
I’m glad I’m not of some narcissistic energy that constantly needs to be praised and acknowledged and who threatens those to damnation for not agreeing and adhering to  circumstances that I don’t relate to, that don’t apply to me, and that don’t have anything to do with my sensible way, thought process, spiritual rotation, and so on.

I fortunately have the essence of “good light” and “energy” around me that allows and that inspires truth, love, peace, happiness, wisdom, knowledge, blessings, strength, confidence, talent, protection and the self individuality within my own authentic disposition as I am one within the essence.

It feels so good to be free. I never let anything rule me. I live a nice quiet life, I eat healthy and take care of myself, I have great spirituality, and I am blessed with great peace of mind.

I have always lived this way and I have no deep past regrets within my life.

I guess what I’m pleasantly guilty of is being extremely stubborn and set in my natural unconventional fashions.

The only thing I regret is being born into this physical realm, I deserve to be in a much better place than this twisted world, this forbidden place is beneath me.

When I was a kid I knew I didn’t belong here.

As one born with a caul I always knew things and felt things, even truths that may be considered controversial, nevertheless I didn’t care because hidden knowledge wasn’t a revelation for everyone or just anyone to know and to grasp.

I often wondered and couldn’t understand why trash we’re created and given life the instance never made any sense to me.

As a child I didn’t at all like or connect with those kinds of people within any way, I’d constantly get negative and intuitive feelings about them that would always pan out to be right or true, they were always prone to incite trouble, conflict, and disharmony as their nature and mentality was quite undesirable, and insufficient.

Many if not the majority of their type was very disturbed and ignorant in the mind even at a very young age because they are intrisnically born sick.

They also have a look about them, a way and mannerism about them, a vocal sound about them, characteristics that just don’t appeal or that don’t sit well.

There are certain people who will say that regardless they’re still one of God’s children, and that is another thing that never sat too well with me, because if God designed and put them here on the earth the instance is just another of the many numerous circumstances and factors in which goes to show and prove that there is something not at all right about god either.

One of the reasons they exist is because God uses them to carry out unwanted and unwarranted burdens of an unnatural essence upon the unconventional.

I’m not specifically referring to black magic/voodoo/witchcraft when I mention “unnatural” I am speaking in all terms of what goes against one’s own nature, propensity, or state of being just to please and appease an individual or entity who seems within a position to reign, or who wants to control.

Trash are weak-minded, easily influenced people, susceptible to be brainwashed, and who are ready and willing to accept what they perceive as a general higher authority in relation to God and/or to societal government without raising question or opposition.

They are on a certain mental level for a reason.

A low level where they are unable to come up from to decipher and to analyze from a genuinely higher intellectual or spiritual consciousness.

People who are “nothing” inspire to bring down people who are “something” with views, opinions, jealousies, and a lack of knowledge incorporated into their own limited outlooks, and limited scope into existence.

They are average low-life individuals who envy and oppose the free will and knowledge of distinctive individuals who are above them.

They in turn use their god to justify what they consider immoral or wrong in a distorted version to their own deception and misconception into the origin of who they innately are.

Others who are firm and concrete within the genuine validity of where they’re originally derived from cannot, and will not, be swayed by any means of detract, whether the intent is to minimize or to diminish the effectiveness, value or importance of someone, or to divert one altogether.

God will go to great lengths to use those who were born trash, and will turn others into trash just to get to them, or someone close to them, to manipulate and weaken them into incorporating his commands by psychological or spiritual harassment.

This technique has never worked on me as I am too strong within who I am and what I’m genuinely in correlation to within my own innate means.

No one could ever stop me from being the person who I am or from doing whatever it was that I wanted to do.







A Caul Destiny That Won’t Be Denied

Things are going my way. The universe harkens unto my voice. I live in my truth and my way harkens unto the intangible dimensions within my connection to the universe. The destiny that was designed for me, and the destiny I design, are both intertwined, and as they are both within harmony, they will not be denied.

Whereas there are a lot of good people in the world there are also plenty of negative and mediocre people inhabiting the planet and when no good people find out that they cannot use you and abuse you they do whatever it is within their power to refuse you the opportunities in which you are entitled to.

However, is not up to them or entirely in their hands to decide how far we go within life, or within our careers so to speak. It is just we live in a society governed and controlled by some people who are corrupt, and by some who are not on a certain “elevated” level and wavelength, or both.

The power is within the universe to ultimately decide, and the energy is dispelled unto not only those who are spiritually receptive, but to who it is also celestially intended.

As a spiritual person, life has consistently went better for me than the average life has went for others.

I was always meant to be successful and I have succeeded within many fashions and aspects of my life.

There are and have constantly been people, nevertheless, who’ve tried and who still take part in earnestly attempting to hold me back at reaching my highest peaks of deserved financial success.

I’ve worked jobs that I didn’t really want to do, or that I had no genuine interest in just to steadily gain a stable income to allow me to pay my bills, and to maintain the lifestyle that I frequently enjoy.

I was always able to make a good volume of money but they don’t want me to further delight in what they will never be able to have.

There is nothing they can do to stop who I am, what I’m capable of doing or achieving, or the things I was born to accomplish, they have only been able to delay certain events from taking place at a sooner period.

The time they stole and continue to steal, for the time being, until my optimum time finally arrives, is the extra time they’ll spend burning relentlessly within the lower depths of hell once they arrive to their inevitable and eternal destination. They have to suffer here, though, before they go, and a tough lesson beforehand they surely will learn.

I don’t follow the ways of the world because the world has absolutely nothing to do with me, I follow my own individual nature, preferences, and inclinations.

I have always definitely known how to live and to survive in this world, yet I am nothing of this world, and I never will be, and I am very proud of this actual fact.

Insecure People

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

It all starts within the home.

I had and was given so much love and attention at home that I never sort out to find love elsewhere.

Love made me confident, love made me strong, love made me secure, and no one can take away what was instilled in me from the beginning.

I have a very high self esteem and I am very sure of myself I have never desired, needed, or looked for social acceptance or validation from anyone.

I don’t understand people who do.

I don’t like people who reflect their own insecurities and negativities onto me, and onto others who exude a genuine and a positive self image, and attitude.

Those whose self esteem is so low that they interpret self assurance and strong sense of self as being full of oneself is all too self-telling.

It seems that some who are unable to reach a…

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Bad Intentions

People getting mad and destructive through the cellestial bestowments directed out from the great universe.

Unfortunately desiring to harm other individuals because they are blessed in ways that they aren’t – Miss LaToya

I never understood why certain individuals who were of a lower intellect and character, tried to dominate and degrade, those who were of a higher level and caliber.

It happened all the time among specific type of people who considered themselves to be up to par, yet were actually not.

The ones who’d get downgraded and downplayed were the true definition of genuine sunstance, and quality.

Imitators who aspired to duplicate within their own facades, often hunted deep to find fault within those who were just living normally, often creating a barrage of unwarranted attacks, in a mere attempt to completely subdue one.

Strange how relentless people are, and how far many of them will go, due to their own  unfathomable resentment toward the favorable advantage naturally granted upon certain others.

Funny Facts: Dope Lesson For Dummies

Dope is for dopes, a dead high just to get by.

Fiends put themselves into a sleep, as they can’t cope because life is just too deep. -miss latoya

I wonder what was in that heroin to incite a lot of junkies to believe they were experts on everything.

They have a delusion in where they are smart and everyone else is dumb.

Within their false assumptions, distorted points of view, and severely altered mind state, they are in tune to various illusion in which blows away the most keen individual toward a hysterical fit of laughter.

Their reasoning is outrageous, and their logic is quite ludicrous.

I guess those of us within a healthy and productive mindset, and bestowing extra sensory capacity, have a lot to learn by not adapting to what is not reality.

Once one begins to regularly deliberate within fallacy, they’ll be just as bright and informed as the junkie, and also agreeably welcomed, and suitably joined, into the fool’s comfortably inadequate paradise.

Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Breakdown

Everyone who has had a breakdown of some sort is not weak, crazy, or dangerously unstable.

A breakdown is spiritual within many instances. A Yoruba priestess even acknowledged this fact to me years ago. I know firsthand as my own mother was a victim of brujeria in the early 1980’s.

I was even targeted. My aunt tried to flip me out when I was eighteen years of age by putting the hallucinogenic drug mescaline into a hot pot of black eyed peas that I had cooking over the stove.

People often use recreational “trip” drugs to increase the chance or enhance the effect of mental and chemical alterations of the brain while also performing the negative spiritual influences within black magic/voodoo/witchcraft.

My aunt went a step further in her malicious attempt by also putting tainted hiv fluids inside my food. Anyone educated would know the disease would not survive within the air and within a pot of scalding hot water.

Nevertheless, I didn’t lose my head or have a breakdown, my mind was too strong with faculty and awareness, and I didn’t, of course, become infected with aids either.

I was young, innocent, and very spiritually inclined, so divine intervention took over and protected me.

My aunt Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) has been hiv positive since the 1980’s due to intravenous drug use and promiscuous behavior from the 1970’s on up and instead of using her limited time to spend changing her life around for the better, she continued to do tons of constant dirt. She and other envious and jealous ruthless dummies, whores, drug addicts, and degenerates attacked me and other family for decades.

They’ve in addition done it to others, however, when they came after my mother and I, they messed with the wrong individuals. We are people of the light and they are people of the darkness. My ancestors and orishas were ready for them all, and the universe was recording and keeping record of every notorious deed in which was repeatedly done toward us.

Tina had poisoned food of my mother’s years ago too while neighbors were working black magic/voodoo/witchcraft against her.

My grandfather was driven to mental affliction before he was killed and found dead in the Hudson river.

My aunt Charise was drugged and raped which caused her to be afflicted with mental illness.

My grandfather, mother, younger aunt, and I were targeted for manipulative breakdowns because we were all very smart, strong, and fighters who could literally kick ass if needed be. We weren’t the type to back down or be bullied by anyone, and we were all good upstanding people.

The intent for causing mental, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns are to weaken one, to render them as incredible, and to lower their self esteem and spirit.

Certain evildoers want those of us who have knowledge in which threaten their unscrupulous ways either dead or labeled as crazy.