Very Special, Lucky Babies

Caulbearer Connections | “My Voice” Weblog By Miss LaToya Lawrence

[…] True Calling For This Caulbearer To Answer by misslatoya […]

teapotConnie said 6 days ago

I was wondering if you knew, or anyone knows, what the odds are of me being a mother of identical twin girls, and having one of them deliver an en caul baby? Yes, the baby, (she) was born in her entire amniotic sac just a couple of days ago. And, just for kidding around, do you think I should play the next biggest lottery available? Honestly, I am very intrigued by the whole phenomenon.
Any information would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you,

You said 4 minutes ago

basket-of-applesA child born with the caul strictly over its face and a child born entirely within the amniotic sac are two different instances and are not to be classified within the same signification although a child born en caul can still have psychic capability even with full fledged abilities.

I’ve never met anyone within my personal life that was born en caul. I and certain others that I know along with family members were born with the caul over our faces at birth yet my family comes from the south and I have heard of the stories from others of some who were born within the amniotic sac and that were psychic and that could tell people their future.

Nevertheless, a child born with the caul over their face is definitely no superstitious nonsense and should be taken very seriously. I am forty-one years of age now and my earliest memories of noticing and experiencing my gifts were at the age of three and my abilities get even stronger as I continue to age gracefully.

When I was at a certain age I stopped going to school because I could not be within the same environment of specific types of people and other children that were demonic and that were of a negative energy it was not healthy for me to be around them it was very intolerable they ruined and dulled the atmosphere ( I was nothing like these people and I still am nowhere near like average within manner of bearing and within manner of thinking.

Entering into my teenage years I gained more insight and enlightenment and the natural power to build a shield around myself with connection and understanding with the universe to protect my energy field yet it is still repulsing and intolerable for me to keep within the company of undesirables yet I am unaffected by their actions and vibrations. I am able to work and interact around them on a professional and social level though I still have to keep my distance from them on a personal level as my spirit will absolutely not take to them.

As children of the caul we are very spiritual, intellectual and influential (some of us are even genuinely extremely magical) and we are often very misunderstood, misjudged and targeted by certain groups of diverse people who lack information and/or that are not on the same particular wavelength as we.

In general, true caul births are rare and we differ hugely from others yet as we all come from different backgrounds and walks of life with similar traits and characteristics we all have our own unique experiences and valid stories to tell.