I Love This Verse!

Isaiah 35:4

Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.”

When People Are Very Jealous And Intimidated By You


What I have observed in the past is that some people do not understand spiritually gifted people.

I cannot speak for all, however, from my experience, spiritually gifted people do not dwell on or worry about things.

We have a heightened sense of awareness that keeps us informed about things going on even if we are not physically present in a situation or are nowhere around when occurrences are taking place. So if things rewind and playback- it is no fault or flaw of ours- it is a natural part of the extra sensory process that helps us to stay vigilant when necessary.

We can be anywhere and pick up on something that is going on somewhere else if we happen to get those vibes.

These vibes stay with us intermittently or steadily depending on the circumstances and nature of the individual and their spiritual radar.

Things that may have transpired within the past that may connect somehow to the present or future may arise as a warning, an enlightenment, or a reminder of something relevant.

A strange vibe that I get and have gotten periodically that proves to be confirmed is those whom for sick reasons of their own resent me for the person I am.

I remember during my early twenties, neighborhood people who knew of me hated the fact that I had nothing that they considered “dirt” on me.

I never understood these people’s low-level mentality.

If I did ever come to have anything that they were to consider dirt that did not mean the instance would be considered dirt to me as far as their warped minds are concerned.

They wanted something they thought they could hold over my head to bring me down to their level or lower.

When they could not do it, they worked witchcraft on me while spreading lies about me, harassing me in effort to give me a mental breakdown of some sort, and from what I heard to stop me from doing the things in life that I wanted to do.

None of them succeeded in their endeavors as my mind could not grasp the idiocy of what they were doing.

I was not affected and kept going on with my life while at the same time constantly aware of everything transpiring around me.

I knew they were not going to win because the darkness cannot overpower the light.

My father -who is trash himself- even had enough sense to admit to me that these people were wasting their time as the street-life is an entirely different life than those of us who are decent and of class, and that their head games and other off the wall nonsense was not going to work on me.

These people were determined and wanted to see my demise bad.

This originated from jealousy in the family many years ago.

None of this was normal.

Though for all this to have taken place, and these people initially coming after me when I was a seven- or eight-year-old child (when witchcraft was first placed upon me by my envious now deceased great-grandmother) I had to be very important.

Whenever an aspect keeps repeating itself in some form- and you are not the one who is entertaining it, there is some significance behind the matter.

What I have learned through my accounts is that I am a threat to certain negative people.

There is something in life that I am meant to fully accomplish only beknown to God.

Maybe part of the mission is sharing my experiences with others who may have experienced these similar things, and who were accused of being paranoid or crazy because of it or what they knew.

So many people have been destroyed, killed, and put in mental institutions because others would not believe or listen to them on account of conspiracies against them by devious, malicious people.

When God has a mission for us the devil will surely use his human minions to try to devour us.

I currently feel the resentment and animosity coming from those disappointed after all these years. I can even feel the unsettling energy from them within my body.

How I was not disturbed or ruined by the dirt that they tried to corrupt upon me.

Nothing turned out the way they planned, and they will all have to suffer consequences and answer to God for their foolishness.

Nobody bothers me at all.

And if a conflict or negativity does arise here or there as life will sometimes normally bring, I never assume or associate it with something from the past. Intuition or empathic vibe will let me know if something current is connected to someone or something from the past.

Life continues to be peaceful and normal as it should be, but there are a lot of evil, unhappy, lost people out there.

God gives us from birth the strong spirit to handle, undergo, and get through whatever it is we must forge ahead to or through.



















Sexual Harassment 👮‍♀️♀️👮‍♂️♂️🔒


Harassment of any nature is not limited to the workplace, of course, it can take place anywhere.

Periodically, at almost every job I ever had we had updated training.

When I worked at Sears Roebuck for four years there was continuous training for us employees to complete electronically as things were constantly changing or advancing.

Even if the subjects and activities within the lessons and testing were just a recoup of what we had already gone over beforehand.

Two weeks ago, I had to do updated training in one of my workplaces regarding sexual harassment- a subject I am very knowledgeable in, and that I have always passed with one hundred percent correctness in answers after testing whether during orientation or training.

This previous occurrence gave me an idea to write about due to the seriousness in nature on jobs where managers are not taking action when they are supposed to. Where managers may side with a perpetrator, or where managers do not take a matter gravely.

Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind should never be tolerated in the workplace.

Do not be afraid, stand up for yourself at all cost and at all means.

A supervisor/manager is supposed to give immediate attention to the employee once harassment is reported. If they do not, and one does not see any results or are not satisfied with an investigation that was carried out then report your case/complaint to The New York City Commission of Human Rights- 718 722 3131.

One can also call or contact The New York Division of Human Rights 888 392 3644.

Personally, I know from my experience when or if anyone tries to harass me in any way I go into kick- their- ass mode.

However, we must think before we instantly or automatically react.

If we do not fight back in a way that is obvious it is not that we are afraid. We just do not want to risk going to jail for assholes who are not worth wasting precious time of our lives over.

Nevertheless, no matter how a negative situation will turn out it is very important to remember that nobody in this life gets away with anything that they do- even if they ignorantly think they have.

It is alright when something is justified, but people get back what is coming to them and God does not let negative deeds/actions go unpaid.



Through My Eyes 👀


I remind myself of the 1978 Faye Dunaway thriller/mystery “The Eyes Of Laura Mars”. It is said that art imitates life.

I have been seeing accurate visions that were confirmed or that came to be since I was a child, whether while awake or in my sleep.

I am not perfect, just a human being. I would not trust everything that is shown as we are to test the spirit.

Although things can also have dual meanings or reflections I know when to keenly sense the difference from within and between from experience.

This past Thursday night, around 10:40pm, I had a vision of a guy whose energy I have been feeling for a while who I will not name.

Usually when I feel guys’ energy in a certain manner it is because they are attracted to me, jealous of me, have animosity toward me, or whatever, and because they are no good.

I always find out that I was correct in my predictions and judgments.

Their energy can linger for as long as their feelings for me last, or for as long as I need to be aware of the circumstances taking place with and around them regarding me and my life.

In the vision that appeared while I laid awake, the guy was completely naked wearing nothing but a pair of socks.

He was in a bedroom.

I am not sure if this bedroom was located inside a hotel or somebody’s home.

A barely dressed female who appeared partially in the nude lay on a bed dazed, with her eyes barely opened about to pass out from a roofie (flunitrazepam) that was slipped in her drink.

As this girl/woman laid in the bed I could see from her slanted-eye view the guy walk across the room past the foot of the bed to observe her state of falling unconscious.

I was projected as the female at first until the vision further played on.

The guy took out his phone- and I could discern every bit of vile energy and negativity within this individual’s actions and intentions. He enjoyed what he was doing- to record and photograph this female he victimized through eventually having sex with her while incapacitated.

There was another guy who appeared inside the room, though I was not able to get a look at him.

The other guy asked with a smirk on his face in a way as to urged the guy on if he wanted to take a turn to sexually take advantage of the girl.

This guy is an awful, terrible, low life piece of shit.

I do not know if this occurrence took place Thursday night, the exact time it was revealed to me, if it happened sometime already within the past, or if will occur soon.

What I picked up from the dream is what he did to that girl is also something he would like to do to me. That is why I was initially portrayed as the girl.

I do not know the entire situation with this female I witnessed in the vision. However, I was feeling this is what this guy does when the opportunity presents itself for him to underhandedly use a form of rape on girls who otherwise refuse to give him the time or day then probably lies about it later by saying the girl was high or something to that effect- though she would have no recollection- then keep video footage and photos for himself as a trophy/souvenir to look back at, privately show other no good associates to, and gloat over. He may have even blackmailed certain girls with the footage leaving them afraid to come forward.

I cannot prove this, yet I know what I saw and felt is true.

Energy does not lie- but people do.



I Do Not Want To Be What The World Considers Normal❤


I have been told directly when I was a teenager and during my adulthood that I was not “normal” by three people because I am very unique.

Some meant those words as an acknowledgement to me that I was uncommon to them as others have used the term toward me as an insult.

But what these few who said this to me, whether it was a harmless mention or one to intentionally hurt, did not realize is that their words were a huge compliment to me.

It made me feel good to not be categorized as being the same.

No one can drown out my voice or my existence. Though, I have always detested the existence of those who I feel should not exist.

I am one who could never conform to the so-called norm of what is considered normal- to do as others do and to think as others do.

To accept and adhere to the approved dominant set of principles, rules, or standards within the characteristics and behavior carried out by most of society.

It was never my inborn tendency to behave according to socially accepted conventions or typicality.

I often rejected, and refused to comply or go along with what went against my nature or way of thinking, being, and doing due to my unconventionality.

I prefer my original, unusual, different, so-called strange to some, out of the ordinary, original, new-fashioned disposition- because it is the real me.

I never had the desire to join in- that is why I always stood out.

I hated whenever people tried to manipulate or coerce me by subtle means trying to use psychology, head games, or their way of reasoning to undermine, challenge, or change my attitude and ways through passing unfavorable judgment upon me, downplaying me, turning against me, or underestimating me.

These actions never caused self-doubt or fear within me to surrender to just be accepted.

Oftentimes it infuriated me or caused me to pleasantly distance myself from those kinds of individuals.

My resistance has caused in many instances among those who were in opposition or who were incongruent, great friction between us.

This is why I am a leader and not a follower because I never went along with society because it was the thing to do or else, I would be an outcast or labeled or considered crazy.

I refused to be what I was not to please others and lie to myself just to get by.

I have received backlash or so-called consequences for doing things my way that others did not understand or interpreted their way as they could see no other way due to their own social conditioning and/or lack of awareness or knowledge in diversity.

Yet, all the occurrences did was make me more determined to maintain my identity and to continue to be who I am.

If anyone is to criticize me, laugh at me, call or consider me insane for sticking to my guns, then so be it.

Nothing can deter me from loving the person within me.

To me, certain others are the crazy ones.

I could just as easily criticize and laugh at them for seeing things in my own way. The way I feel is everyone has the right to be who they are and live out their life accustomed to how they are as long as they do not impose their ways on me and try to make my life difficult on account of their indifference.

I never cared or tried to force my ways on anyone but others failed to treat me in the same. Some people have a problem with control and some cannot deal with what is foreign to what they know and have been taught.

Something unheard of or unorthodox can be disturbing to them.

I am resilient within my natural purpose.

There are times, places, and situations whereas we as people do not necessarily relate to or agree with things, but we may compromise or make allowances. This is vital in life as we must conform when it is contingent upon circumstances.

Of course, there must be order and harmony within living together to humanely survive here on the earth.

However, when it comes to personal identity, I will not budge for anyone.

If more people were allowed to truly be themselves and fresh ideas were contrived in dealing with problems or situations instead of the same predictable methods that I find tiring, annoying, and of no use or affect as one who these measures does not reflect upon accordance with.

This indeed is a sick society.

A lot of what is considered normal among many is what really is abnormal, but it is accepted because abnormal in relation to normal is what is normal to them.

I am so glad to not be normal.

I choose to be a healthy individual who is not a puppet of this world. latoya lawrence 


Bold And Proud With No Apologies 🦢


I have no regrets in my life.

I am proud of the child that I once was, the teenager I used to be, and of the woman who I am now.

I am thankful and grateful for the divine guidance and protection that reigns over me.

God has never let or allowed negative people to win over me in any circumstance.

When I look into the past I remember that since I was a little girl all throughout my life whenever people had tried or partook in doing dirt against me they have always failed no matter how many things they did, lies they told, or delusion they upheld through their facades and false perception of projection they tried to reflect upon my life.

God has taught me, and from a young age, instilled in me during my journey- an insight, strength and confidence.

A living example of what he assembles no one can disassemble. It is also an inspiration to others of what is possible when others say what is not possible.

It upsets negative people when what would hurt or bother them does not hurt, bother, or affect you mentally or emotionally. They do not have the capacity or knowledge of higher consciousness within the spirit to know better. It is a level that they will never attain.

Whenever negative people went to strike their arrows, it was nothing to me. Idiocy can sometimes be annoying, but it is of no faze.

There are a lot of no-good people in the world. When God has a special purpose for us others can see that light, though, they might not discern what that light is. The devil comes for us the strongest, yet he has no power over us!

As I observe the present everything is running smoothly.

Of course, we all have the usual kinks that life throws at us here and there that eventually get untangled- but it is because of the fallen world that we live in and to keep us knowing that we can depend on God to see us through and to keep us thriving.

I love and appreciate the positive powerful energy around me.♥️

A Lot Of Black People Are A Serious Problem In Life


A lot of people do not want to hear or accept the truth, but I am one who will speak my truth regardless.

When I worked a twelve-hour overnight shift this past Thursday at a medical rehabilitation facility, I got into a friendly discussion with a 75-year-old Polish man who happened to have lived in areas of the town I was born and raised in many years ago.

We reminisced about things then had gotten on the subject of black people who occupied residence in the area at the time and how most of them were low scale.

The neighborhood I grew up in was once an all-white neighborhood the people started to move out of the area when black people began to move in the area back then. The neighborhood was a beautiful place to live at one time.

I had heard and understood that story when my mother told it to me and other people I ran into acknowledged it.

There is prejudice among people who do not like people of certain races and ethnicities and there is a very good reason.

All black people are not bad, but most are not worth anything and this is coming from an African American female of mixed parentage/heritage.

I was not the average type of black girl/person growing up I spoke articulate and properly, I was very bright, and I did not hold the ignorant mentality that most black people had.

Just because a lot of white people do not like black people does not at all mean that they are racist. Some of them are but not all of them.

There is good and bad in every race or ethnicity, but a lot of black people do tend to be the worst.

I am black and have hated black people for the same reasons other races do. A lot of black people are a turn off- the way they look, act, think, talk. The way they present themselves, their mannerisms are off-putting.

I had problems with a lot of black people growing up because I was not one of them, I was not anything like them.

Black people are jealous of other blacks who are a better quality than they are and they try to pull them down to destroy them.

There are smart black people but rarely are they as bright as white people unless they are mixed with another bloodline. I have heard my mother who is black (with mixed parentage also) state this as well as a white person- but this fact was an obvious one to me.

Of course, I have experienced people who automatically judged me due to my brown skin but once they had gotten to know me it was a different story. It was not me personally, but the negative perception blacks have made on society.

In my life, with most people, it had always been predominantly white people and people of other races who accepted me and treated me kindly in life wanting to see me succeed.

All my life it has been black people who were extremely jealous of me and other blacks of my caliber. They have set out to tarnish our images, ruin our reputation with lies, and hamper our destiny in the most underhanded ways but because I never held their mindset, way of thinking, or essence their actions were in vain- a total waste of time- even if their severely deficient minds will never be able to grasp this reasoning.

Low-scale blacks as well as low-scale people in general like to bring people down to their level or lower.

They try to bring people down to their level because they cannot rise to our higher level of intellect, ability, character, or spiritual consciousness.

As far as I am concerned one of the only reasons Barack Obama was originally elected president is because he was biracial and because a lot of people (mostly men) did not want Hillary Clinton or a woman as president of the United States.

I am not at all insinuating that Barack was not qualified to be president, but even I would not have wanted an average black man in office.

I could be wrong but I think Michelle Obama would have had a good chance to become the first black woman president if she had wanted or decided to run.

Anyhow, for the most part, many black people are undesirable.

A lot of whites do not care when blacks kill one another because they feel they are helping to eliminate their own problem.

I just feel that it is the wrong blacks that end up dying and being killed by the hands of degenerates sometimes.

The ones that need to die are still walking around. They keep having children that should never have been born while there are good, valuable people who are unable to conceive children.

Trash people shoot out kids like crazy and they populate the earth unnecessarily with their undesirable offspring.

I could never stand living around a bunch of black people, going to school with them, or working in an environment with them. They completely turn me off. I only like certain type of blacks.

I have currently lived in a mixed neighborhood  for eleven years now with Caucasians, Korean/Chinese/Japanese and others of Spanish descent. There are not too many black people in comparison- and the energy is wonderful.


When Envy And Jealousy Reign


Jealousy is a very ugly thing.

Haters do not want to hear good things about you. They do not want you to succeed.

They want you to believe the lies they implant because they do not want to acknowledge the truths that radiate in you.

They want to cause doubt in you, they want to downplay the talent and ability within you.

They try to take away from you to give to themselves.

They want to knock you down to build themselves up.

They want the credit for what you deserve that they did not honestly earn.

Do they ever learn?

Haters hate themselves. They feel inadequate and resentful because you possess what they believe they are entitled to have, and that makes them feel small.

It eats them up how you were created to stand tall.

When you do not fall, they wonder why.

If they were in your shoes the treachery in attempts would have made them cry.

You do not need to prove to anyone what you know you already have- so go ahead and laugh.

There is nothing they can do to eliminate the shining light inside of you.

Continue to do what you do.

No matter what they endeavor to do. They will never be able to authenticate their version to resemble you.latoya lawrence 





Living Out One’s Truth: A Healthy Form Of Contentment


In a world where impressions matter to many, truths are what truly mattered to me.

Not projecting a facade of what is acceptable for the sake of being accepted.

I found it impossible for me to put on a disguise as I am not one to be a people pleaser.

There is a time for courtesy, professionalism, diplomacy, and respecting certain boundaries as well as a time when to justifiably cross them.

It is so important to live out one’s truth even if that genuineness and loyalty to self within self-preservation according to one’s own distinct nature causes a reproach within others due to what goes beyond their own comprehension and/or level of discernment.

I have been lied upon, misunderstood, judged for things I have never done, criticized for not being able to be controlled by others, and I have been the object of other people’s vicious gossip, envy and jealousy just like many other people of substance in life have.

All other people’s negativity did was cause me to become further resilient and despise and look down upon these individuals more than I already had beforehand.

As one who is extremely stubborn no one can make me do anything I do not want to do, and no one can stop me from doing anything that I want to do.

I have noticed an innate force within me that refused to allow me to be deterred from possessing the essential liberty that is instilled within me to express and prevail.

I was naturally inspired to continue to move forward unaffected.

Permitting others, the opportunity to dictate or restrict one’s path and future out of fear/intimidation or discouragement only prevents one’s celestial discovery, steady growth, and ultimate evolution.















We Are Not A Reflection Of What Others Reflect


There are people who often recognize or acknowledge some of us for who they want us to be instead of who we really are.

They form judgements or have preconceived notions based on generalized perceptions of what they believe we represent through our perceived lifestyle, words, or manner of bearing in which we conduct ourselves.

Some conclusions that others draw may be accurate, partially accurate or just plain wrong altogether.

One cannot be genuinely defined according to conjecture, hearsay, rumor, false assumption or a standard of what one is familiar with and/or accustomed to.

So many factors, shape, make up and contribute to diverse individuals and their behavior.

As soon as one behaves or responds contrary to another person’s sense of belief or reasoning, they may become shocked, disappointed, or even critical toward the other person.

This instance is not an illustration that the people or person in question necessarily did something wrong or acted out of character. It is an example of others whose expectation or notion of what they built up within their own way of thinking projecting upon the surface.

I experienced a long time ago (from my childhood on up) how people would put their own insecurities, ignorance, and negativity onto me and others who they differed from or were jealous towards.

I without a doubt knew that their judgment or lack thereof did not coincide with reality.

Their actions and behavior reflected themselves, who they truly were, and had absolutely nothing to do with me!



Poison Penises And Vicious Vaginas


When people think of assault or murder it is usually through the methods of stabbing, shooting, strangling, knocking one out through blunt force trauma, substance/chemical poisoning, and so on.

But voodoo/black magic/witchcraft by tampering to influence or harm people, and the intentional sexual pollutants of bodily fluids are also disgusting forms of crime inflicted on other individuals.

HIV/AIDS has come a long way since originally hitting the scene to become widely known from the late seventies to the early eighties.

There are advanced anti-viral drugs on the market to lower viral load to the point of it almost becoming undetectable or non-detectable considering intercourse with an infected person to be so-called safe sex.

There are plenty of other diseases out there that are transmitted through sexual contact and some venereal diseases that can be caught without having sexual contact with anyone at all.

The problem is not with the diseases themselves but with scandalous people who know they are infected with disease and knowingly pass them on to others freely without any concern or decency.

Some people will intentionally spread their infections out of bitterness with the attitude of “I am dying so I will take others with me”.

People have different reactions and motives for why they do things.

Some just do not care.

Some think if they spread their disease to a person or people that they give the disease to these people will have to stay with them or within their sexual circle (which fittingly does not always transpire).

Some just want others to be in their shoes so that they do not feel alone or awkward within their situation, making the circumstance less uncomfortable within their bearings.

All I can say is that this is a wild dangerous world with a lot of highly disturbed, treacherous, ruthless and just plain immoral people.

There are also plenty of highly upstanding, good-natured, trustworthy and humane people out there in our world.

If people with sense continue to love and respect themselves and be cautious to thoroughly detect who or what they let into their bodies just as one would with any stranger or foreign object that they would let into their home.

Do not let anyone enter without the proper “checks”. Do not let them check in if they do not correctly check out!




Love Spell? Oh No, I Don’t Think So!


I am not going to mention any names but he knows who he is.

Since around Sunday on February 5, 2023 I noticed a few love/attraction/ lust spells tried to be worked upon me.

It began with acknowledgement of the man lusting after me -sexually desiring me- with the attempt to also get me to have a sexual as well as physical attraction to this guy.

Then I began to receive messages that this guy likes me very much.

In the days following, the essence of the love spell relayed to me the other feelings that are intended to sway me.

The motive is to have me like, care for, and possibly fall in love with this guy so I will be drawn to him.

I guess he thinks if he can make me feel this way that I will jump into bed with him.

He thinks that if I have sex with him because of the love spell then walk away from me afterwards that I will somehow be hurt emotionally.

This would be his way of retaliating against me for rejecting him by using an “unnatural” method (love-magic/witchcraft).

I understand that he or his ego may be hurt but witchcraft/black magic/voodoo does not and never has worked on me mentally or emotionally I am far too strong for that.

I am sensitive to energy so I can pick up on the essence and the intent.

I do not understand why some guys have the mentality that they can hurt women by using them for sex.

Every woman is not the same and they do not hold the mentality of being disgraced by negative men who try to humiliate and degrade them in that manner.

There are women who use men for sex too and do not care.

He probably believes in his ignorant mind that I would be hurt the most because I am not the type who goes to bed with anyone at all. So, if he sleeps with me by doing witchcraft then talks badly about me with lies and whatever other stupid games he would be avenged.

He is sick in my opinion.

Love spells should not be done at all- but if they are done- at least people should do them with good/honest intentions instead of selfish ones that intend to hurt others just to have one’s way with them.

Aside from all that, witchcraft/black magic/voodoo is real even if certain people do not believe that it works.

The supernatural instance does not affect everyone but a lot of people do become under the influence of it. If witchcraft/black magic/voodoo does not work on a person mentally, emotionally or physically it can work on them spiritually or materially- through finances and other means.

No matter what, God is always stronger than the devil that is why I am continuously kept aware. I am so grateful and thankful to the Lord for looking out and keeping me protected.

I remember years ago another guy worked a love spell on me to try to get me to love, marry him, and have babies with him.

I do not like people who do these things with ulterior motives to suit themselves, especially against another person’s will.

Why want someone who does not want you back? There is a world full of people on the planet.

What is important is that for people who are interested in relationships to find one’s who are best suited for them.

Right now, with the current guy, I find this action of his kind of exciting as I wonder how much further he will go. I even have a smile on my face at this love spell.

I am a fierce spiritual warrior and I am ready for the battle that God will take care of!





A Guy I Will Never Want Or Desire

Michael Gonzalez and his funky armpits.


I am a very honest, straightforward person. If I say or write something it is because it is the truth, what I really think or believe, or suspect is possible.

Never do I or have I ever intentionally expressed anything under false pretense.

Some people may not understand what I mean or where I come from at times- depending on who it is- because I am a very deep, intelligent, and spiritual awake person.

Nevertheless, I speak my mind and am led by spirit to fulfill my purposes. I do know what I am talking about when I speak on things.

I am a forty-seven-year-old female who often gets mistaken for someone in her twenties or thirties. I have never really looked my age in body or in the face.

I even have a young sounding voice when I speak.

I have attracted men of all ages- young and old within the past.

When I was in my thirties eighteen-year-old guys were attracted to me, when I was in my twenties forty and fifty-year-old men were attracted to me.

It never made a difference. To each his or her own I never received any personal gratification from this attention I never wanted it.

Some men found me to be a challenge that they wanted to conquer. Some men just genuinely wanted to be with me because they liked me for my mind, and I was not like the average female once they got to know me a little.

I never placed value on myself based on whether a man approved or desired me. I have never suffered from low self-esteem and have never needed anyone to validate me or to build my assurance.

Self- confidence, self-love, and self-worth are things produced within me. No one gave it to me, and no one can take it away. Everyone should feel this way.

I have no interest in romantic relationships, I am asexual and proud.

Now I want to discuss this issue about Michael Gonzalez because I am being led to by spirit.

As I am a highly spiritually inclined individual I feel and keenly discern people’s energy.

Whenever a man, especially men who are of a negative disposition are attracted, or interested in me- I can feel them, their thoughts, and I can accurately sense things in relation to them in a timely frame.

Michael is an ex-coworker of mine who had, and who still has a “crush” on me. It is nothing serious, but it is annoying.

From the first moment I laid eyes on Michael, I did not find him to be attractive.

He is not a cute guy, and he is not handsome as far as I am concerned. A friend of mine had saw a photo of him and said that he was not attractive to her also but that he seems to think that he is something. Maybe there are low-scale females who find him attractive, however, I do not and never will.

I was very insulted when Michael reflected his insecurities onto me while we worked together by entertaining the ridiculous idea that I could be attracted or interested in him.

I told Michael to his face that I could not stand him, but his inflated ego did not want to believe or accept it even though deep down inside he knew it was the truth.

He even profiled in front of me one day on the job by trying to show off his body that was not appealing to me whatsoever. He got down onto the floor to demonstrate push-ups. The incident turned me off.

The more I had got to know Michael the more I disliked him.

When some men try to impress women, push themselves on them, or try to flaunt themselves when they mistakenly assume that the female likes them, they do not realize how much they make a fool of themselves. It is very off-putting.

When I was younger there were guys (usually low-scale guys because guys of substance do not behave in this manner) who would get angry at me for not wanting them and in return tell lies about me.

There were three who were a problem.

Two lied and said I was involved with them and all three wanted people to believe that I slept with them or had feelings for them- all to make themselves appear big in the eyes of their peers. And, to also try to bring me down since I thought too highly of myself to desire or to be with anyone like them.

Neither one of these guys were desirable they were used to low-scale women such as themselves falling all over them and making a fuss over them due to their own bouts of low self-esteem.

Someone like me, who was of substance and class, added an extra blow to the bruise they received to their egos when they got hurt and rejected by me.

Of course, their efforts did not work so they joined in with the effort to work Brujeria (Black magic/Santeria) on me to try to make me look bad within the public eye, however, I was still too strong, and I successfully defeated all of them at their own game. On top of it, karma came back and destroyed all three of them. One even ended up dead years ago from his negative lifestyle.

No one can bring me down as I never cared what anybody said or thought about me.

I did not have time for that type of bullshit then, and I do not tolerate it now.

Michael is not at all drastic to that extreme his nonsense is mild in comparison, yet still an act of ridiculous nonsense.

With all the serious things going on in the world Michael is hung up on the fact that he cannot attain me.

He would rather believe that I really do have feelings for him and am just fighting it, or that I am playing hard to get, or whatever other delusional bullshit that men feed themselves instead of facing the truth over dealing with reality.

Michael needs to forget about me and realize that a woman of my level and caliber would never be interested or attracted to him.

Michael has a lot of negative energy. He has a very low vibration.

I am a positive person I exude from a very high vibration.

What I also believe is a part of Michael’s insecurities stem from his background of being morbidly obese.

Maybe after he lost weight, he feels he needs something to prove and is overcompensating.

He needs women to be interested or attracted to him to feel like a big man. I just wish he would find some other female to win over to measure or to prove his false sense of pride.

The other women he has been with are easy tramps. He feels if he can get me then he can get anybody. I should in a way take this instance as a compliment, but I am not flattered by it, I am disgusted.

To me, Michael will always be a small, unworthy, pretentious smelly fish swimming in a dirty pond.

I am not trying to be mean I just do not understand the sickness behind and within certain men and women (because there are deceitful, trouble-making women too) who cannot deal with rejection.

A healthy-minded person does not occupy themself with stupid shit like this.


What Does Love Have To Do With It?


There was a ridiculous double standard I used to hear when I was growing up, one that I knew definitely was not true because I myself naturally did not hold this particular stance.

I used to hear how, when it came to intercourse, how, for females, it would take emotion to be involved for her to become engaged, or that, after a sexual encounter, she would become emotionally attached.

Such a bunch of sexists, insulting nonsense!

I am not saying to hop around for the hell of it for those who burn with lust or the occasional desire for some to have sex, or to have sex for the sole purpose of having a child- as I once considered just using a man to conceive a baby many years ago without any commitment or affection on my part.

What I am saying as a fact is that for a “Virgin” or a woman who is constantly sexually active, or that has been sexually active not too often, she does not necessarily have to have any interest at all in a particular man for her to be able to have sex with him.

It does not mean that she cares for him, and it definitely does not mean that she has any love for him.

Sex and love have nothing to do with one another. They are both two separate things.

Women can have sex with men without having any type of attraction or feelings for them- and without any guilt.

I definitely know this all for a fact.

Some men may not have understood or wanted to have accepted this reality because they were always stereotypically viewed as the ones who primarily used women to get what they wanted. So, it was too much of a bruise to the ego.

Truth is, as it is more out in the open these days- though there are still some with ignorant concepts- it works both ways.

There are men who become emotionally attached through sex whereas others do not, and vice-versa with certain women.

Some men or women do have to have feelings for someone before they go to bed with them.

A woman who has sex with a man who she does not love or care for does not make her a whore either, because there are many different types of circumstances that take place within situations.

Men who are whorish do not normally get called the undesirable whores that they truly are by the majority of society.

There are married couples without love within a marriage. To each his or her own.

Yes, when it comes to God, he intended for intercourse to be between couples tied together through wedlock. Anything outside of this is wrong or immoral to God. He also intended true consideration and dedication to each other. That is why marriage was not to be entered into lightly.

However, we all have our own free-will, gifts, and characteristics.

Some of us are asexual and are completely not into sex. Asexuality is not a sin. Some of us do not want to ever get married. Some want a loving, faithful, life-long relationship. Some just want to run around or have sex without strings attached.

There are possible consequences to actions sometimes, such as venereal disease, crazy people with fatal attractions, violent confrontations over cheating, unwanted pregnancies.

Some of these incidents even take place with married couples.

This is a crazy-mixed up world.

I, as a woman, personally wished that there was no such thing as sexual intercourse and that, as a woman, I would be able to conceive a child naturally on my own if I ever decided to (although I did not or would not want any children at this time in my life- but if I ever had a long time ago). I feel I should not have to share my vagina with anyone, and I know I did not ever have to, my vagina belongs to me.

A little note: There is an actual fish in creation that is by nature able to conceive offspring on its own without the fertilization from a male counterpart.


Pathetic People: Stupid Type Of Men And Women


I never understood why some women fight over men. Especially when the men do not look like anything.

A man is nothing to fight over and a man is nothing to get hurt over. Yet not everyone shares my mentality, self-love, confidence, strength, self-worth or natural disinterest in men.

There are men who purposely try to make women jealous to gain attention for themselves. It strokes this type of man’s ego for a sign that the woman cares, is attracted, or has feelings for him.

There can be a woman who does not even want the man and he will use another woman who is interested in him to start trouble with the woman who does not want anything to do with him.

Men who behave within this manner are ignorant and immature.

When certain men cheat on women instead of the women getting angry at and/or attacking the other woman they should go after the man responsible for creating whatever drama.

Some individuals are so backward and twisted.

There were men who liked me, would get jealous over another man being around me and, I did not want either one of them.

I did not find the jealousy flattering at all- it was a complete turn off!




The Truth About Church


Earlier in the week, I forgot which exact day, I was standing on a long line waiting to catch a bus home.

Two young females who looked to be in their twenties were scoping out individuals who stood on the line to approach.

One of the women came up to me and directly asked, “You want to come to my church?”

I said, “No”.

She then moved on to someone else she felt comfortable enough to go up to.

I watched as the other female asked a guy down on line the same question I was asked while he also gave her a “no”.

The lady who came up to me wore a name tag just like most of those with the Church of the Latter Day Saints.

A great deal of the people who attend church in general are nothing but devils and hypocrites.

Some are even brainwashed or sick-minded.

There is nothing wrong with church itself. It is good if one is able to find a church they connect with. There is negativity and positivity in every place, however, going to church does not verify a person who has a genuine regard, relationship or loyalty toward God or spirituality.

It is about what is truly within one’s heart, mind, and soul- not where they sit at every Sunday or other day inside of a church.

A lot of us already have a natural tendency- a propensity to lean and be led toward our creator in the individual way and path directed within our own distinction. God knows how to reach those who are apt to reach back.

As many ignorantly judge others based on their own personal reflections or flaws, God and those who are enveloped by him judge by truth, and the spirit of discernment.

It can be the least one would expect who is the closest to God.

The ones who are the farthest from God can have the appearance of godliness but no godliness is within them. They are full of filth, dirt and deceit.

A church is the house of God. A house of God is not a physical building. It is an internal building that firmly houses one.- latoya lawrence







This Immigration And Asylum Issue


We already have too many people over here within this country as it is.

We have people here who do not have jobs, people who are homeless.

The government needs to take care of the people who are already here instead of allowing others to come over here to add to more problems.

Why not put effort into helping those in need here who are at risk and just lack the opportunity that can be given if permitted the chance.

But no! The government along with these self-serving politicians are just looking out for themselves to gets votes, to get recognition/prestige, to get into higher positions of power.

They do not genuinely care about us native citizens. It is all about carrying out plans that seem to progress foreigners when it is really a trade-off to further the government’s unscrupulous agendas.

The people coming over here are going to need steady employment, sufficient income, a secure place to live and etc…. Plenty of things that people here in America need and do not have.

Like I said, take care of the people already here before letting immigrants unnecessarily invade on us and cause us more trouble.

Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders


In my younger days men always chased after me whether they were single, had girlfriends, or even wives it didn’t matter.

A lot of guys liked me, not because all were just interested in sex, they genuinely liked me as a person. They enjoyed my conversation; they were intrigued by my uniqueness.

I had male as well as female associates. Sometimes I even got along better with certain males than I did with females.

Men shared wild and intimate secrets with me. They’d have girlfriends or wives while having other women on the side and etc….

I was upfront with them letting them know that they would never get into my panties.

I had some that were glad I was the way that I was even though it was a bruise to their ego. Some were envious of me, some resented me, some didn’t care- I did not care either.

No one could take advantage of me, no one could get over on me. Everything I did was on my terms or to my advantage. I was never the emotional lovey-dovey type of female. Although I had no problem with expressing how I thought or felt.

I had some very funny and crazy experiences with guys.

There was a neighborhood guy in his fifties that was interested in me when I was in my twenties.

We were sitting in his jeep talking while a crowd of people were there hanging out, talking, enjoying the days of summer.

All of a sudden, he turned the key in the ignition, started the vehicle, and drove around the corner.

I opened the door to the jeep and hopped out as we were halfway down the block (he had not drove too fast as I was able to take a safe leap).

I knew he was going to try to rape me.



When I was out of the jeep he told me to get back in.

I told him no! “Get back into the jeep so that you can rape me and then everybody say that it was my fault for getting back into the jeep?” I spoke.

“Rape?!” He spoke.

This fifty something year old man then got out of his vehicle and literally chased me around the jeep telling me to get back in.

I purposely ran around the jeep to make an ass out of him. Then I walked back down the block to where the rest of the people were. He was nothing to worry about. He was high, hard-up, and frivolously hell-bent.

My mother and I laughed about it later when I told her what had happened “He was going to get him some ass, huh?!” She relayed back in truth and humor.

My mother acknowledged to me that I was lucky the man didn’t have power-locks in his jeep.

Rape is a serious crime and no laughing matter; however, this man was nothing to take serious in my situation I was in no further danger. I was well-known in the neighborhood; people knew him and what he was about. He definitely knew better. I was a hangout partner with his sister whom he didn’t get along too well with.

This man and I ran into one another weeks later as I were on my way to the store, he was parked on the corner and called me over to the car.

I brought up the prior incident.

“Rape?!” He said like the suggestion I made was preposterous in order to through me off. He wanted to make me feel foolish. Of course, it did not work.

“There is too much pussy out here to rape”, he added out of anger.

When I did not back down and insisted on what he aimed to do he exclaimed, “I don’t want you!”

Then he admitted that by his last words he was just trying to hurt my feelings.

“My feelings are not hurt”, I expressed. “Why would I care if you want me or not?”

“Yeah, that could be true. You women can be cold”, he expressed back in return.

I, LaToya did not understand this man’s mentality at all. I did not understand the ignorance.

When I told a male associate the story he automatically knew instinctively as he addressed to me, “He was going to rape you”.

Months later, the fifty-year-old man’s sister came to me and told me that another female came to her and told her that her brother tried to rape her too. I and this other targeted girl did not personally know one another but I had seen her in the neighborhood before.

In return, the sister told the girl that she had heard about it before (through me but she did not tell the girl where she heard about it from).

The man’s sister told me that her brother trying to rape this other woman was not relevant because of her notorious promiscuous sexual behavior.

I disagree.

As far as I am concerned, even a prostitute does not deserve to be raped even though she may be asking for it depending on her situation.

If a woman does not consent to having sex, then no man has the right to force himself on the woman regardless of her sexual history.

Rape is an act of violence and control.





The Company One Keeps


As a sojourner I continue to listen to God over listening and trusting in the world

I will never stop learning, growing and being made into the individual that he created me to be.

We who live in spirit should constantly beware and be wise.

I was always careful who I associated myself with.

I had no desire to be bothered or to allow just anyone into my circle.

Of course, everyone who comes into our lives are not meant to stay, they do not always have our best interest.

Some who mean us well are not always meant to stay either yet God may allow them to cross our paths as stones to step upon.

I have known these truths early on within life and it had done me a great service to heed warnings, to recognize red flags, and to appreciate whatever enlightenment there was to receive or uncover upon my journey.





Really Good People Are Hard To Come By: I Have Been Lucky To Be In The Company Of The Well-Suited From Time To Time


This is a huge world with all types of people.

All of us are not going to take to, connect with, or get along with every single person we encounter or come across within this lifetime.

Nevertheless, I have really met and dealt with some people who have treated me with sincerity, reasonableness, kindness, and generosity.

Intelligent people who I could have deep meaningful discussions with.

People who I could just chill and laugh with.

It is nice to still know with all of the fucked-up people in this society that there are and will always be others out there who are compatible with us even if we are all outnumbered by the rest of the assholes out there!







Go Away Michael, No One Is Thinking About You!

Michael is scared because he knows he is guilty.

It has been a month now. Yet Michael is still coming to my blog worried about what I write, I have proof (he is a big troublemaker).

He started with me on the job then when I quit he gets a stink bitch who has never met me to lie and say I was fired?

He can dish shit out but he cannot take it. Then wants to pretend he is a victim.

Go away and move on with your life already- but obviously you really don’t have a life. A thirty-five year old guy who is going on thirty-six this month who does nothing but sit around all day on his fluctuating fat ass playing video games- such a retard!

You are not important enough for anyone to write about- however, since this is what you are looking for here is one last post about you. Drive yourself crazy looking for it!

Farewell asshole. Don’t come back to my blog anymore.

Whore Bitch

Tiffany is a ugly dopefiend-looking bitch.

This skanky whore needed her ass kicked for lying on me. With her smelly crotch/funky coochie.





Principalities Disguised Within People: The Devil’s Playground


Yes, there are people in this world who are actually demonic themselves, nevertheless, the devil often uses or works through negative people in order to distract us or to cause conflict and confusion.

The devil will even manifest in people who claim to be Christian or followers of God.

When we are of the light attacks will always come against us yet we have authority over evil and are equipped for the challenges.

Remember, the Lord fights our battles, and when we come up against those who are tools for the devil we are not affected.

The darkness can never overpower the light as I have said so many times before.

Don’t Judge A Book By The Cover: Looks Can Be Deceiving


I am very youthful within appearance and I am soft-spoken.

Many think I am younger than what I am. Even when I was in my twenties and thirties, I was either mistaken for a teenager or other than the age that I actually was.

I turned forty-seven this past spring and I still have a young-looking face, body, and young-sounding voice.

I am not at all complaining, however, some ignorant people misjudge me by my appearance.

I don’t take it personal (it is not a reflection of me but of them and their lack of experience or diversity) yet I get tired of it.

As a younger person I was never the naive, silly or vulnerable type. I was wise beyond my years and spunky.

People were often shocked at the knowledge, strength, and understanding I had at an early age.

All young people are not dumb and all older people do not possess wisdom. And vice-versa. It all depends on the individual. I have always been an open-minded person.

I am not one to be underestimated and I am not one to be played with.

It is funny when certain people think that they can or could destroy me- I turn around to destroy their asses!


Liars And Jealous People Hurt No One But Themselves


Two things in life I could never stand are liars and jealous people.

Some people lie so much to themselves and to others that they are sick enough to believe their own lies.




When Unreasonable Anger Turns Violent


There is far too much violence within the world everywhere.

This is a sick society.

These days people are killing people over their French fries not being served hot enough, or for too much mayonnaise being put onto a sandwich.

I remember back in the eighties where there was a morbid trend of people killing people just for accidentally stepping on their new pair of sneakers.

There was even an incident where a two- or three-year-old kid shot a water pistol at a grown man, and he in return shot and killed the kid. It was the summer, it was very hot, it was just a child, it was only water splashed out from a water-gun and wet clothing would have dried up quickly in the heat- so what was the issue?

I understand anger. Anger is a completely natural and healthy emotion.

However, it is how one handles their anger.

What I mentioned above goes far beyond anger. It touches on the irrational.

People go into rages and kill over the most ridiculous things.

I can see if one has to kill in self-defense or because of something major as in rape and something else justifiable (yet we should never take the law into our own hands) but killing people for stupid shit?


Amazon: An Update


Michael is camouflaging with and through someone online (I have proof) due to the fact that he could put his job in jeopardy by further retaliating against me (so he is doing it in public secretly). They have even tried to contact me on this blog with nonsense (I have proof).

He is not slick at all.

He is trying to provoke me psychologically by continuing to tell lies about me.

He falsely states that I was fired (along with some other nonsense) when it is documented that I indeed quit working for Amazon and I have a written statement from Amazon that I voluntarily left the company so I don’t understand why this moron thinks that I will play into his silly, obnoxious game.

My blogs are a vehicle to exercise and to utilize my talents, to share my knowledge and experience to inform and to inspire. To use my freedom of self-expression within all truth.

I am a writer and I love and enjoy my natural craft. I don’t have to explain anything to anybody and I have no apologies. God has given me many gifts, talents and ability, and I will continue to use and be blessed by them.

I am moved and led totally by spirit. The energy is wonderful and amazing.

My blog is not a platform to trifle back and forth to with idiots who have nothing better to do with their lives than to try to vainly sabotage those who have positive things going on for themselves.

The attempt is actually pathetic, comical, and a waste of time.

I have no interest. I have better and more important things to do.

When one has peace within themself, love, and self-value their heart and mind is set on what is high.

I am a highly “in tune” spiritual person and have a connection with the intangible. The extramundane is nothing to fool around with.

God is in control of everything and I have a deep fulfillment.

I encourage those who it applies to always stand up for what you believe in.

Never let anyone intimidate you or discourage you from doing what is right or from accomplishing your goals.

Have no fear.

Be bold, be courageous, be true to yourself.

Trust in God. Always put him first and watch him move mountains on your behalf.

Always remember that a strong faith sees the invisible, believes the impossible, and receives the incredible!

Sincerely, LaToya Lawrence



Amazon: On My Last Day There

This is what I walked into the day I started my shift hours before I quit working for Amazon (photos are aside and down below).

I was doing mid shift while Jazsity was still there barely finishing her morning shift.

The Amazon Locker Hub was left tacky and unkept as a result of their incompetent employees.

Steven Ellmore the new dim-witted manager that had taken over my team was very insecure, and eager to impress the corporate office or higher ups there at Amazon. When I first met Steven, I knew that he was trouble and that he wasn’t on the level intellectually.

He was in the same category as the certain other undesirables- a nobody trying to be more than what he was while at the same time trying to downgrade another person of substance to make him feel better about himself.

Trash always joins together in an attempt to subdue or remove those who they are inferior to. They do it out of jealousy, maliciousness, or lack of faculty. Many of them are just plain sick.

Steven claimed he had to come all the way over to the Locker Hub because I relayed the words to Jazsity “I am a grown woman. You don’t tell me what to do”, when she as one in the same customer associate position as I was gave me an order (being bossy). Steven classified the insignificant event as an “incident” (nothing but a bullshit head game).

If he came all the way there for my words and not due to the mess all over the floor then he needed a mental evaluation. He knew what he really came there for, but that is what trash do they scheme, they manipulate the situation, and try to lie their way out of a circumstance by scapegoating their target. The only thing these people are professional in is being devious.

Many of them are unable to succeed honestly and resort to underhanded tactics in order to obtain or maintain their desires. It aggravates and makes them uncomfortable to observe those with true capability who could go far within life naturally.

I am sure Jazsity poured it on with her fabrications and exaggerations as to the reason she stepped away and left me to attend to busy crowds of customers.

Steven claimed she stepped away to call him. When I called him, I continued on with my work. She sat on her nasty fat ass until he brought his useless ass over to the Hub. Oh-but I am sure Jazsity had good reason since she was avoiding an imaginary confrontation as they planned to label me as the bad one.

These people know what they are doing and are aware when they have been exposed nevertheless, they of course deny their actions and pretend they are not at fault to those who are in the dark or to those who are not sharp enough to perceive.

I don’t give a fuck what people think I never have. I don’t have to put on a show I live in reality.

I am an expert with people of this nature I know all about them and how they operate.

The thing about it is- is that I have a gift.

So, no one can play with my mind. I will always be steps ahead of people like them watching them get caught up into the traps that they set out for others.

P.S. There are some good, functional employees who work there at Amazon, just like anywhere else, however, the negative ones tend to fuck up things for others wherever they go.


The Truth Always Comes Out


People don’t like it when you’re too smart and can sense things about individuals that other people can’t sense.

A lot of people refuse to accept or deal with the truth.

I pay ignorant people no attention. It does not reflect on me when others lack knowledge and discernment.

I find it especially amusing for anyone who is foolish enough to believe that they can “gaslight” me.

LaToya: Truly Happy And Unique!


I have never been jealous of anybody; however, people have always been jealous of me.

I always had high self-esteem, never influenced or altered by society and its ways.

I was never a part of this world along with the many sick people that inhabit the earth. Thank goodness for that!

Not many people naturally operate within this fashion. I don’t get hurt or affected mentally and emotionally the way average people do because I am too spiritually incline. I am on a higher plane.

A lot of people don’t understand me because I am too deep for them to understand.latoya lawrence 

LaToya: Blessed, Never Stressed!


I am so blessed. Everything within my life is going so well.

I have all of the things that I need, I am not lacking for anything, and I have particular loyal and wonderful people around me who are genuine.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have noticed the luck and protection I continuously have which is really just a result of the high favor that is bestowed upon me by my creator.

I am the daughter of the highest and no one can touch me.

The knowledge, wisdom, confidence and strength that I carry is fierce!

I love myself dearly, I respect myself highly. I am very proud of the individual that I am.

I have lived a clean, meaningful life. I am a good person. I always possessed energy that generated and that radiated at a high vibration.

I have an authentic purity that no one can contaminate or destroy.

I never cared about what people thought or said. I have a mind of my own, no one can control me and no one can stop me from doing anything that I want to do or put my mind to.

I know that I am a very rare and unique individual, I always was and that is what makes me so special and why people who are close to me love me so much.

However, I never needed the acceptance or approval of others to feel good about myself. I have that inner self-assurance and foundation within my true identity as one who is highly gifted.

I never worry about anything.

Everything is always going to turn out okay as it always has because God is the one who is in control and he fights all of my battles. No one on this earth gets away with the negativity they put out.

They will answer for it one way or another whether it is in this life or when they enter into the next (when they die).

We can absolutely take up for ourselves, fight for what we believe in, and express our truths but when it comes to revenge no one will handle it better than the Lord!

Leave it all to God.

We have to laugh at ignorant people and people who do dirt because all they are doing is setting themselves up for their own downfalls. So, continue to be happy, enjoy the peace and authority the Lord gives over us and don’t follow the perversity of this sick world. latoya lawrence.

Amazon: Michael And Jazsity

Michael Gonzalez


Amazon is desperate for reviews so here is mine as one who knows firsthand.  

Amazon will hire anyone including the most shitty and corrupt people.  

I worked at an Amazon Locker Hub for ten months. I just quit today because I was tired of the bullshit going on.  

I have always been a leader, not a follower. I don’t kiss anyone’s ass and I am brutally honest. I have a very strong personality. I was born under the zodiac sign Taurus and people should know better than to mess with good, upstanding people like us.  

We are kind and down to earth, but we are not pushovers and we have ferocious tempers when provoked.  

Today was an interesting day.  

After I quit working at an Amazon Locker my manager informed to me that someone at the Whole Foods where one of the Locker Hubs is located at suspected me of possibly stealing items when I actually paid for them, and I still have my two receipts to show for it.  

It is all the most ridiculous and laughable bullshit!  


Jazsity Lanzot


However, I expected the other bullshit that went down that dealt with an ugly, fat, dumb whore bitch by the name of Jazsity Rose Lanzot. I couldn’t stand this silly bitch the first day I met her when she began to work at Amazon, but I remained polite for the time being.  

She and another low-scale dyke bitch named Ramcy are both no good and were in cahoots and use to gossip about me with Michael Gonzalez.  

I reported this guy Michael who is within a lead position at Amazon. This low-scale piece of trash is very jealous and intimidated by me. I never liked him the first time I met him either.  

He had been trying to retaliate against me to get me fired because I could see right through him. He was also mad because I did not want him. He was attracted to me and didn’t want to accept that the delusion he had of me ever being interested in him would never exist.  

Everybody who knows me knows that I am Asexual and have never desired any man and I never will. If I were interested in guys Michael is the last person on earth that I would give the time of day. He is repulsive in every way, shape, and form.  

Michael tries to be more than what he is when he is a nobody. He is an egotistical, presumptuous narcissist who is a womanizer (he sleeps with prostitutes) and a drug user. I heard that he also has a permanent venereal disease. It may be herpes. He talked about having a girlfriend but I don’t understand who would want him.



Michael is ugly and very undesirable only another low-scale piece of trash would lay down and be with a degenerate like him.  

Jazsity and Michael are both liars. They are very sneaky, very deceptive. I know all about them. No one wants their stink asses. Michael also has these pitted holes on the sides of his face that bleed from time to time and Jazsity’s face is fucked up too!

People like Michael and Jazsity are worthless individuals who cannot go anywhere else within life. They are the types who have a lot of dirt on them and are threatened by people like me who are better than them and who are not afraid of them.  

I only truly respect people of substance.  

I was always an individual who was very smart/intelligent, strong and extremely gifted spiritually. I read people immediately!  

Certain others were always very envious and jealous of my character throughout my life so I can spot people of this nature ten miles away!  

I have a lot of life experience. 

I told Jazsity to her face today exactly what I know her to be as she was running off with her mouth about me. She got her feelings hurt bad as I spoke the truth.  

Jazsity tried to strike back with talking about my mother but she wasted her time. These young, dumb, male and female bitches cannot bother or affect me with their idle utterances. I am far too above and ahead of their level, intellectually and spiritually.  

They are not even on the level.



I really am glad to not be at Amazon anymore. They are not a good company to work for. They do not appreciate quality employees with backbone or integrity.  

I started work for Amazon in September of 2021. It wasn’t a job that I needed to survive with because I was already employed, however, it was a job that I wanted.  

Within the past, I have worked for JC Penney, Bloomingdale’s, Sears, Macy’s, Toys R Us, Burlington Coat Factory, FedEx, I even got hired at a Walmart but it was too far out for me to travel to.  

Aside from retail, I am a published author and a health care professional.  

So, my Amazon job position was one that I am over qualified for and one that I could do far better than with the capabilities that I have, but it was one that I enjoyed. A position that I had fun doing.  

What I observed while working as an Amazon Hub Locker Associate is that the company is more concerned about gathering customer reviews than they are about the true welfare of their employees.  

Amazon does not even care about the type of people they employ just as long as they serve the purpose of maintaining a certain quota for them through their metrics system.  

Amazon does not care about the talent or ability a good worker brings into the environment.  

One can be a poor worker just as long as they put on a show for the customer.  

As I’ve mentioned, I have witnessed a shitty, lazy, unprofessional, lead (Michael Gonzalez) who is not too bright- as well as certain other coworkers who are not sufficient-yet they may just put on a facade to gain positive reviews for themselves.  

Amazon uses these ignorant employees without them realizing that Amazon is just using them to promote and advance the company.  

It is a psychological strategy I discerned and never fell for.  

Management now offers rewards to encourage team members to gain as many reviews as possible by asking customers to take surveys for the service they receive.  

At 6:15 pm throughout the weekday, every Hub Locker Employee has to be on the A-to-Z app to compete for a shift that will complete their flexible work schedule. If one is not quick enough, or if their page doesn’t refresh in enough time, they will miss out on receiving their desired shift.  

The entire ordeal is ludicrous and the many changes going on at Amazon are for the worst instead of for the better.  

I don’t know most of the people who work within the Human Resource department and I definitely cannot speak for all of them, but I definitely can say that Amazon needs better management, and better decision-making.  

Amazon needs to better screen and evaluate employees regardless of their positions whether higher or lower. Amazon also needs to stop regarding the customer as being more valuable than the employee because without the employee there would be no one to serve the customer. 

Age Is No Factor When God Decides To Bless You


I am at the age of forty-six now. However, it did not take me to get a specific age to acquire particular knowledge.

I gained wisdom early on within my youth. I knew what life was about by the age of twelve.

I was born with spiritual and intellectual gifts that made me wise in ways that certain people did not appreciate. Those who were not on the level themselves who gave off negative energy.

I knew things outside the ordinary range, beyond the normal sensory range of contact/area. I had the faculty to perceive things or events in the past, present, and future.

The scientific name for what I was born with is extrasensory perception/clairvoyance.

I have enhanced by learning extra, but I already knew much of what I know now that many people take years to learn through age, and by their own personal experience. Through experience within things some people still do not grasp on correctly and they walk through life with false perception and misrepresentation of life factors.

I had a lot of problems with negative people growing up because I was bright.

However, I do not understand why certain people thought that because they did not know particular things when they were younger that I was not supposed to either while I was at a young age.

People have a tendency to generalize and to reflect their inadequacies or insecurities onto others, especially when the aspect is common to them.

Some people do not want to accept another person who is younger than them to know more or just as much as they do because of ego or reasons of bias.

In fact, I knew more than they did in regard to particular matters within their older age. If I tried to correct an older person when they made an error, or tried to explain where I was coming from, they would react nasty or disdainful.

Not all people reacted within this fashion toward me only a “specific type”.

When I was younger there were positive people who told me and my mother that they were nowhere near the level that we was on when they were at my age.

I have been called unique, rare, strange, brilliant, and crazy (by jealous people). I don’t care. To me, I am just a spiritual person having a human experience continuing to grow on my journey in trusting and understanding my purpose and relationship with God.

I was always ahead of my time, advanced in ways that came without anyone having to teach me.

My mother and I were able to teach ourselves as youngsters. When we went to school, we exceled in the subjects we were strong in.

School did not make us smart, though, we were already adept to begin with.

Yes. One can be self-taught within a lot of things, especially within life experience.

School does not necessarily make one bright.

Education is the process of learning, acquiring knowledge of or skill in something by study, encounter, or being taught. The setting is irrelevant when things are ascertained.

I know plenty of people who attended school who are not smart.

Intelligence is something one is born with.

Knowledge or information is gained, and comes through and within various forms.

It is whether or not one is able to grasp what they learn.

As a person, and as an adult, I have never treated one inferior just because they were younger. I never tried to use my age as a weapon.

Just because one is older does not necessarily make one wiser.

There are young people who can teach an older person something just as there are older people who can teach the young many things.

I don’t consider myself to know everything at all. And I am definitely not the smartest person in the world. I am ahead within the gifts I possess, and I have a lot of knowledge, but I don’t want to know everything. I just know I have a heightened sense and connection to a realm within life that I was always familiar with.

Acknowledging our capabilities is not an expression of conceit or an exaggerated opinion of oneself when one is level-headed and logical. God wants us to be aware of who we are and the things that he equipped within us to have and accomplish to show his glory. Within our ability is a sample of God’s incredibility.

I write this as an encouragement to those who have been mistreated by older folks that have a tendency to manipulate, corrupt, hold-back, or mislead, because they cannot stand to see a younger individual who did not mess up or get caught into the same perils of life they once did.

Instead of being an example to cheer one on, they would rather drag another down as that younger person may have been a reminder of all they could have been, or wanted to be at one time or another in life.

We are blessed with certain gifts that God bestows upon us and some of us are anointed at a very young age.

God makes no mistakes. Do not let anyone tell you what you are not, what you do not know, or what you are not capable of doing.

When God enables us for his intention no one can disable us through attempting to bring about our suspension.





When one has wisdom, and can see through others, some people do not like it.

When we do not like, or do not take to certain others, and prefer to keep our distance from them and not, or no longer associate with them they will react adversely.

It is hard for some to accept or handle the fact that they are at fault within areas that we can discern so they will accuse us or another as being crazy (usually a head- game/gaslighting) or as the one with the problem.

Some people do not think or believe that they are the ones who are trouble.

Circumstances and situations can become complicated when others are not on the level and are not within harmony, or up to par with another person’s wavelength.

Sometimes they might even believe that they are the ones on the higher level due to the denial rooted within their own lack of knowledge within particular areas of life and within themselves.

There are those who will gang up on one when they do not believe they are wrong, especially if there are others who they get along with who share their same mentality.

Often those of a similar mindset no matter how nescient (ignorant), misinformed, condescending, judgmental, or twisted in thinking they may be will get along because they can relate to their own distorted and parochial views that make sense to them.

A lot of these people are deceptive, manipulative, spiteful, petty, envious/jealous, insecure, and unreasonable.

Misery loves company and when they know we are at ease and living in peace they become even bitter.



Spiritual Communication With The Lord

The Lord is so kind. He showed me his care as he does within so many ways.

Yesterday he sent me an unexpected message, answers along with guidance and encouragement to a situation I was sure of, yet had pondered through anyway.

Let not your heart be troubled. Trust in Godand trust also in me“. -John 14: 1 was the Lord’s address to me.

The life of God’s children is not easy; however, we should not be worried or anxious in our hearts. There is no reason for any of us to be troubled if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

We are not to be intimidated or frightened by the devil or by the magnitude of the evil and negativity in this world.

God let me know as a confirmation that it was okay to justifiably erase toxic people from my life without turning back. In fact, that it was a necessary act of spiritual, mental, and emotional cleansing.

We are to rid ourselves of those who speak negativity into our lives, and who try to weigh us down.

Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. The LORD has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster. Proverbs 16: 3


I Am Blessed And Not Stressed

I awoke early this morning and ran a couple of errands. I was having a nice day all day today.

I received a call today from Tina (Ernestine Lawrence) at eleven thirty-seven am. My cell did not ring because I blocked her number. I got an alert because her call was sent straight to voicemail.

I never intended for her to have my number she obtained it when I called her last year because she kept desperately hounding me through Facebook so I got curious as to what her problem was. I knew I should have just kept ignoring her. I had phoned Tina blocking my number back then, but it showed up anyhow.

Anyway, I checked my voicemail at one forty-nine pm. I could hear the twisted and demonic tone within Tina’s voice as she continued to try to harass me. She cannot deal with the fact that I do not want to be bothered with her.

A close friend of my mother’s and I, who have known me since childhood reminded me of how jealous Tina is because I am loved and blessed.

She is lonely and miserable with no love around her.

I have good trustworthy friends and family that she does not know about, yet she has nobody.

Tina is in her sixties and still filled with negativity, nonsense, and silly behavior. It is a shame. What a dark place she is in. My mother had told me a long time ago that she knew Tina was sick ever since early childhood.

I have witnessed Tina’s twistedness most of my life growing up.

The drugs that Tina was on just made her situation even worse. On top of it she has HIV (I don’t know if it has turned into full blown AIDS yet. She has had the infection since the late eighties or early nineties). HIV will mess with a person’s mind too causing cognitive impairments.

I refused to let her ruin or spoil my day. Why should I have given her the power? There is no need. I left a nasty but truthful message back to her in return; however, I will continue to ignore her from now on. It always feels good to not have any contact with toxic people like herself. I never had the time or patience for people like them they are repulsive.

I do not like, love, or care about Tina. All I can do is give her over to God and let him deal with her.

I do not understand why she does not leave me alone and move on with her life.

She has numerous other health problems and should be concerned with taking care of her own affairs instead of being worried about the happy and peaceful life that I am living.

The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Nevertheless, we who are God’s children, have power over the devil. Satan has Tina in the clutches of his hands as he always has. She continues to glorify him by acting a fool.

Like I said, I leave it all within the hands of the Lord. I am filled inside with love, peace, harmony, confidence, and strength. And, no one can take that away.



May God Take Care Of Our Enemies: Vengeance Belongs To Him

I have a very low-scale aunt named Tina (Ernestine Lawrence).

She had always been very jealous of my mother and I, her along with my deceased great-grandmother and uncle.

She had done a lot of dirt throughout the years. She was a drug addict (heroin and cocaine and whatever else she tried).

Tina is dying now though she is still a big liar. She is plagued by guilt yet still does not want to fully admit all the deeds she has done against my mother and I.

I do not care anything about her but she would insist on trying to push herself on me.

My mother and I wanted nothing to do with her, neither did my other aunt.

Tina had the nerve to publicize something about my mother on Facebook to gain sympathy and attention for herself from people my mother and I did not like or care to associate with.

My mother and her did not even get along.

Misery loves company.

Tina has some delusion in her mind that she has taken care of me or needs to take care of me in order to feel worthy and to look important.

I am a grown woman who has worked for sixteen years straight. I pay my own bills in addition to providing for my other aunt.

My mother was the only one in my life to have ever taken care of me as well as her having taken care of other members of our family. Tina has never taken care of anyone.

She needs to go deal with the people who she seeks and needs attention from.

She is jealous and bitter because I always have, and am still living a good, clean, pure life. I am strong, smart, and independent. She could never bring me down.

She needs to go get herself right with God.

And, I know this is not too Christian or polite but, I hope she burns in hell.



A God Who Answers Our Prayers

And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him. -1 John 3:22

I was the target of other people’s witchcraft from a very early age.

As I always had a strong mind there were things my envious and jealous adversaries just couldn’t get me to falsely accept, such as the negative and deceitful thoughts they attempted to place inside my head.

During my teenage years, when trying to manipulate my mind didn’t produce their desired results, they’d try to manipulate my emotions.

One day I just had gotten completely tired as the feelings my adversaries were transmitting through Satanic measures were overwhelmingly annoying. So, I called out to Jesus and expressed my vexation. The Lord responded to me by taking away those demonic influenced interruptions and those particular manipulative feelings never came back again.

I noticed in my early adulthood that God was granting me most of the things I asked him for. The things I didn’t receive, I didn’t need because he only gives us what is best for us.

I also noticed that nothing was too small for God in my requests. Things I may have wanted since childhood he gave to me during my latter years he sets his own perfect time to provide certain things for our benefit.

The Lord gave me things to help me and to make life a little bit more comfortable, expressing his goodness in a fallen world.

I was very strong in prayer and when I look back on how God never ceased at answering me, I realize that I must have developed a close and solid relationship with him. I use to talk to him all of the time.

All of us in Christ need to get into the habit of regularly and continuously talking to God. Not just for things that we may desire but for our vital need for him in our lives.

Talk to him about everything. Share all thoughts (even though God already knows everything about us and what is happening in our lives), concerns and activities. Ask for his direction and help in all things, and never forget to acknowledge how thankful you are for all that he does and continues to do.

In everything we reference to the Lord let it come from sincerity. If you have any doubts and/or fears let him know specifically. Be upfront and ask for his help.

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. -John 14:13

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. -Matthew 7:7