The Body Is The Temple

Make vegetarian pizza with Chao vegan cheese (my choice of cheese if need be)

Plant-based is absolutely the best way to go and I go that way naturally and that diet is also compatible with my blood-type as our blood-types have a lot to do with our distinct personalities (

In the early nineties a little over twenty years ago there was a health food store that I use to go to and purchase vitamins and vegan food from because back then I had stopped eating poultry and seafood altogether along with red meat. I hadn’t eaten red meat since I was about twelve. It was until I turned about eighteen that I would eat poultry and fish here and there and I still do from time to time but I never went back to eating red meat and I never will.

Then I use to head a little further down to Grand Union supermarket to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables-oh, those were the good ole days!

Use only healthy quality soy grounds if able to find it nowadays-Miss LaToya

This particular health food store sold quality products and they had a veggie protein soy grounds item that came in a package inside of a box that didn’t need to be refrigerated. And I use to cook it in a sauce and stuff it inside a pita-like pocket bread and it was so healthy and delicious I don’t see anything like this nowadays.

My mother and one of her friends had ate a meatless veggie burger from there once back then and told me how good that it was I had never ever had a veggie burger until recently.

I had a black bean veggie burger that tasted good and that filled me up as I heated and covered it with Chao brand original creamy vegan cheese slices (the only non dairy cheese that I ever tasted that could actually pass for cheese).

There is not really any good tasting or quality vegan cheese on the market except for Earth Balance vegan white cheddar puffs and Chao-Miss LaToya

“Daiya” vegan cheese slices were the nastiest thing I had ever tasted in my life and the shit had made me sick for a few days. “Tofutti” cheese slices were more on the style of Kraft singles American cheese yet the product still didn’t taste all that hot.

Just because something is labeled vegan or vegetarian doesn’t necessarily mean that it is healthy or nutritious for us it all depends on how the food was processed and manufactured. I don’t trust too many items which is why I do stick to simple fresh foods and grains like broccoli, pineapples, rice and the rest of that yummy stuff that is so very nutritious and healthy but I do like my soy milk by “Silk”, soy ice cream by “So Delicious” and oil and fruit-based buttery spread and white cheddar vegan puffs that is not made from any dairy by “Earth Balance”.

Garlic is one of the most clean and nutritional foods garlic a day will keep the doctor away, and it is also good in keeping evil spirits away-Miss LaToya

Collector’s Items

There is a man that periodically comes into the store where I work at and he prefers that the boxes of his merchandise be within perfect condition as he is a avid collector of a specific toy item.

There are many of us that have a fancy for certain things whether we plan on retaining them for their value later on in life or just for a personal delight and pastime or both.

Whenever I collected items like my Archie comic books-that I still order till this day-it was never with the intent to ever gain any money from them but to always have to keep and to enjoy reading whenever I felt in the mood to.

Photo that I took of my actual Barbie still in her package

When I use to work at JC Penney department store out in Garden City at the Roosevelt field mall about ten or eleven years ago and I use to off an on run to KB toy store and Toys r Us on my meal-break before I’d eat at my favorite restaurants I had purchased over fifty brand new Barbie dolls.

Currently I own well over a hundred of them including the ones that I like from the “Fashionista” selection.

Some of my lovely Barbies that I’ve collected still remain unopened within their boxes until I move into my new and bigger home in the near future where I will make a special gorgeous room to display them all in.

Another photo that I took of my actual Barbie still in her package

I haven’t bought any dolls lately it’s been two months I think now since I haven’t found any in particular that have caught my eye it is one of such of my fabulous hobbies that I enjoy though.

Two of the biggest loves of my youth-Puppies/Dogs and Barbie are still the loves that I share to this very today.

Full photo that I took of my actual Barbie still in her package

My very first full breed German Shepherd puppy that was named “Brownie” that I didn’t have for very long didn’t touch any of my toys but my second baby “Brandie” my beautiful mixed Shepherd/Collie breed that was seven to eight weeks old at the time tore up all of my Barbies and bit up the wire to my Atari set and certain other toys as little puppies often love to chew on things, the little sneak had waited until I went to sleep before she went to town on my playthings, nevertheless, I loved my puppy madly!