Time For God

Walking With Jesus

There is no such thing as not having the time to talk to God or not being able to fit God into one’s schedule.

We are able to communicate with God at any second, minute, or hour of the day at any moment, any place, and during any circumstance.

There is no situation where or when God cannot be reached or spoken to.

We can contact God upon waking up, taking a shower, brushing our teeth, eating, heading out the door, driving, riding public transportation, working, or even in the middle of a conversation with another person.

It only takes a thought directed to the creator in which he automatically hears and knows beforehand.

We do not even have to open up our mouths to talk to God. He is all around us and for those of us who are saved his Holy Spirit he lives inside of us.


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Pathetic People: Stupid Type Of Men And Women


I never understood why some women fight over men. Especially when the men do not look like anything.

A man is nothing to fight over and a man is nothing to get hurt over. Yet not everyone shares my mentality, self-love, confidence, strength, self-worth or natural disinterest in men.

There are men who purposely try to make women jealous to gain attention for themselves. It strokes this type of man’s ego for a sign that the woman cares, is attracted, or has feelings for him.

There can be a woman who does not even want the man and he will use another woman who is interested in him to start trouble with the woman who does not want anything to do with him.

Men who behave within this manner are ignorant and immature.

When certain men cheat on women instead of the women getting angry at and/or attacking the other woman they should go after the man responsible for creating whatever drama.

Some individuals are so backward and twisted.

There were men who liked me, would get jealous over another man being around me and, I did not want either one of them.

I did not find the jealousy flattering at all- it was a complete turn off!




Hot Topic


I speak the truth I can’t help it:

On Friday at work, the television was on. The broadcast discussed the issue of the controversy over abortion.

One of my male elderly clients asked me what my opinion was in regard to abortion.

I told him no one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body.

He told me that he agreed, and that men need to be held accountable for getting women pregnant.

I did not mention this and- this statement alone may seem harsh or controversial- but it is my truth that I have felt since I was in my teens and will not back down on.

Some people just should have never been born to begin with. The world would be a better place if certain kinds of people did not exist.

Some people need to keep their legs closed and their genitals tamed that goes for both men and women.


Autumn Breeze: More Cafe Talk


On this past Friday, the second official day of Autumn, I worked a double shift with two separate clients.

In my field of work, I fortunately have multiple cases to work upon.

On break, during one of my visits, the wife of one of my clients I work with and I headed to a park to donate some books.

Then, we headed to the market to pick up a few items.

Afterwards, we stopped off at a Cafe we occupied before, and engaged in a delightful conversation.

The woman had her coffee and pastry once again as I had an apple juice.

She felt bad that I did not eat anything as this particular Cafe did not serve vegan meals of any kind.

The woman did not want to sit and eat even if she just ate a little something without me eating too.

I told her not to worry about it I was just fine.

Beforehand, at the market, there was not anything there I wanted or that I had a taste for either.

I told the woman I would pick up something later on.

When we left the Cafe, we went and sat on a bench outdoors and talked again some more just like we did a few weeks ago.

It was brisk outside, but we sat in the sunny part of the outdoors to enjoy the rest of our time spent together.

About an hour and a half later, I clocked out. I left to go to a facility to complete my second shift for the day.




Truly A Masterpiece: Props To Sharon Sprung!


I just got finished watching a segment on Spectrum News Channel One on artist Sharon Sprung.

From what I have seen with her work she is an extremely talented/gifted artist.

The unveiled painting, she hand-crafted/created of former First Lady Michelle Obama is breathtakingly gorgeous- ultimately beautiful.

I love all the coloring within the painting, Michelle Obama’s pose.

I just had to write and display a post in regard to what impressed me tonight.

This woman’s paintings are so life-like, and realistic.


Sharon Sprung Artist

A “Sweet” Recollection



I remember those days of the summer- riding our bikes through the neighborhood, playing hopscotch, double-Dutch, and every other fun activity that came to mind as children.

Running back and forth to the store to buy our junk-food goodies!

Them “Hostess” and “Drakes” Twinkies, cupcakes, ring-dings, funny-bones, chocolate devil-dogs and cookies.

Them “Nestle Crunch” and “Hershey candy bars, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Oh Henry, 100 Grand crispy milk chocolate with caramel, Snickers, Whoppers Malted milk balls.

When Mr. Softee came around sounding his music, we’d all run in the house to get money to buy ice-cream cones with or without sprinkles, black-cats, dog-face, fudge-sundaes, milkshakes, ice-cream sandwiches, Italian ices, Popsicles and slushies.

Those were the days!

Us children did not have a care in the world except for the big plans we had- to begin another adventure for the next day.






Riding The Waters

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

The first time I remember riding on a boat I was very young, about seven or eight years of age.

It was on the Manhattan Circle-Liner I rode with a group of family members.

They had come up to visit from Virginia. They wanted to tour around the New York City waters to see the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State building, and other attractions.

During childhood I also visited Hershey Park in Hershey, Pennsylvania where I rode numerous water-rides all day. The fun I had! I loved water-rides back then.

I have been on boats a few times as an adult. There is no excitement to it unless I feel myself moving on the vessel.

At the age of sixteen I was bored as can be down inside the Staten Island Ferry as I rode with friends while we hung out in Manhattan on Independence Day.

My friends at…

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I Currently Work With An Ex-Police Officer


I recently told my retired client who was once a cop that I am safe there working with him. In return he told me, “Oh No, you are not!”- he is so funny!


As I have mentioned years ago in a post on another one of my blogs, I have worked with all kinds of people- including rich and famous people.

The role of a licensed health care professional has taken me all over the place throughout the nine years I have been within the field.

Currently, one of my clients is an ex-police officer (he is also a veteran) who I work with at an expensive residential facility.

Him and I get along great. What he likes about me is that I am trustworthy, intelligent, have a sense of humor, and that I am very open- minded- I do not take things the wrong way. We discuss subject matter that he cannot talk about with just anyone.

This ex-cop client of mine is a white man. We got on the subject of the word “nigger”, and how no matter what race a group of people were in a particular circle he hung around with back in the day they would all light-heartedly call one another “nigger”.

I understood totally. I have even written about this before. I have African American bloodline and do not find the “nigger” word offensive at all as it is just a word with no actual meaning unless one ascribes or places value onto it.

The same goes for the word “bitch“. A lot of women get highly offended by this word. The word bitch has never fazed me, and I will call a man a “bitch” in a heartbeat if it applies!

My client and I also discussed how certain dumb people will consider themselves to be the smartest things in the world then like to boast and brag about what they “think” they are so smart about!


For The Avid Reader


Last week, I sent a good, life-long friend money for her birthday.

In return, she told me the money came in handy as she was going to use the funds to purchase a new release by Stephen King titled “Fairytale”.

From what I read in the detail of the book it seems very interesting. The novel deals with dark fantasy, thriller, and suspense.

My mother read and loved Stephen King novels in the early 1980’s. And, of course, we both enjoyed his films.

I know what a joy it is to read. I love a book that I am unable to put down. I really hope my friend enjoys her novel.

I remember years ago when I used to be a member of “Black Expressions” book club. I had ordered suspense and thriller novels. The ones I chose out of the catalog were excellent!

I also remember the True Crime library series of books I used to purchase at Barnes and Noble bookstore.

I would literally be up all night glued to my books. It was an exciting time back then.

Happy To Not Have Children


I originally never desired to have any children.

I was not one of those little girls who wanted to get married or have kids as an adult.

If I decided to have a child, I did not ever plan to get married, hook up with a boyfriend or commit to a relationship of any kind.

I did not need or desire companionship or sexual relations at all.

When I was in my twenties, I contemplated the idea of having two daughters, however, I am so glad it never happened for more reasons than one.

I was right from the very beginning of my young life.

I would have made a phenomenal mother but I do not think I was meant to have children.

I would not want to come into this world the way that it is today, yesterday, and the way it will be tomorrow. I definitely do not want any child of mine to be born into this society.

Aside from that, I do not want to be bothered. I love being single, I love being free without any connection to a child.

I am glad to not have adult children either.

I am fully grown, established, and very content with the way I am personally. I absolutely have no regrets.

It is great for those who want or have children as it may suit them.

I as an individual feel blessed and fortunate not to have any.

I remember when I told my mother three years ago how I wanted to get an apartment and get a puppy. She said to me, “A baby taking care of another baby”.

My mother was correct. I am a woman who is wise, responsible, strong, and experienced in life though I have this natural childlike innocence within my aura.



A Lady Of Her Own Style


I am not into all of that name-brand shit as a trend- I had all of those things growing up.

As long as I am clean, my clothes are of quality, and of the taste I prefer I am completely satisfied.

My mother kept me pristine as a child and kept me decked out as I was her little baby girl.

When I rode the school bus a few girls were jealous of the fancy gear my mother had sent me off in and they made it known by their envious talk.

I was just an innocent kid wearing clothes that my loving parent bought for me- but I learned early about the green-eyed monster.

I was always attracted to beauty. I had my own sense of style, an eye for what looked good.

I could pick out stylish home decor along with everything else that had sparked an interest within me. Whatever it was it would be elegant.

I had a knack for great judgment!

When it came to the summer, I liked to wear designer shorts/capris, skirts and jumper-skirts.

I became very conservatively appareled into adulthood. I was naturally comfortable and classy. I had my own fashionable style but nowhere near old-fashioned.

I was never a high-heeled, flashy dresses-wearing girl.

I liked my slacks, jeans, t-shirts or button-down shirts.

I was never too crazy about clothes during my teenage years and as I got older, yet I always dressed nicely.

I am not, nor was I ever, a materialistic person though I had wonderful material things throughout the years since my childhood.







In Style: My Fancy And Cool Mother


My mother was a fashion queen. She had an exceptionally fabulous wardrobe.

My mother had an eye-catching sense of style that attracted attention ever since she was a young girl.

People admired my mother’s apparel, her flair.

Some were even jealous of the gorgeous figure she had and how her clothing fit her adoringly.

She dressed her ass off! From her jewelry, to her jackets, to her pocketbooks, to her blouses, to her jeans, to her heels, to her sneakers, to her dresses- my mother was in a style all by herself.

Fashion ran within the family.

My uncle had a large, spectacular wardrobe full of clothes too! He kept his body clean and dressed very sharply.

Other members of the family also had quality gear to their liking- and a particular few were into luxury and glamor as they had the money to splurge.

My great-grandmother had furs, her sister had lavished items, and her niece was high-class in a league of her own.

Nevertheless, my mother did not dress to impress anyone (none of us did). Nice clothes and things were just a part of her nature, good taste, and talent for design.



All Natural, Natural Beauty


Everything about me is authentic, pure, and natural- from my mind, to my body, to my spirit.

I was never one to wear cosmetics. No one within my immediate family were into cosmetics either- and I loved that about them!

My grandmother sometimes wore lipstick, and my great-grandmother wore her lipstick from time to time but nothing dramatic or commonly done.

I used to play in my great-grandmother’s make-up once in a while as a child when I would play dress-up yet that is as far as it went.

I do not like cosmetics at all, I never did as I grew up.

I am totally natural- no foundations, no skin creams, no nothing but soap and water go on my skin.

I nurture my skin and body from the inside out with the proper nutrition and vitamin supplements.

I always had a high self-esteem. I love myself for who I am not for what a standard of beauty is projected to be.

I never cared what others thought of my appearance my opinion is all that genuinely mattered to me. I have always been confident within myself in that way because my spirituality rules me. Not any religious belief- but strength of character and purpose.

I prefer to not be made up by make-up as I was divinely made real by my creator.

When I see certain women or girls, they look so much better without wearing cosmetics. It is a shame how some are brainwashed or influenced by what society deems as beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have seen unattractive people called beautiful and attractive people called ugly.

In the same, often cute or pretty girls/women and guys think or consider themselves unattractive while unattractive girls/women think they are the most beautiful thing in the world.

What is true beauty? True beauty is self-love, self-worth, self-respect and a humane regard toward others.

When one truly has those depths instilled all else is irrelevant.

Sure, there are beautiful women and handsome men who were born into my family with nice grades of hair, tones of skin, and figures/physiques.

However, my family was not fazed by those attributes. They knew what they possessed but what they possessed did not possess them.

I myself am blessed with my fair share of attributes. Everybody tells me how lucky I am to still “look and sound like a baby” at the age of forty-seven.






No Jewelry For Me: It Is Not My Style


When I was a baby, my mother adorned me with jewelry.

Cute earrings and bracelets that were made of authentic gold (the earrings) and authentic silver (the bracelets).

As a youngster on up I came not to care for necklaces, earrings or bracelets made of silver or gold.

I loved to wear other types of bracelets made of beads- wavy bangle type bracelets, and the multicolored rubber bracelet wristbands I used to collect and purchase from the bubble gum machines.

Nowadays, and since my teenage years I do not desire to wear bracelets at all.

Rings I have never liked to wear.


Leaving Amazon Was A Blessing

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

I left Amazon on July 19, 2022. I began work at another job a week after.

The month of August proved a better livelihood into the future.

There was no depth to or any future working at Amazon.

The position I had as a locker Hub associate was a bit fun yet there was really no substance to the role.

Aside from the job not offering any compliment to my abilities whereas I could be challenged and grow, there was no opportunity to significantly advance.

In addition, there was no guarantee of a steady concurrent schedule or any schedule at all if one was not able to successfully compete with other employees on the App Amazon had set up for workers to be on to arrange their own timetable at a designated time every weekday.

Another drawback was Amazon only allowed us employees four hours a day of work unless…

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Hair Day: Brown-Skinned And Beautiful


I always had a head full of long hair since childhood.

I grew my hair down to my back almost near my derriere when I was in my twenties.

I wore my hair natural until I had gotten my first perm/relaxer at age eighteen.

A year ago, I did the big chop. I went to the barber shop and got a buzz cut that I loved. I had not permed my hair within about a year and a half before then.

I was glad to cut off all of the remains of my previously permed hair.

I had initially planned to keep my hair chopped down within a buzz cut.

I changed my mind when I saw my natural wavy-curly hair take on a life of its own!

All I do is wash my hair with Dove body wash and water. I do not put any hair grease, dressings, or sprays within my hair afterward.



My hair is strong and full of luster and elasticity.

I do not ever intend to grow it extra-long again but for now I would like to see what my hair continues to do on its own.

I do not even have to style my hair. The way it sets is the result of how I come out of the shower.

I have a combination of texture to my hair due to my mixture of African American, Native American and European heritage/bloodline. It was never the nappy/kinky type- which is just fine for those who do!

I love African American hair within its natural state. It is so versatile.

Black women come in all different beautiful shades with all different beautiful hair types.

Do not let society or anyone else tell you that you are not gorgeous because of the color of your skin or how you wear your hair!







To Be Real Is To Be Dangerously Brave


Phony people are a turn off. They can also be quite humorous.

They also tend to annoy with their over-acting and hard attempts to convince.

Some who are fake swear that they get over. I don’t know why they waste their time.

It is so much easier to be genuine.

I understand not revealing everything or playing the part (going along with the program even if it is not what one agrees with for the sake of harmony and etc….) within certain situations. That is not being bogus- that is just the necessary motions of flowing through society.

The sad truth, though, is that sometimes what is fake is taken as what is real by those who are deceived or who do not know any better.

What is real can also be taken as fake by those who do not believe, do not understand, or who do not give the benefit of the doubt.

A fact within life is that just because something is presented as reliable does not always give credence to the story or to the one who is telling it.

At the same time, just because something may sound far out, uncommon, or not likely does not mean that it is not so.

There are many people, many circumstances, many ideas, many preferences, many beliefs, many personalities and distinctions within character.

This is a big wide crazy world!

No matter what- always be real and true to who you are regardless of how you may appear or how things may seem.

Authenticity outweighs the limitations reflected by others, strength overtakes and endures, confidence is the power to maintain without caring about the opinions, accusations or judgments of others.latoya lawrence 




The Truth About Church


Earlier in the week, I forgot which exact day, I was standing on a long line waiting to catch a bus home.

Two young females who looked to be in their twenties were scoping out individuals who stood on the line to approach.

One of the women came up to me and directly asked, “You want to come to my church?”

I said, “No”.

She then moved on to someone else she felt comfortable enough to go up to.

I watched as the other female asked a guy down on line the same question I was asked while he also gave her a “no”.

The lady who came up to me wore a name tag just like most of those with the Church of the Latter Day Saints.

A great deal of the people who attend church in general are nothing but devils and hypocrites.

Some are even brainwashed or sick-minded.

There is nothing wrong with church itself. It is good if one is able to find a church they connect with. There is negativity and positivity in every place, however, going to church does not verify a person who has a genuine regard, relationship or loyalty toward God or spirituality.

It is about what is truly within one’s heart, mind, and soul- not where they sit at every Sunday or other day inside of a church.

A lot of us already have a natural tendency- a propensity to lean and be led toward our creator in the individual way and path directed within our own distinction. God knows how to reach those who are apt to reach back.

As many ignorantly judge others based on their own personal reflections or flaws, God and those who are enveloped by him judge by truth, and the spirit of discernment.

It can be the least one would expect who is the closest to God.

The ones who are the farthest from God can have the appearance of godliness but no godliness is within them. They are full of filth, dirt and deceit.

A church is the house of God. A house of God is not a physical building. It is an internal building that firmly houses one.- latoya lawrence







Classic Noirs: The Whistler Continues


Yesterday morning I came home, took off my clothes, got comfortable, ate a few cold, firm and crunchy red delicious apples.

Not too long after, I was ready for a meal that I craved. I was prepared from the grocery shopping I did from the day before.

I bought what I knew was going to satisfy my appetite in a healthy fashion as I often aspire.

My food cooked over the stovetop smoothly. I made vegan pasta complimented with sprinkles of garlic to enhance the flavor of spice. Onion, basil and oregano also brought out the usual pleasant taste of my spaghetti.

My food was ready just in time as I sat to watch two never before seen “Whistler” movies.

I watched Secret Of The Whistler first. I enjoyed this flick very much. Good, stylish, and acceptable for its time, and the film still holds up while keeping the culture of that era in mind.

The second movie I watched right after- The Return Of The Whistler (the only film within the series that did not star Richard Dix) was not bad either. I liked the way it started off.

The next three and last of the eight movies I have to see are “The Thirteenth Hour”, “Mysterious Intruder” and “The Mark Of The Whistler”.

I hope to view these entertaining noirs very soon!




It rained most of the day yesterday, it was cloudy all day today with traces of precipitation here and there.

I slept until noon yesterday afternoon, direly catching up on the much-needed rest of my sleep deprivation.

The rain created a calm, cozy atmosphere to relax to the sounds of hard-hitting raindrops amidst the air in unison upon my windowsill.

I spoke with my supervisor yesterday she kindly and generously offered me to come in later instead of earlier on three of my weekly shifts as I also work twelve-hour overnight shifts on certain days.

I work five days a week all together doing multiple shifts.

I do not mind the work I have taken on at all, I am extremely blessed, so grateful- yet I must get adequate time to rest.

On top of everything else, I also must take care of personal affairs and errands on my free time.

A lot of us are sleep deprived. I thank the Lord and the people I work with for being understanding and flexible.


This Immigration And Asylum Issue


We already have too many people over here within this country as it is.

We have people here who do not have jobs, people who are homeless.

The government needs to take care of the people who are already here instead of allowing others to come over here to add to more problems.

Why not put effort into helping those in need here who are at risk and just lack the opportunity that can be given if permitted the chance.

But no! The government along with these self-serving politicians are just looking out for themselves to gets votes, to get recognition/prestige, to get into higher positions of power.

They do not genuinely care about us native citizens. It is all about carrying out plans that seem to progress foreigners when it is really a trade-off to further the government’s unscrupulous agendas.

The people coming over here are going to need steady employment, sufficient income, a secure place to live and etc…. Plenty of things that people here in America need and do not have.

Like I said, take care of the people already here before letting immigrants unnecessarily invade on us and cause us more trouble.

A Must See Movie For Those Who Haven’t


I was in the mood for cinema Saturday night, sorting through the hundreds of films in the app of my library of free movies to watch on my wide-screen television set.

I chose a movie titled “The Brave One”, and I am so glad I did.

I stayed up until 5am in the morning watching this film till the end as I had to work Sunday afternoon It was worth it though. I went to sleep afterwards- and still made it to work ahead of time.

It starred Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard. It is a realistic movie that came out in 2007 about a violent assault, murder, and a lady who works for a radio broadcast who takes it upon herself to avenge victims of crime in New York City as well as herself of her previous attackers.

The ending really stirred me, I just loved it!

The Brave One was truly an excellent, heart-felt action-thriller movie that one would not be disappointed viewing if this is their genre.


Happy To Be Single


Some people act as if marriage is a badge of honor.

Marriage is an institution I never admired or desired.

I knew since childhood I was not ever going to get married.

The idea of having a boyfriend or lover did not appeal to me either.

I did not want any man sitting up underneath me every day- and I still don’t.

I do not like kissing or cuddling with the opposite sex.

I do not need attention, affection, or support from the opposite sex- I never have. The thought is inconceivable to me.

A romantic relationship with anyone is out of the question there is no chance of it ever happening.

The other person would just be left hurt, disappointed, scorned and/or defeated by their inability to get a rise out of me heart-wise or psychologically if their rejection or hurt initiated them to retaliate against me within any way.

I know this for a fact.



I have already been through this situation many years ago with men who got mad at me for not wanting them. I was a heart-breaker without a conscious and without even trying to be.

I was not a monster I just do not understand the certain feelings of others that I myself do not have. Nor do I want to understand them when it comes to love relationships.

And- forget about sex! The human penis has always been a huge turn off to me.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What may look good to one person may not look good to another.

I never cared what anyone thought about the way I looked. I was always considered very attractive but what mattered was that I truly like the way that I looked even if no one else in the world did.

My self-esteem was never built on the judgment of others.

I value myself and I am very self-confident. I value one’s character over anything.

I was born to be single as far as I am concerned.

I am single yet romantically unavailable, I would not have myself any other way.

Self-Love, Confidence  And Fulfillment  Comes From Within


Bon Voyage


I had the opportunity to go to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil when I was twelve years of age but I did not want to go.

Since I didn’t want to go my mother did not go either. She would not have gone to another country and left me behind.

The trip to Brazil may have been interesting, I don’t know, I really do not care. I have no regrets.

I was not one fascinated by travel.

I did not mind visiting other states as I have done yet when it came to visiting other countries I always declined.

I have family and friends who have explored overseas and I think their tours of alluring, exotic places are wonderful.

It is just not my thing.

I will stick to the United States as my family originated in Halifax, Virginia.



I come from southern folk. African American, Native American (Cherokee and Blackfoot Indian), and European (English) bloodline.

I prefer my native land.

I have relatives that are still located in different parts of Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina and within other states.

I have visited a friend in New Hampshire, relatives in South Carolina.

I have been to Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware and a few more states.

There are many beautiful countries and lovely cultures out there within our huge world.

A friend was telling me last week how she would like to visit and revisit a few countries in the near future.

I will keep my travel restricted to America, nevertheless.


Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders


In my younger days men always chased after me whether they were single, had girlfriends, or even wives it didn’t matter.

A lot of guys liked me, not because all were just interested in sex, they genuinely liked me as a person. They enjoyed my conversation; they were intrigued by my uniqueness.

I had male as well as female associates. Sometimes I even got along better with certain males than I did with females.

Men shared wild and intimate secrets with me. They’d have girlfriends or wives while having other women on the side and etc….

I was upfront with them letting them know that they would never get into my panties.

I had some that were glad I was the way that I was even though it was a bruise to their ego. Some were envious of me, some resented me, some didn’t care- I did not care either.

No one could take advantage of me, no one could get over on me. Everything I did was on my terms or to my advantage. I was never the emotional lovey-dovey type of female. Although I had no problem with expressing how I thought or felt.

I had some very funny and crazy experiences with guys.

There was a neighborhood guy in his fifties that was interested in me when I was in my twenties.

We were sitting in his jeep talking while a crowd of people were there hanging out, talking, enjoying the days of summer.

All of a sudden, he turned the key in the ignition, started the vehicle, and drove around the corner.

I opened the door to the jeep and hopped out as we were halfway down the block (he had not drove too fast as I was able to take a safe leap).

I knew he was going to try to rape me.



When I was out of the jeep he told me to get back in.

I told him no! “Get back into the jeep so that you can rape me and then everybody say that it was my fault for getting back into the jeep?” I spoke.

“Rape?!” He spoke.

This fifty something year old man then got out of his vehicle and literally chased me around the jeep telling me to get back in.

I purposely ran around the jeep to make an ass out of him. Then I walked back down the block to where the rest of the people were. He was nothing to worry about. He was high, hard-up, and frivolously hell-bent.

My mother and I laughed about it later when I told her what had happened “He was going to get him some ass, huh?!” She relayed back in truth and humor.

My mother acknowledged to me that I was lucky the man didn’t have power-locks in his jeep.

Rape is a serious crime and no laughing matter; however, this man was nothing to take serious in my situation I was in no further danger. I was well-known in the neighborhood; people knew him and what he was about. He definitely knew better. I was a hangout partner with his sister whom he didn’t get along too well with.

This man and I ran into one another weeks later as I were on my way to the store, he was parked on the corner and called me over to the car.

I brought up the prior incident.

“Rape?!” He said like the suggestion I made was preposterous in order to through me off. He wanted to make me feel foolish. Of course, it did not work.

“There is too much pussy out here to rape”, he added out of anger.

When I did not back down and insisted on what he aimed to do he exclaimed, “I don’t want you!”

Then he admitted that by his last words he was just trying to hurt my feelings.

“My feelings are not hurt”, I expressed. “Why would I care if you want me or not?”

“Yeah, that could be true. You women can be cold”, he expressed back in return.

I, LaToya did not understand this man’s mentality at all. I did not understand the ignorance.

When I told a male associate the story he automatically knew instinctively as he addressed to me, “He was going to rape you”.

Months later, the fifty-year-old man’s sister came to me and told me that another female came to her and told her that her brother tried to rape her too. I and this other targeted girl did not personally know one another but I had seen her in the neighborhood before.

In return, the sister told the girl that she had heard about it before (through me but she did not tell the girl where she heard about it from).

The man’s sister told me that her brother trying to rape this other woman was not relevant because of her notorious promiscuous sexual behavior.

I disagree.

As far as I am concerned, even a prostitute does not deserve to be raped even though she may be asking for it depending on her situation.

If a woman does not consent to having sex, then no man has the right to force himself on the woman regardless of her sexual history.

Rape is an act of violence and control.





Once Upon A Time At The Mall


I and a friend were on the phone talking earlier in the week.

We got on the subject of shopping malls. How the one’s we used to visit often or occasionally years ago are no longer an entertaining attraction.

None of the malls are like they were they have really gone downhill.

Even the strip malls have lost the appeal they had.

These places at one time were decorated with the finest of features that stroked interest and activities. Popular stores, famous eateries, variety shops and more. Crowd-pleasers that kept consumers coming back for more.

Sure, people still return to the malls yet the magic is gone.

What was at a time exciting is now dull, boring or mediocre.

I remember the days when talk of the mall inspired enthusiasm to take the trip there.

Green Acres, Roosevelt Field, Queens Center- none of these New York malls have the spark that lit their fire back in the day.

My friend talked about a few spectacular malls in other countries.

After our discussion, I had not planned or thought about going to a mall and ended up visiting one the next day on the spur.

I went, I did what I had to do, I was in need of an item not available at another place I had traveled to.

My Neighborhood mall is not as big as the other malls I mentioned but it is a convenient place, and has a few major retail store outlets that draw faithful consumers.




I read the paper this morning while at work after I left my overnight shift.

I use to read the paper as well as watch the news just about every day.

The Daily News is what I grew up on during childhood, my immediate family preferred the print over News Day and The New York Post.

I don’t remember what other newspapers other relatives would buy when I would go to visit them.

Nonetheless, we read them all as there were times when the Daily News was sold out.

Even though I liked to read the paper the news print left behind on my fingertips would turn me off.

As usual, I keep up to date on current events but the newspaper is still loaded with its fair share of uninteresting garbage and sensationalism.




Oh, Summer Night


I observed how gorgeous the atmosphere was last night as I was on my way to work an overnight shift.

I could not get over how beautiful the weather was- how good I felt prancing about in the last days of summer.

I am not ready for this to soon come to an end.

I want to delight within beautiful nights of summer breeze, lit up streets, people lively at ease- all of us simultaneously caught up in our own things.


Hanging Out Before Work: Satisfied Hunger


I worked a five-hour shift on Sunday. I was scheduled for a five-hour shift on Monday. I took a rest on Tuesday.

I worked two shifts on Wednesday- a four hours, then later in the evening a twelve hour.

After the first morning shift, I came home relaxed, fixed something to eat, but I was still hungry later on.

So, I left home two hours early before my second shift to go eat out at an Italian restaurant. The restaurant that makes an accommodation for the way I want my food prepared.

My order was great too.

I sat outside on the bricks under the trees across the street from a seating area, enjoyed my food, the evening air, the scenery, and my time of peace and grace.


Welcome Fall!


It’s September, summer will officially be over in the weeks to come.

Before we know it, it will be the end of December the new year will be coming in.

Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year.

I hate the cold weather.

Autumn brings in the beauty of yellow, red and orange leaves- a result from the lack of chlorophyll that breaks down as less sunlight is directed onto the trees during the change of the season.

I like the look and feel (essence) of fall without the chill. Though I don’t mind a touch of brisk air, but nothing too severe.

We should be thankful for whatever season we’re in especially if we are continuously blessed with good health and a sound mind.