Sunday Clouds

Now its completely cloudy again outside but the rain has not yet returned so far. It was beautiful outside earlier today.

I like spending certain days inside while the weather has precipitation it makes the environment distinctly cozy indoors with the blinds slanted and slightly raised with dim lighting shadowing the place.

I need this day of rest and relaxation as I’m constantly on the go with my job so I’m taking the time out to delight within the mix. I worked straight all last week with no weekend off but I had this weekend to make up for it.

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This Sunday Evening

The radio is playing some good old tunes from the seventies and eighties, jam after jam, back to back!

The rain was coming down here in Queens, New York, its finishing up right about now as the sun is partially back into view.

I made a dinner of rice pilaf and shrimp It was delicious. I plan on watching some good old black and white suspense movies later on tonight before I head off to bed.

Tomorrow I’ll spend my scheduled Memorial Day working a holiday shift that I took on and don’t mind doing.

Its all going nice and good I’m genuinely enjoying my day.


A Tortured Soul

My Page Turner by misslatoya

Melissa Campa said 4 hours ago


Melissa Campa

These are lies of demonized souls, go far back as far as you can remember. The first time you felt abandoned or abused whether physically or mentally or sexually. The door was open from that day forward. You see I was just like you even suicidal, literally would negotiate with a voice telling me you’ll never see heaven you already love every day in sin (addicted to pain killers) so if you were to die and kill your self you would go to hell as you would go to hell anyways by the judgment of your sins according to your God! I cried I cut I screamed and then I remembered my dad took me and my brother to church Very young and we went up to the alter with our dad and accept Jesus as our lord and savior. I never knew exactly what I did but I knew I was more Of a threat because of it. The difference between a child of God that has a seed from a young age vs a new age follower or atheist is that the one who was brought up in a Christian home has been to church before has heard the word of God is a threat to the devil because gods word says in (Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.) you see I may not change your mind about God I’ve yelled at God when people I loved died I cursed God for allowing me to get beat my child’s father I was so mad but I still felt like who else do I have. My parents both live their lives and I had it rough growing up from being molested to watching my dad beat my mother while she never fought back and beat on us and because of my father I became so defensive always fighting and protecting the weaker individuals who I saw bullied. But if my mom or dad couldn’t do right by us as children. My dad the same man who hit me and my brother and mom took me to the living god and he placed a seed that seed is in certain chosen people. Jesus said if they hate me they’ll hate you too if the crucified me they will do it you because of ME. Jesus said but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. The devil the demons Satan comes against us threw other people who have been deceived who listened to the suggestions that God did this and its his fault. This whole world is ruled by demons look at the president! I’m not perfect I sin and I may sin again tomorrow I may say the same prayer god forgive you know how it goes but Jesus does because he knew god knew we will never ever be holy we will never get it right! If Jesus came to preach the word right now in this generation he would chose his disciples and they would be former pimps former murders former thief’s former gang members former homeless people former drug dealers and homosexuals. He never would ride around with the people of the church the holy traditional church and hypocrites. He would save the ones from what we see as the worst people he says these people are the first in the kingdom of heaven because basically people like them need more love and god sees the heart and he sees the soul has authority to cast out demons of torment of perversion, abuse and immortality etc. before you click off maybe you already did just give him a chance crawl to him say a few words and then next time maybe stand up to him say a few more words and if you ever feel like nothing is working with the new age practices you still can’t find peace you can’t find healing then run to god surrender in private take baby steps god know we can’t just change over night he knows we will never get it right. He’s not a god of suffering because the Old Testament was of the way the first living people of the world had to be obedient and this why god sent Jesus Christ his word says behold i make all things new. The new commandment I give you is to love each other. If I can suggest maybe listening to deliverance prayers on YouTube with head phones and water. Baby steps pray in private goodnight


In reply to Melissa Campa.

You sound like a very mentally and emotionally disturbed individual and one that isn’t intelligent enough to understand the depth of my writings.

Just because some people don’t like or agree with God and have different viewpoints or perceptions regarding him and his way does not mean that they are suffering, lost, or have been broken in some way. If anything it is quite the opposite and you need to stop being ignorant and closed- minded.

I was born a gifted child and one with the wisdom and knowledge to “see” and “discern”. I’ve experienced a lot of supernatural occurrences and ones that you have no idea exist. I was a happy child there were just some adults and relatives around me who weren’t happy within themselves but it wasn’t everyone.

I’ve never been or walked in your shoes as I’ve never been raped or sexually abused by anyone and I’ve never been mistreated by a parent. “Spiritual essence” in which constantly followed me would never have allowed those vile things to happen. I was lucky and blessed and had natural spiritual protection.

I was raised and brought up in love by a darn good mother and had lots of love given to me by my mother and solicitous attention given to me as well as from certain others that were around me. I was very well taken care of as a child on up that is partly why so many people were jealous of me.

So you’re venting to the wrong person.

I am very happy and fulfilled within myself and have a great peace of mind and what I venerate and believe in suits and serves me very well. Things are working out within my life accordingly and the universe is bringing to me the elements in which I desire.

I have been attacked all through out life by “particular” individuals-along with principalities-for being a good and unique person by those who are not of my caliber and who have a lack of knowledge into things in specific.

Yes, I do agree with one thing you’ve wrote and that is God does concern himself moreover with the negative people but it is not because they’re all sincere within their heart and deceptively mislead and all good people are not hippocrates because we don’t need or have to serve or consult with god to genuinely be of a positive nature or character by his definition.

You’re a tortured soul and you are brainwashed and people who are deeply troubled often incite to bring unnecessary problems to others. Go and get yourself some serious help.