My Lifestyle Delights!

cupsI am free today and I have the entire weekend off and I am thrilled that I am in the mood to write today and my mind is on my taste buds and how I have been able to grocery shop and continue to find my favorite foods that go in accordance to my vegetarian lifestyle and that were available on the shelves.

I barely eat unless it is within my strict categories of quality and preference.

During and through out the last past three weeks up until now I had bought and fried some fresh whiting that had went deliciously well with my favorite Uncle Ben’s white rice. I also had bought fresh Perdue chicken wingettes and skinless chicken breast tenderloins to also go with my tasty white rice.

I indulged in preparing and eating both Mueller’s and Ronzoni thin spaghetti noodles that I heated and covered in a “Combo” flavored Prego sauce, a sauce with a distinctly delicious taste that is loaded with chunky garden vegetables that blends in entirely well with chopped carrots, zucchini, tomato, onions, green peppers, celery, garlic and spices.

babyI bought out all of the pouches of Betty Crocker corn bread/corn muffin mix that I made with pouring and stirring in my favorite Silk very vanilla soy milk so that I won’t run out of the product any time soon because every time I would go into the supermarket it was always sold out so I beat others to it this time!

And I caught the Cabot brand Monterey Jack cheese on sale and I eat that cheese because not only is it high quality but it is not made with any type of animal rennet just vegetable, and I grilled it over my Thomas English muffins.

I hadn’t really eaten cheese in about two whole years and I don’t eat it too often anymore like I use to yet when I do it is only natural cheeses (mozzarella, swiss and monterey jack) that contain vegetable/plant rennet.

I’ve had my chunks of whole watermelon that I usually eat with a spoon already for this year that I had brought when I got home in the morning-along with my other fresh fruit salads that I’d pick up and buy on the way to work to take to my overnight shifts to snack on.

saucers and cupWe have to live and do what makes us happy and although it is nice to go out to eat once in a while if one can trust the outside service and their sanitary practices there is nothing that is more satisfying than cooking and eating one’s own freshly bought and managed foods.

Like I have said before, to me, home cooking tastes far better than restaurant cooking and it is much cleaner and healthier because you know exactly how it is being prepared and served.

Only The Strong Survive And Only The Wise Surpass

tea for twoLife within this physical world in general is not always such a very pleasant experience to undergo.

However, those of us who are shaped for endurance and that are able to withstand many of the turbulent of trials and tribulations that have been caused or brought on by other unsavory individuals as well as by the negative and inevitable forces that rotate and that vibrate amid the universe and which that inhabit the planet instinctively come to recognize how to sustain even within the most unimaginable of circumstances.

How many times have those of us in particular went and got through something that we didn’t think or know that we could actually handle just to look back and declare that we didn’t understand how we had indeed done it?

In actuality though, we do understand how we stood, maintained, and overcame due to our state of “consciousness” if we are truly awake and if we are grounded and have a stable foundation. And we know that again when the time comes we will still be able to bravely face and bear whatever it is that is ready to take us on.

Each period of and during our challenges we grow and become even more confident and courageous knowing and believing that no matter what the situation may turn out to be whether it is expected or unexpected that it will work out for our benefit instead of within our failure.

It is within the strength and the way of the elevated mind and the spirit, having a genuine peace of mind and peace within spirit also allows one to tolerate and persevere with an ease and unaffected state of being that others whom are “asleep” would not understand and/or not be able to do.

I’ve been told how good of a person that I am and I know that I am that is why I have gotten attacked from an early age and why most people that are good by nature have it hard by others.

It is only when you are truly good and there is not so many of us out there anymore yet we cannot define ourselves by how others see us because good to us can mean bad to someone else but that would not exactly make us bad people. We are just reminders to the bad how bad they really are that is why they have to try too hard to make us look so bad.

No one is obligated, nevertheless, the good need to look out for the good and I have helped so many people all over the world without even intending to and without even realizing it just by staying real, expressing myself, and sharing my experiences!

magicSymptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic by misslatoya

kindu said 6 days ago

Hello Miss latoya,
I am so thankful to you for enlightening me.
When i feel sad about what i went thru, then i suddenly want revenge. At the bottom of my heart i feel i should wait and see how god will punish them. But sometimes i get impatient.
I will need more time to feel comfortable about it.
If you don’t mind, may i send you my ex-bf and my cousin sister’s picture? If you could tell me why they are after me, and what are they up to? Kindly send me your email id please.

I have never meet a person like you online. So far all the people i meet didn’t bother to answer my questions. You are a very kind person. I feel very comfortable to share my problems with you. Thanks alot.


You said 6 days ago

Whether you feel sad or angry about the things that you were wrongly and unnecessarily put through your thoughts and feelings in regard to wanting revenge are very normal and justifiable, and it is nothing at all for you to feel guilty or ashamed about.

It is very logical and understandable.

And you deciding within your heart to wait for a higher power within it’s own time to take care of your enemies and work on your behalf and on the behalf of anyone else that these people may have wronged just shows that you are a person of good-nature who wants to go about doing things the right way as you see fit to how you see is right through your own morals or state of well-being and that is very commendable.

You will be blessed.

You’re just a person of upstanding character with positive intentions who wants to see the people get back what they deserve and believe me they will even though it probably doesn’t seem like it because it often seems as if the evil people get away with everything while the good people continue to be put through many different unwanted challenges but it just makes us even stronger and much wiser than we already are.

We grow while the negative people remain stagnant and headed straight to their eventual doom. Believe me, those kind of people are not happy.

If you never feel comfortable about seeking out help to do a ritual for your enemies demise with the help of the universes supernatural energies that is alright do not worry about it let the matter take care of itself naturally.

I am sorry about your experiences with other people online and other spiritual advisers that you may have consulted. It is sad but most are not truly out to help or to relate to one’s situation and circumstances they are not very trustworthy and are just worried and primarily concerned about money and financially profiting/gain most of them don’t even have gifts of insight and if they do their powers are not really that strong or accurate because they are not grounded within depth of purpose and authenticity.

And they are not on the correct side of the podium, meaning that on the outside they display a following of the light when indeed they are just followers of the darkness. Don’t trust too many people out there and don’t believe in many of these so called psychics they are not real they are just liars and manipulators. Don’t give out your money to nobody!

I really hope for you the best and you can email me and I’ll see what I can find out for