I received an email today from one of my visitors. And it was quite a coincidence because I was just about to write this post regarding the authenticity of true knowledge and spirituality, and how it relates to individuals in ways that is meant for them.

It is very important where and how information is gathered.

This particular visitor inquired about Santeria, possibly interested in becoming involved with the religion for her own personal fulfillment-which is a good thing. She wanted to know if I had anything other than basic knowledge of the subject compared to what can be found on the internet.

And this is what my response to her was:


I was born with the caul and am a clairvoyant. I didn’t choose the life that I have, it chose me. I was naturally inclined to my spirituality. Voodoo first originated in Africa as I’m sure that you already know. Africa is a part of my ancestral roots, as well as Native American and a little European. Our backgrounds do have a lot to do with our spirituality because of our heritage.

Yoruba which is African does have similarities to Santeria. So to answer your question about do I have any further knowledge about Santeria other than basic, of course.

Everything that I have written about any type of voodoo has come from my own personal experiences, and I doubt very much that what I wrote about was basic. I never gathered anything from the internet to use as examples-I can’t go by that it is against my nature. My abilities are natural and unique.

Now I have read things from different sources that have backed up what I have experienced so I knew that some did have the correct information. As I am sure that you already know, you cannot believe everything that you hear
What you have to realize is that I have a gift so I don’t operate as the average person; meaning I am highly sensitive and spiritually inclined so I deeply understand the depths of voodoo. So it is hard for me to put myself in other people’s shoes when it comes to being “so called normal”.

No one taught me the things that I know and do; I was born with these capabilities. I’ve had confirmations from other Yoruba priestesses that I know and a babalawo. I only deal with real sources. My life is serious business so I don’t take chances on information that may not be legitimate. I’ve even met a curandero.

I know all about Santeria because I was a victim of Santeria (black magic “brujeria”) at a very young age, since I was seven. I’m thirty-seven now. I know good Santeria and bad Santeria. I know things that you’ll never find on the internet or in certain books because those in particular who practice it do not want the complete truth to be out there.

Like I’ve told you before, my spirituality chose me. It is me. It is in my bloodline passed down to me through my ancestors. It speaks to me in all kinds of ways-through my thoughts, visions and so on.

I didn’t learn about loas through research, they were already in my life before I actually knew who they were. I just didn’t have a name for them. I knew since childhood I was born with a gift; however I didn’t actually know everything that it meant until I got older.

Now whether it is Yoruba or Santeria they both will bring you peace and happiness. I was born to be a priestess so it is a path I was destined to follow. You definitely have to have a foundation and connection with your ancestors. I have a combination of power around me, a great mixture of African spirituality.

A lot of people claim that they follow this or that just because they light a candle and make a few offerings to an orisha/loa. True veneration is much more than that. It has to be you; it has to be what your life is about.

You cannot go searching for a Loa to be involved with this type of spirituality/religion. They have to come for you (it literally will come get you). You may seek the loas for aid in certain matters but that doesn’t qualify anyone as a candidate.

I can get really deep with you about this and reveal some things. But we are just corresponding. And I prefer to speak to people face to face. We don’t know one another. You have your own way and things that you are seeking, and what you may or may not believe in so I will leave it like this for now.

Sincerely Latoya

I have shared my letter because it just about sums up the best way that I could put it in a post. You have to be cautious when receiving information. One should always go to the source.

And the genuine source is “experience”. Along with major study and communication backed up by “experience”.

Experience comes in many forms if one is paying attention, to understand what you have learned and to analyze each and every concept. And sometimes things do not always come out all at once. There are certain times for knowledge to be revealed and gathered.




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