seasonalI love it when I am surrounded by the presence of my own personal Orishas who never cease to amaze or to disappoint me.

They are loyal and very sufficient along with my good ancestors.

As my Orishas take turns as the leads of my life and take turns working together within my worlds naturally directing and affecting/effecting chance and change in the favor and in the accordance with the universe they serve as extremely beneficial guides and protectors.

This is pumpkin season and what other better reason than to mention the beautiful “river goddess” Oshun.

Oshun and I go way back! I remember the first time I received her honey-colored beads.

And I remember the first time I gave/offered her a cute little pumpkin along with some honey years ago. I buried it with a ritual and experienced some of Oshun’s fierce power as she invited and took me along on a comfortable and relaxing “spiritual float/travel”. She was so ecstatic because I gave her the pumpkin not to just get something in return but only truly from my heart and out of pure gratitude.

Oshun has shown and given me nothing but love, respect, insight, peace and safety.

And again this year she gets a cute little pumpkin out of the appreciation that she deserves!








Veneration to you Oshun!

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