wrong is right-they do not even know the difference between the truth and a lie.

At least I do not perpetrate as I am with my Ancestors and Orishas and special Spirits and Spirit Guides  in “full mode” and within “thorough understanding” of my true “luminous nature and identity” I do not turn around and “quote or condescend/patronize” with the so called word of God when it is convenient.

These assholes are so much confused and doomed.

I would not even waste my time going on any further. I am very gifted, blessed, and at peace.

Another strange comment on Miss LaToya’s blog…Really, Gerri? For heaven’s sake, when did we have a “go-around”? You asked me to write your book, yet appeared to have this big chip on your shoulder all the while, taunting and testing me. And I was calm with you through the whole conversation. I guess some folk just love to battle, lol! I have to have a sense of humor about this

“Hello My given name is Gerri,my native name is Lady who walks but I prefer my hippy name Violet Skye’s! I would so much like to understand what why things are! I recently discovered this phenomenon runs in my family passed down through the women of my family. 4 generations so far, are en cauls were not preserved appropriately and all our lives have been utter grief and chaos. I plan to stop this legacy of chaos when my granddaughter is of age to have children. I know what I know make no mistake by being harsh with me. We are touched like no other of this I’m sure. We each have our gifts to offer as we choose. I choose to learn from you if you’ll have me. This wolf woman and i have had our go around as well. I hear the truth in your words ,as you command people to listen. Something that I would like to learn, My spirit has been weaken but my brothers protect me constantly from the other dimensions at will. I wish you a stellar day and good tidings always. Violet Skye’s”

  • Classíc Cliché Does she not come off as an energy vampire? I found when people come to me in that manner, especially with the skeptical chip on their shoulder, they drain your energy. Like asking for a teacher and making them dance for you as entertainment. She may not be an energy vampire, but this person does seem like a waste of time. I’ve learned that you have to make them “earn” your teachings. Or else they’ll use you for what you know and come off as arrogant like this. Or perhaps I’m misreading the situation, but that’s the feeling I picked up from reading that post. And what does she mean, “I plan to stop this legacy when my granddaughter becomes of age to have children”? No matter how little you understand or have genuinely suffered, or want to be over dramatic about how chaos your life is/was (as this person sounds), you don’t mess with divine fire. You learn to wield it. No matter how many generations it takes, it’s your bloodline’s gift and purpose.Also, have any of you watched a tv show on Netflix called Hemlock Grove? It’s a show that tells an interesting story that involves the lure of the caul!!! And Oroburo! that’s actually where I first saw the nature of the caul in action, but I learned the most from Shannon!

    • The Curious Caul You are so right, sweet Classic. I also find it interesting that she seeks a “commanding” teacher, which is drama as well. At any rate, she is a handful, though I wish her well!Yes! I love Hemlock Grove! It is a very long wait between seasons, lol. I’m not familiar with Oroburo…?

    • Classíc Cliché Indeed!!! Oroboro, I think is the correct spelling? The snake that eats itself as a symbol of self preservation, that nothing ends, it just starts again!
    • The Curious Caul Oh, yes – it’s always present in Hemlock Grove!
  • Jamie Lewis Is the learning not equal to a great life when things are hard our souls can progress hugely but seeing that as a glass half full rather than half empty is something we don’t always see for some time especially when paths involving grief and lose. Remember you are never given that which you can not handle even if at times it feels it’s comes very close to your limit !
  • Jade Edwards Strange…


Just For The Record/And Let This Be It!/I’m Tired Of This Garbage

nutcase“Jade talkin’ shit from behind the scenes”.

And that nigger looks psychotic!

“Uh oh, he may zap me with his special super powers!”

“I’m gonna have to put Jade in a box”

(I am being sarcastic and laughing my ass off)

On the serious tip: I honestly know that Sharon Lassiter has grave mental issues I just wish she’d leave me out of them. I am so sick and tired of her I wish that she would just die, and I really mean that because death is sometimes the only way to stop these sick people.

This is my blog and I can write anything that I darn well please! Sharon Lasitter keeps surveilling my blog because she is so afraid of what may be said about her by me and/or my commenters when actually no one is thinking about her. If everything was so untrue about her she would not at all be worried. But it is the truth and she knows that!

Every time I write a post she gets an email alert because she continues to diligently follow my blog. Even when I don’t post anything new she comes from time to time.

Spending so much of her energy trying to work black magic on me, she is out of her mind, she cannot tackle me. She thinks that she can try to send negativity and I am suppose to keep quiet? Didn’t think that I would know about it? I can feel it! I dream it! I see it! Not to mention the other things.

She has been doing it all year long (with help, of course, she has no true power it all comes from other assholes that she works with and from Satan-and I bet she’ll claim that’s who I worship due to the  bullshit of the bible. My Orishas and ancestors are not of Satan!), and last year. Nothing worked! It did not reach me personally-I’m still living my life productively. I have no fear of this quack or anyone else for that matter.
crazy ladySharon has already been ruined for a long time now, and like I said before if she keeps fucking around she will be “destroyed” to the ultimate level-the universe will surely proceed.

(My enemies have such a false sense of security, but they know deep down inside that they are conquered and they are indeed scared they are just too ill to be logical. Reason does not register with them.)

Sharon is an undesireable and she literally nauseates me, just writing about her turns me off. People like her have been so cunning and dirty in their deceptive and manipulative techniques and have gotten over on so many people and have brought so many of them down and when she had the audacity to lie on me in the message that she sent to me it served as a reminder of just how retarded this bitch is and the lengths that morbid people like her will go to. They cannot help it though it’s within their degenerate nature.

I am going to like I always have to just ignore her.

Let her revel in her mission to seek comfort from her “recruits” in regards to raising discussion about me on her page. It would make her feel so much at ease to hear people agree and talk negatively about me ( like I care!) . Sharon always has to run to others for her self validation, she ain’t shit alone. She is not able to stand by herself.

People like her are nothing it’s just that there are so many of them around that many who are actually of substance are outnumbered but absolutely not out done!

(Such a poisoned and pitiful couple that Sharon and Johnny/Shannon and Jade)

I Cannot Stand A Liar, A Jealous One At That!/ Everything That I Have Wrote About Shannon Is 100% Truth! (People who do dirt are not getting away with it like they use to by deception and manipulation)

Update: December 10, 2014

In response to Raises Big “?” Post https://misslatoya.wordpress.com/2014/12/07/raises-big/

I absolutely had no intentions of responding to this ultimately sick bitch who is in deep denial, however, I am tired of her fucking with me. And if she wants to continue on trying to cover up all of her bullshit because she keeps getting caught then always placing blame on me, I guarantee that she will definitely regret ever coming after me in the first place.

One day I hope someone actually does make good on those death threats that she receives from particular people who know that she ain’t shit! Fucking lying, jealous, sick, degenerate bitch!

Down below I receive this obnoxious message through facebook where this delusional bitch accuses me of trying to make people hate her? Please, spare me the bullshit! I don’t give a fuck about her! She does not mention what she’s been trying to do “spiritually” behind the scenes against me, I pick up every fucking thing. She just got scared and feels stupid. 

This bitch ain’t no true real caulbearer.

And now I’m being accused of altering the date of her “so called friend”. Why because I did not publicly make known the comment earlier when she was sending her flunkies after me? “What’s the matter Sharon, did it fuck up your shit!

I do not personally know that woman Terry, she came to me, why should I need to “forge” anything? Just one of your plentiful games that you play to help you cope!

Do not “Generalize” me honey, or make assumptions about me that is where you go absolutely wrong. You do not know a fucking thing about me. There is a great difference between what you “think” and what you “actually know”!

I do not have to alter anything (everything about me is real-you actually do things of that nature that is why you accuse me! do not try to play no reverse psychology on me bitch, I am not one of your brain dead victims), the date is authentic, why don’t you contact Facebook as I have copied down everything genuinely.

I do not have to prove anything, nevertheless, I’ll let you know that I can back up everything that I say and have ever said! You cannot do that I bet! I have every single pay stub of every job that I’ve worked, legal documents of my school records of my above average I.Q. test, of me at age ten passing grades and tests that high school students could not pass then being skipped grades. I even had the opportunity to get my literature published by a mainstream publisher at the tender age of ten!

My teachers and counselors fought for me. I even have legal court documents of my achievements.

I have top noch psychics and babalawos who can vouch for me! What have you got bitch!

I am warning you Sharon Lassiter , Shannon Lee Wolf or whoever the fuck you want to be-do not continue to fuck with me! Just ask someone who “truly knows me” not your “phony contacts” but anyone who “genuinely knows me” I can destroy you! And it does not have to be immediately.

“This guy was one of three guys who raped my aunt back in the early nineteen eighties (they called him Gerard/May 10 fatal stabbing of 40yearold Persian Gulf War veteran Henry Frasier), he got brutally killed by a neighbor two doors down from where I use to live. It took years but the universe took care of him. If you do not believe just check out his murder” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/queens-da-cops-stop-blood-gang-article-1.352802

And if you really want to know something else “Miss Bitch Sharon Lassiter or Shannon Lee Wolf” whoever the fuck you want to be, I have a whole lot of mail from people in regards to you that I have not released. Some incriminating shit!

Just waiting for the right time to reveal it. I could have been put it out if I really wanted to be petty. I do not do things out of spite. Just go away and leave me alone, and don’t mind what I write about on my blog as it is none of your business.

And P.S. (That is exactly why I did not get involved by responding to that lady Terry when she contacted me back in June of this year aside from the fact that I did not care, because you all are not steady people, you get weak under pressure then start lying and denying. People like you all can do dirt to one another then smile again in one another’s faces. I however, do not fit into that category).

I will waste no more time nor energy on a worthless inconsequential bitch.

Sharon Lasitter
Dec 8th, 3:16pm
Oh, LaToya. More slander? smhYou try your hardest to use your lies and twisted tales to get good caul bearers to hate me. But they always see through you. They always see you for who you are. A dark soul who keeps one finger pointed at me, while three are pointing right back at yourself. I honestly feel sorry for you.
Sharon Lasitter
Dec 9th,1:27pm
And…it’s so obvious that you fudged in the date of the message that my dear friend sent you, in a moment of fear after reading one of your twisted up blogs about me. You just can’t stop obsessing on me, can you? smh


  • 19 hours ago
    Sharon Lasitter

    And…it’s so obvious that you fudged in the date of the message that my dear friend sent you, in a moment of fear after reading one of your twisted up blogs about me. You just can’t stop obsessing o

June 27
Terry Haley

I just read your pages on Sharon Lasitter or Shannon Lee Wolf. Can you tell me more about her. I am concerned since I sent her some very personal information Thanks Terry

Raises Big “?”

Update: December 10, 2014

I absolutely had no intentions of responding to this ultimately sick bitch who is in deep denial, however, I am tired of her fucking with me. And if she wants to continue on trying to cover up all of her bullshit because she keeps getting caught then always placing blame on me, I guarantee that she will definitely regret ever coming after me in the first place.

One day I hope someone actually does make good on those death threats that she receives from particular people who know that she ain’t shit! Fucking lying, jealous, sick, degenerate bitch!

Down below I receive this obnoxious message through facebook where this delusional bitch accuses me of trying to make people hate her? Please, spare me the bullshit! I don’t give a fuck about her! She does not mention what she’s been trying to do “spiritually” behind the scenes against me, I pick up every fucking thing. She just got scared and feels stupid. 

This bitch ain’t no true real caulbearer.

And now I’m being accused of altering the date of her “so called friend”. Why because I did not publicly make known the comment earlier when she was sending her flunkies after me? “What’s the matter Sharon, did it fuck up your shit!

I do not personally know that woman Terry, she came to me, why should I need to “forge” anything? Just one of your plentiful games that you play to help you cope!

Do not “Generalize” me honey, or make assumptions about me that is where you go absolutely wrong. You do not know a fucking thing about me. There is a great difference between what you “think” and what you “actually know”!

I do not have to alter anything (everything about me is real-you actually do things of that nature that is why you accuse me! do not try to play no reverse psychology on me bitch, I am not one of your brain dead victims), the date is authentic, why don’t you contact Facebook as I have copied down everything genuinely.

I do not have to prove anything, nevertheless, I’ll let you know that I can back up everything that I say and have ever said! You cannot do that I bet! I have every single pay stub of every job that I’ve worked, legal documents of my school records of my above average I.Q. test, of me at age ten passing grades and tests that high school students could not pass then being skipped grades. I even had the opportunity to get my literature published by a mainstream publisher at the tender age of ten!

My teachers and counselors fought for me. I even have legal court documents of my achievements.

I have top noch psychics and babalawos who can vouch for me! What have you got bitch!

I am warning you Sharon Lassiter , Shannon Lee Wolf or whoever the fuck you want to be-do not continue to fuck with me! Just ask someone who “truly knows me” not your “phony contacts” but anyone who “genuinely knows me” I can destroy you! And it does not have to be immediately.

“This guy was one of three guys who raped my aunt back in the early nineteen eighties (they called him Gerard/May 10 fatal stabbing of 40yearold Persian Gulf War veteran Henry Frasier), he got brutally killed by a neighbor two doors down from where I use to live. It took years but the universe took care of him. If you do not believe just check out his murder” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/queens-da-cops-stop-blood-gang-article-1.352802

And if you really want to know something else “Miss Bitch Sharon Lassiter or Shannon Lee Wolf” whoever the fuck you want to be, I have a whole lot of mail from people in regards to you that I have not released. Some incriminating shit!

Just waiting for the right time to reveal it. I could have been put it out if I really wanted to be petty. I do not do things out of spite. Just go away and leave me alone, and don’t mind what I write about on my blog as it is none of your business.

And P.S. (That is exactly why I did not get involved by responding to that lady Terry when she contacted me back in June of this year aside from the fact that I did not care, because you all are not steady people, you get weak under pressure then start lying and denying. People like you all can do dirt to one another then smile again in one another’s faces. I however, do not fit into that category).

I will waste no more time nor energy on a worthless inconsequential bitch.

Sharon Lasitter
Dec 8th, 3:16pm
Oh, LaToya. More slander? smhYou try your hardest to use your lies and twisted tales to get good caul bearers to hate me. But they always see through you. They always see you for who you are. A dark soul who keeps one finger pointed at me, while three are pointing right back at yourself. I honestly feel sorry for you.
Sharon Lasitter
Dec 9th,1:27pm
And…it’s so obvious that you fudged in the date of the message that my dear friend sent you, in a moment of fear after reading one of your twisted up blogs about me. You just can’t stop obsessing on me, can you? smh


  • 19 hours ago
    Sharon Lasitter

    And…it’s so obvious that you fudged in the date of the message that my dear friend sent you, in a moment of fear after reading one of your twisted up blogs about me. You just can’t stop obsessing o

June 27
Terry Haley

I just read your pages on Sharon Lasitter or Shannon Lee Wolf. Can you tell me more about her. I am concerned since I sent her some very personal information Thanks Terry




Phony fake bitch still uses and abuses. Still do not understand  why certain individuals continue to get taken in by her.

Terry Haley June 27th, 9:26pm
I just read your pages on Sharon Lasitter or Shannon Lee Wolf. Can you tell me more about her. I am concerned since I sent her some very personal information Thanks Terry
The message above was sent to me, however, I did not want to get involved. 

It’s like you disappeared from the face of the earth. Haven’t heard from you since I sent you the pictures. Is everything o.k. Am still waiting for my invitation to join your group

· Comment · · 11

Shannon, did you get my pictures. My son sent them from his phone. His name is Jay H. Hope you didn’t delete them. Let me know o.k. Terry

· Comment · · 11

Shannon, I finished the book Beyond the Veil and I loved it. It brought so much of my life into light. Thank you so much for a wonderful and inspiring book. Do you have any other books that I can buy. I finally told my counselor about my veil and your book and today gave it to her to read. She was thrilled.

· Comment · · 13
  • Terry Haley I need to read another one of your books. Can you suggest one
    • Shannon Lee Wolf Terry, at this time, I have a novel that I’ve written, about a CB boy and his gifts, called “Rhapsody for Dover Graye – the boy born of the caul”. I’m working on a supplement to “Beyond the Veil”.
    • Terry Haley I can’t wait for that book to come out and no I didn’t know that you ever lived in New Bedford.
    • Shannon Lee Wolf I’ll keep everyone posted about the book. Yeah, I went to Swain and wound up getting married and we stayed there.
  • Terry Haley She is one of the first persons that I have ever shown my case that holds what is left of my veil. She was so touched by my sharing, but thanks to you Sannon, it was my time and I thank you with all my heart.
    • Shannon Lee Wolf You are so very welcome, Terry. And so much thanks to you. xxx (Did I already mention that I lived in New Bedford for 25 years? x)
  • Shannon Lee Wolf Terry, I’m so very happy! And thrilled that your counselor is so open minded – wow. You just made my day – thank you so much!

How do you send a message via inbox

Hi Shannon, I purchased your book Beyond the Veil and it has so much of me on each page. It’s a great book and I can’t put it down. Years ago I was born with a veil and after all these years it is finally coming to light why my life has been the way it has been. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful book. If you have written any more and I can get them through Amazon, please let me know. My struggles are running deep right now and I need all the knowledge I can get. Thanks Shannon….Terry

· Comment · · 11
  • Shannon Lee Wolf likes this.
  • Shannon Lee Wolf Terry, I’m overjoyed that you are finding the book so helpful! I’m now working on a supplemental to “Beyond the Veil”, entitled “The Law of Grace”, which I hope will be ready for sale in a couple of months. I shall keep everyone posted! Love and Light to you.
    • Shannon Lee Wolf Terry, I wanted to inbox you, but there is no option for messaging on your page. Can you inbox me?
    • Terry Haley I don’t know how to do that Shannon, but I hope we can keep in touch. You can always get in touch with me on facebook
    • Shannon Lee Wolf Sounds good, Terry
    • Terry Haley Is there any other way that I can keep in touch with you?
    • Shannon Lee Wolf Terry, there should be a “Message” button just below my cover pic, on the right side. Can you find it?
    • Terry Haley I did find it and successfully sent you a message. However when I tried to find the message button today, it wasn’t there. What am I doing wrong
    • Shannon Lee Wolf Yes, I did receive your message! So now, to read my reply, you will need to open your inbox. At the top of your page, you will see three symbols; a silhouette of two torsos, two speech balloons, and a globe. You will see a red number on the speech balloons – this is the number of emails you have in your inbox. Click on the balloon, and this will open your inbox. Click on the one from me, read, and type in your reply, then click send. I’ll reply to it as soon as I can.

How can I get your book Beyond The Veil

· Comment · · 1




Let It Go !

Fatt Lipp

I have read a bit of your posts, you ask people to tell you more about their situation, cant you see anything at all if your connected to the spirit world?, i not doubting you im  just asking.

899419-200No offense taken, and if you doubted me or not it would not make any difference to me. Another person’s doubt does not remove any truths (in other words it does not take anything away from me or anyone else in particular).

Your comment came just in time as it gave me inspiration for this post since your words express what had come to me supernaturally just days before through the energies that interact with me as a clairvoyant. I concurrently (everyday/every other day/on and on receive messages/information (about various matters/whatever that is going on) through my “spiritual antenna”.

Just because I am quiet about something or unaffected by it absolutely does not at all mean that I am not aware of it!

First of all, your comment doesn’t make any sense-it is completely false. I never always ask people to tell me more about their situation (I do not need to). If anything I may tell someone to be more specific in what they’re asking or referring to (in their address)  and so on, and that is completely plausible and has absolutely nothing to do with what I know, see, feel or hear.

Communication is very important and I am a very thorough person. Some people are not good at expressing themselves, some people say one thing and mean another, some people are just air heads and some are just assholes.

And, some of those commenters are phony and full of shit but I will answer if “spirit” moves me to because someone real will come along who may need the information so I always respond honestly, I don’t play games-I have no time for it!

In day to day life I sometimes just have to go along with the program and have to sometimes ask questions to things that I already know, everyone is not on the same wavelength and I do not like having to go down to someone else’s level in order to pacify a situation but that is how life is whether one likes it or not at times we have to make allowances.

You are referring to just one comment yet still it has nothing to do with divination. And many of us spiritual people pick up on and gather extra/further information and messages through touch, voice tone, words/literature, there are many different levels of psychic intuition all wrapped up into one.

What I honestly feel and sense is that what was written (the comment in which you responded to) in the comment was not appreciated. You see, I have a lot of enemies who had underestimated me and have taken many harsh blows of disappointment primarily because of the fact that they had made too many false assumptions and too many false generalizations about me and who and what I actually am and represent (and they are very scared now).

I instantly can read people correctly yet they cannot properly read me unless they are absolutely intelligent people of substance.

I have a lot of knowledge, and I know and always have known way much more than what I tend to lead on. I especially have always known the intentions and deeds of my enemies they just don’t want to quit because they are deeply disturbed and cannot accept truth (they are still working their negativity/voodoo trying to cause blockages and trying to cause insanity-neither of which will happen).

Just take that bitch Shannon Lee Wolf for instance (who still comes to my blog from time to time), who always tried to downplay me with her ludicrous and laughable lies and accusations of “ego” then recruited some of her flunkies to try to intimidate me-“Oh get serious!

M.W. | 29/07 2014 19:18

Nobody actually takes her seriously do they? Its so obvious that she is bi-polar, ranting and raving one minute then all blissed out on herself the next. Shannon Lee Wolf has no worries, because shes a true caul bearer and she never brags on herself, she only cares about others.https://misslatoya.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/update-the-demonic-dunce-douchebags-strike-again/
What was really strange is the lie they made up about me being a security guard as I have never ever worked in security in my life. I do have a certificate in security and fireguard yet never actually had a job within the field. There is nothing wrong with people who actually do that job yet the lies that they have made up and tend to make up get more and more silly and desperate.
1403783-200I have many self comments yet I cannot list them all and do not desire to but here is the comment you responded to along with others (comments are copied in the 0rder of the dates) which clearly answer for themselves and you already know this so do me a favor and just let the bullshit rest.


I Am A Spiritual Person So I Was Never Affected The Way That Most People In General Are. I’ve Never Had All Of The Symptoms Listed In This Post. Those Are Just A Number Of Symptoms That Affect Many Different People Who Are Crossed Up Or Who Are Being Attacked.

My Problems Were Resolved A Very Long Time Ago. However, My Problems Started When I Was Seven Years Of Age By Jealous Family Members And Jealous People On The Outside.

Voodoo/Black Magic Has Never Been Able To Affect My Mind. It Does Not Work On Me.

I Am Extremely Sensitive Spiritually So I Feel A Lot Of Things Physically That Try To Take Over But It Never Lasts. It Goes Straight Back To The Sender In Some Form Or Fashion.I Have A Very Special Ability And I Know How To Protect Myself And Counteract It.

I Have Enemies All Of The Time Trying To Cross Me Up And Work Many Evils Against Me And Towards My Way, But They’re Just Wasting Their Time. They Cannot Touch Me.

The Only Way That Black Magic Had Affected My Life In The Past Is By Those In Particular Who Tried To Block My Career Opportunities And Tried To Ruin My Reputation Because They Were Always Jealous Of My Character And Didn’t Like My Attitude (I Never Cared What Anybody Thought Anyhow So It Did Not Faze Me), But In Reality Nobody Can Destroy Me, Otherwise I’ve Been Just Fine.

Explain To Me More About What Is Going On With You In Detail And We’ll See What Can Be Done About It If You Are Interested, Okay?

Submitted on 2014/11/28 at 2:27 pm | In reply to Dasigan Govender.

What type of Indian? I am Native American And African American with some European ancestry. My grandfather was 100% “Cherokee” Indian. My Mother’s grandmother on her mother’s side was 100% native American. My great grandmother on my mother’s father’s side was “black foot” Indian. It just goes on and on through out all and both sides of my families and I’ve seen all of the pictures and photo’s that go way back to the south from my relatives.

Indians are very spiritual people by nature and that is a great part of where my spirituality originates from aside from my “African” roots. I am very strong and rich in culture by nature. And that may be possibly what is following you, your “roots”. Race is irrelevant when it comes to having gifts, however, our ethnicity and culture have an impact on what is bestowed down to us through our heritage/lineage yet we all can relate in different, similar, but significant ways.

Now back to you and what you have spoken of, if your mind is not of the average you should be proud and embrace your exceptionality. The more you acknowledge, embrace and accept yourself as a spiritual person with ability the more your gifts of purpose will manifest and reveal. You do not find your calling, your calling finds you! Your calling is you, you just may not have discovered or realized it yet.

And what you “know for certain” is already “backed up” that is why it is revealed unto you. It is not about having to prove what you know to others but about you being special enough for “divine spirit” (whatever that may be defined for you, depending on what you believe or believe in) to prove/confirm to you what you know is real in a world of many untruths, misconceptions, brain washing, corruptions and so on. There are people who will never come to discern and comprehend what you discover through out your journey.

You have to believe in yourself enough and to meditate if you need to validate (back up) for yourself what you feel so sure of. Confidence is key! We may all get a little stumped at times but our little tangles always get resolved during our paths to reasoning when you truly have faith.

Your peace of mind comes with self love, self respect, confidence, and strength within who you are and know yourself to be. If you are exceptional within the mind use that power. Knowledge is indeed power!

P.S. (Your mom was right on to tell you to draw what you saw. I often wrote down what I saw or dreamed. I admire the gifts of drawing, I wish I could draw it is a beautiful talent, but I was gifted in writing so what the hell! I wish you good luck!)

Submitted on 2014/10/29 at 10:43 am | In reply to Sarah ilyas.

It all depends on the circumstances. The effects of Black Magic done on a person can appear gradually or suddenly depending on the situation and the individual, how the spell was conducted, the cooperation of particular dimensions and realms of the universe along with the other elements and factors that may be involved.

In some cases a person may not be affected by Black Magic at all, however, they can feel the evil (negative energy) around them and discern every intention that is suppose to manifest and may have to fight back through the warnings granted by divine spiritual shields and numerous intangible elevating protections.

Submitted on 2014/10/16 at 11:05 am | In reply to charles leary.

Many of us are greatly misunderstood and misjudged. To a lot of people what we go through and can often deal with through out daily life would appear as a load of fiction, opinion, or just mere craziness to the uninformed and unbelievers.

What information are you looking for in particular? Be specific.

Submitted on 2014/10/16 at 10:55 am | In reply to Gerri Pietromonaco.

Hello Violet, I know of specific/particular en caul births where certain people were born with the caul all over their entire body who by nature became full fledged psychics. And I have been aware of this for many years as this fact has taken place back in the south many decades ago, there is no doubt about it! The gift of the caul can of course be passed down to men folk but it is mostly a bestowal that is granted throughout the female generations.

I would never doubt your knowledge or be harsh with you, you know what your experience is and no one can tell you any different-trust me I am very open minded. I know what is possible from my own personal and professional experiences. And you are correct true rare people born of the caul according to their each own unique blessings are indeed touched like no other and you have every right to profess that without criticism because it is the truth (many people cannot properly conceive certain truths or even deal with truth at all for that matter).

And also, anyone in their right mind should not mess with a true person born of the caul the power is beautifully dangerous!

If you ever feel the need to reach out to someone else who understands and who could possibly offer you further assistance and insight you are very welcome to contact me. I only deal with people who are real, it is always conducive to exchange knowledge and ideas for our never-ending potential growth and awareness.

You have a great, beautiful day also!

Sincerely LaToya

Submitted on 2014/10/12 at 4:04 pm | In reply to willie c. leary.

What in particular-regarding the gifts and/or experiences of the caul-are the things that you need information on?

Submitted on 2014/08/04 at 12:22 am | In reply to Renee Simpson.

Thank you. When you are sincere and genuine and of substance truth will always find you. You just have to listen and know when to hear.

That is great that you’d love to learn further about the beauty of ancestral spirituality and the universe. It is so real and very gorgeous (my other way of saying beautiful).

Submitted on 2014/07/30 at 6:59 pm | In reply to joy.

If you feel that you’ve been crossed up get that shit removed. See if you can find someone that you can trust if you are unable to remove the evil yourself. Be very careful in seeking out help though because there are many evil and phony people out in the world who will try to take advantage of you money-wise and/or spiritual-wise.

There are not too many trustworthy people out there who mean you well (speaking in general) in regards to this situation. They are out there but very hard to come by so be cautious, you do not want anybody to make matters worse.

Submitted on 2014/07/30 at 6:48 pm | In reply to Anon.

You tickled me (made me laugh) because I truly understand about wanting to whip anybody’s ass who would work or even attempt to try to work evil voodoo magic towards or against me because I was always an ass-kicker ever since childhood! And I never lost a fight because I was never one to start one.

You are purely justified in your feelings and even if you acted upon them, however, it may not always be the wise thing to do in this day and age as you may get into serious trouble by going to jail for garbage people who aren’t even worth it-then you would really be wanting to kill up a few!

If you desire you could send me a private message regarding more in detail of your situation and I could give you relevant feedback and solutions or if you choose have other commenters on this site possibly share their experiences with you and offer suggestions or advice to use for your better judgement depending on your situation.

In the meanwhile, I wish you good luck!

Submitted on 2014/07/09 at 2:00 pm | In reply to minet michel.

I am so glad that you’re okay and were stronger than your enemies and conquered. Every thing that you’ve mentioned and described is absolutely legitimate. Black Magic is definitely used to put false and manipulative thoughts inside the head (a form of mind control) in an effort to cause insanity or confusion, or both.

You were wise enough to recognize what was going on and I applaud you on that. Some of the motives and types of spells are to directly “weaken the senses”. There is no one specific name or category as certain spells are and can be used in combination with one another and other spells. Nevertheless, most of the times it is considered a “confusion spell”. A tactic to cause strife and confusion. To put confusion inside the mind by weakening your senses.

Also be aware, or do not forget that some of us as well as yourself may have the gift of Clairaudience-where one is able to hear spirits (even things going on within the spirit realm) and the thoughts of others and sounds and energy vibrations and so on that we may or may not always interpret right away. Just keep that in mind and meditate and use good judgement regarding what the voices of truth are compared to the lies that want to steer you away.

Keep resisting negativity and praying to who you believe in and you will continue to gain direction and be fine.

Submitted on 2014/07/06 at 1:54 pm | In reply to DeAnna.

Genuine caulbearers know one another, we can sense each other in specific ways. We are all different in certain modes and fashions in general, however, a true person born of the caul/veil is really very special, gifted, wise, and many do have great luck and supernatural power/ability.

If you did not know from birth whether or not you were born with a caul/veil and indeed was-spirit will eventually let you know through the energy and vibrations of the universe by sending messages through particular things, signs, and/or people which strike up that positive alarm within yourself until it is vital ignition enough to gain your anxious attention when you are ready for the journey.

Once you become aware, interested, open, and most importantly accepting of what and who you are you will notice the activation and extent that goes into the preparation of how much more knowledge, experiences, discoveries and things that will be gathered and revealed to you, for you, and by you.

Just believe and keep seeking truth. Always remember that you can and will indeed be able to learn about yourself and capabilities (as well as special supernatural abilities in the spiritual sense) through other fellow gifted sources, however, never let yourself be defined by any other as you are unique. Identity lies within itself and may not manifest itself in the same likeness, forms and/or styles of what is often or most commonly recognized.

I wish you the best!

Submitted on 2014/02/27 at 4:31 pm | In reply to Sonja.

Your comment was very silly and ignorant. First of all Shannon is not a real person born of the caul. You do not know the true definition of a caulbearer because if you did you would not have made that particular statement.

All caulbearers are not the same and all caulbeares are not of one another even though they may share similar experiences or abilities of whatever kind. No one can make all caulbearers look bad because a caulbearer is not defined by another person’s ignorant perception of what their characteristics should display within how they may express themselves.

If your heart is hurt that is of your own doing and if you are being brought down you are doing it to yourself. Take responsibility for your own personal problems and hang ups instead of blaming it on my blog or what I may have written.

Those who are like me with genuine power and insight who can see what other people cannot see are all so very rare in this day and age, unaffected by nonsense, extremely unconventional and they are not afraid of or fooled by what most tend to think of as truth.

There is way much more to the nature and spirituality of being born with the caul than what you know.

Submitted on 2014/01/14 at 4:15 pm | In reply to Someone Special.

Great comment! You imparted so much common sense and wisdom, and you indeed are right in what you say. Love your knowledge and very nice of you to take out the time to share and show your support.
